Vent all you want in this post about anything.


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone. I am glad I found this forum because I would like to vent a little. I don't necessarily need a response unless you want to. But I just have a lot to say and I need someone to say it to. Feel free to vent your own issues if you like...

Ok, that Bi*tch of a husband of mine makes me sick. I hate his a**. He thinks he knows everything and no one is ever right except his a**. Our house is all of a sudden his house. He wants to run the house. Ok then bi*tch if you want to rule the house then you pay all the d*mn bills. I will be happy to stay home and let you rule the house. What do you do that I don't do. We both work full time and split everything down the middle. so the next time you start thinking you run sh*t, remember that. The only reason I am staying with your a** is because I like that fact that you pay half of everything so I can live the life I love. So don't get it twisted bi*tch. So the next time you start thinking I love your dumb a**, remember the last time you got between these legs.. That long? Alright then dumb a**, that should tell you something.

:yay:Ahhhh!! I feel so much better.:lachen:
Hello everyone. I am glad I found this forum because I would like to vent a little. I don't necessarily need a response unless you want to. But I just have a lot to say and I need someone to say it to. Feel free to vent your own issues if you like...

Ok, that Bi*tch of a husband of mine makes me sick. I hate his a**. He thinks he knows everything and no one is ever right except his a**. Our house is all of a sudden his house. He wants to run the house. Ok then bi*tch if you want to rule the house then you pay all the d*mn bills. I will be happy to stay home and let you rule the house. What do you do that I don't do. We both work full time and split everything down the middle. so the next time you start thinking you run sh*t, remember that. The only reason I am staying with your a** is because I like that fact that you pay half of everything so I can live the life I love. So don't get it twisted bi*tch. So the next time you start thinking I love your dumb a**, remember the last time you got between these legs.. That long? Alright then dumb a**, that should tell you something.

:yay:Ahhhh!! I feel so much better.:lachen:

Hello everyone. I am glad I found this forum because I would like to vent a little. I don't necessarily need a response unless you want to. But I just have a lot to say and I need someone to say it to. Feel free to vent your own issues if you like...

Ok, that Bi*tch of a husband of mine makes me sick. I hate his a**. He thinks he knows everything and no one is ever right except his a**. Our house is all of a sudden his house. He wants to run the house. Ok then bi*tch if you want to rule the house then you pay all the d*mn bills. I will be happy to stay home and let you rule the house. What do you do that I don't do. We both work full time and split everything down the middle. so the next time you start thinking you run sh*t, remember that. The only reason I am staying with your a** is because I like that fact that you pay half of everything so I can live the life I love. So don't get it twisted bi*tch. So the next time you start thinking I love your dumb a**, remember the last time you got between these legs.. That long? Alright then dumb a**, that should tell you something.

:yay:Ahhhh!! I feel so much better.:lachen:


Kinky4Agirl -- U got me ova hea dyin....lolololol!!!! Do what it do what it do!
:look: OP, since you are new I just want to prepare you... don't be surprised if a slew of women come in here and tell you to leave your "abusive" husband. OK? :lol:
lmaooo.. now that was FUNNY! You could have hurt his feelings and say it to his face but this way is much safer and he is none the
Thank you OP. I was sitting here drifting off but didn't want any coffee, but your post woke me right the hell up.

That is quite possibly the most life giving rant that I've read on this board.
Ok ladies. Thanks for the responses. But I know there are others out there that feel as I do. This is your time to shine. Say it like it is... you will feel better. I had what I said earlier pent up for years.. You guys are like girlfriends that I never had. Everyone in my life at work or around town have perfect lives and perfect husbands until one day they are divorcing. Yeah right. Go ahead. Tell us how you feel!
Op i appreciate your honest and candid nature---and its good to get things off ya chest sometimesss...

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Cherrypie, No girl I am not chocolate. Click on my name and my previous threads. I am just a lonely woman with no girlfriends and a fu**ed up husband. Oh by the way, I am pms'ng today so that might be a little of it.... lol.
Well I'm glad you got that off your chest because if that was audio to your dh his whole manhood would come crashing down.

My only vent right now is why do I have to change so much of me in order to be found by a decent guy. I may be fat but I don't want a bum type kids,no job,no education,no drive thinking it's ok to and get with me. I may not be a size 5 but damn my worth is much more than being someone's bed warmer.
Lol @ OP!!

My dad was like that with my mom, both worked and split the bills 50-50 but he thought he owned everything.

I remember when I was like 9/10 I got tired of hearing him talk about it so I said "daddy, daddy..since this is your house and you make all the money, why dont you let mommy keep all her money for herself"

he was like



then told me to "mind my business"

my mom was all


Men are funny like that...I was young but just knew he made no sense.

Feel your pain OP !!
I like this thread.

Dude who lives in the townhome down from me. Quit trying to catch my eye, quit trying to holla on the sly, quit timing your mailbox runs with mine, quite commenting every time you see me with my workout clothes on....Nothing about you or your situation is attractive to me.

1-You have a girlfriend..who lives in this townhome with correction, she was in this townhome first with her son and you moved in with her about a year later.

2-Your girlfriend leaves out every morning to go to work, while you are at home messing with your car all day, so she is likely holding down the bills and you have the audacity to try and holla, when you should be thanking your lucky stars this chick is stupid enough to let you live off her.

3-Don't speak to me period. I cannot work on my laptop outside for fear of you trying to come over and strike up convo. And by the way..I am not "chillin"..I work at a real job.
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That vent was hilarious. I'm glad you got that off your chest.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours.Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Ok ladies. Thanks for the responses. But I know there are others out there that feel as I do. This is your time to shine. Say it like it is... you will feel better. I had what I said earlier pent up for years.. You guys are like girlfriends that I never had. Everyone in my life at work or around town have perfect lives and perfect husbands until one day they are divorcing. Yeah right. Go ahead. Tell us how you feel!

Don't get it twisted, they're perfect round these parts too...

That's why most are intrigued by your honesty, we don't get that much round here.

I am officially "Team Kinky4Agirl, I lurves a keep it real chick...My type a girl. :yep:

ETA: @Kinky4Agirl, I likes you round here so keep it light on the language, they will give you the boot.
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I love this thread!!!!!!!!!!!

To my exH who showed the other night driving his wife truck...B**** dont show up to my house and act like we are friends. You heard of my situration bc my sister cant hold hot water. I know you just to be on some nosey a** Sh**t... B**ch I dont want your pity or helping hand. Take you bum a** back home and stop calling me look 10 years older and you dont have a pot to piss in....You really think I want you...hahha your a joke!!!!!!!!