HELP! I Need Pics, Blogs, & Videos of ppl Who BC'd at 12 months Post Relaxer

Ms. Martina

Well-Known Member
Hey y'all! I'm back again lol! I plan to chop in June at my 1 year post relaxer mark. I like looking and BC videos and pics for motivation and excitement for my big day. I am interested in finding pics/videos of people who BC'd at the 1 year mark so I can see how much length they had at that time. I'm trying to get an idea of about how much hair I will have at that point. I know everyone is different, but I would still like to see others for comparison, and also something to look forward

So...if you chopped at 12 months post, can you post pictures of your BC?? If you know of any good fotkis, blogs, or youtube videos of people who chopped at 12 months post, please list those as well.

Thanks :grin: