Valentine's Day is in less than a month...


New Member
For those that do celebrate Valentine's Day (and if you don't, please state why):

Single ladies, how are y'all feelin'?
Ladies that are in a relationship, have you planned anything?
Married ladies, what will y'all be doing?

I'm single, I always get a bit sad on Valentine's Day. I usually do something with my other sister who's also single, go eat out or go to the movies.
I love when valentines day comes around...all the stores sell lots of pink, lovey dovey heart shaped things lol...

I don't specifically celebrate valentines day or think it is any more important than any other day....I've been blessed to have been shown expressions of love all thru out the year alot of my life.....and I tend to show express it in different ways on any given day to somebody
Bahumbug lol! Every year I find myself like every major holiday alone. Any other time during the year I have someone except when the good holidays are upon us. So I guess its safe to say I don't celebrate Valentines Day for that specific reason.
I'm single and have never had the opportunity to celebrate Valentine's Day. I hope that one day soon, I will though. I love the pink and red and white everywhere. I think it's so cute. :cry:
I'm single and have never had the opportunity to celebrate Valentine's Day. I hope that one day soon, I will though. I love the pink and red and white everywhere. I think it's so cute. :cry:

Your day will come sooner than expected.
i haven't celebrated v-day in years! LOL...that says a lot...its just another day to me. I think its on a sat. this year, so I'll be in the house catching up on my sleep.

But what i love BEST about the day after....cuz alll the candy is like 85% off. soooo i don't know what ya'll doin on the 14th...but I know where i'll be on the 15th.....C V S. lol
Valentine's Day is my favorite holiday, can't wait! I love V-day, that's probably why I always have a good one. :grin:
Not sure exactly what were going to do yet, I wanna do a group date w/SO family, we shall see.
i haven't celebrated v-day in years! LOL...that says a lot...its just another day to me. I think its on a sat. this year, so I'll be in the house catching up on my sleep.

But what i love BEST about the day after....cuz alll the candy is like 85% off. soooo i don't know what ya'll doin on the 14th...but I know where i'll be on the 15th.....C V S. lol

I usually purchase gifts for my mom and sister and send it to them. And my mom sends me some v-day gifts.

But it just kind of reminds me of how lonely i am. When i go into the stores and see it i think its commercialized and right people should already be doing and showing love to loved ones it shouldnt be one day to make ppl show love. But every year i always end up being alone anyway.

I take myself out or do things for myself that day.
Well I actually dread this holiday every year because I NEVER have someone special to celebrate it with.

I even get madd whenever I go to like CVS and Walgreens and they have the whole isle dedicated to Valentine's Day stuff :wallbash: :lachen:

I have a so-called boyfriend who I doubt will do anythin for me that day(this day will determine if I stay or go) and I'm working. Ughh I just got myself mad.
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I love Valentine's Day!! Ironically I've never really celebrated it (not by choice... by the misfortune of having dated an a-hole:ohwell:) I did have a Valentine last year though, even though we hung out 2 weeks later (LDR), and it wasn't exactly a VDay celebration, it was still very wonderful and memorable. That was one of my best weekends in 2008.

This year, I believe I will be Valentine-less, just like the many years before, but I always look forward to the day. I love the holiday and patiently :)look:) await the day that I will have a nice V-Day-specific celebration:lol:

I want to send some family members VDay cards/gifts though. I think they would like that:)
Sometimes I get emotional....But I'll be going to the middle east to do a valentines day tour so it will be cool to get my mind off of it :yep:
I always make v-day gift bags for all my girl friends with candy, valentines day themed random gifts, and cards/letters letting them know how much I love them and appreciate their friendship. I've done it every year since I was 18 and I get far more joy from that than I do celebrating with a guy, though that's nice as well.
This my first Valentine in 5 years with a sweetheart. I am very excited. I hope I don't go overboard, but I already told him I can be corny at times, so he will know where I am coming from.
I'm single and have never had the opportunity to celebrate Valentine's Day. I hope that one day soon, I will though. I love the pink and red and white everywhere. I think it's so cute. :cry:

I thought I was the only one. I almost broke down in Walgreens the other day! :cry3::cry3::cry3:
When I was single, I'd always order flowers for myself. I felt that if no one else celebrates me...I will.

I am doing a scavenger hunt for DH. I guess we might do dinner. Our one-year anniversary is 9 days later, so we water down V-day.
This will be the first time in a LONG time that I'm actually looking forward to Valentine's day. Our anniversary is also on the 14th. I'm trying not to plan anything really, leaving it all up to him. But I've been dropping hints about what I'd like to do and hopefully he'll catch them and surpass my expectations.
For those that do celebrate Valentine's Day (and if you don't, please state why):

Single ladies, how are y'all feelin'?
Ladies that are in a relationship, have you planned anything?
Married ladies, what will y'all be doing?

I'm single, I always get a bit sad on Valentine's Day. I usually do something with my other sister who's also single, go eat out or go to the movies.

Hi ShaniKeys:hiya:

I'm single and I really want to spend my Valentine's Day with someone special. I'm not going to be terribly devastated if I don't but there is a special guy friend that I recently got back in touch with. I wouldn't mind spending Valentine's Day with him but we'll see...we aren't even in the same state. Whatever happens, I will enjoy the day anyway. I plan on sending flowers to my mom and giving nice cards to my friends and loved ones. It always seems like I'm always single on V-Day. Since it's on a Saturday, I might grab dinner with some single friends for the umpteenth Valentine's Day.:rolleyes:
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Opening night at the Ballet Valentine's weekend, Romeo and Juliet...can't wait!
I am a firm believer of dropping hints.
I told yall, I'm being more proactive and less reactive.

Single ladies, how are y'all feelin'? I'm feeling fine. I still get lonely at times, but it's cool. My prince charming will come when I become his princess after working on me

Valentine's Day will be a fun filled day boo. During the day I'm going shopping in Tupelo with $60-$70. After that I'm going to go out to eat at a nice restaurant. Then I'm going to go to a comedy show with Steve Brown, Benji Brown and some other browns lol (Called Meet the Browns: The Komedy)

After that I'll watch a movie with a friend or alone and take my butt to sleep.
Single lady here...:creatures

I'm feeling ok....:spinning:

There's this dude who wants to get serious with me. :luv2:

Now, if he doesn't give me anything.....:buttkick:
Delete....I forgot this is LHCF. Where ur business is brought it up come a thread in 2011 :lachen:
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Never really got into V-day. I guess i have been single forever so, it doesn't even really cross my mind. and all these years I've had "special friends" i knew better than to expect anything from them. Unlike some of my females friends:nono:. Getting all upset and dramatic bc their "friend" didn't get them anything or take them. I am, however, looking forward to surprising my grandmother w/roses.

Plus, more importantly, my bday is a few days before and i usu always go out and have a nice dinner w/friends and/or family. Definitely looking forward to that.
Ok after reading the thread I think Im going to get my hair done, pedicure, and going to eat at my favorite restaurant with somebody :look: I have what 3 weeks?