Valentine's Day for Him?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! V-day has been coming up and I was just wondering what you guys are doing for your SO/DH's. I'm particually interested in what ladies in new relationships will be doing for their SO (if anything) or if anyone can remember their first V-day with their SO/DF/DH.
I'm baking him a strawberry cake/cupcakes. And I may buy something cute in red (i.e. - lingerie). But I'm not sure what he has planned and, sorry to say, my giving will depend on this :lachen:

What are you thinking about doing?
I don't know...It's only been a month so I won't be wearing anyone's lingerie lol. I wanted to do something simple and nice. Maybe I will make him dessert...I still don't know if he will be in town or not..he's made no mention. I just want to be prepared just in case. If there is no Vday I may be single on february 15 :)
I hear you about the 15th. Cause this year it falls on a weekend.
I plan to make the cake Friday night and I'm expecting flowers, a card, and dinner the next day.
I would just be available. Nothing more, nothing less.

That's what I keep trying to tell myself. Clearly i've never really done this Vday thing before...I'm such a giver (over compensation for being an only child--totally different story) that I dont know how to sit back and just let someone give to me without giving's hard enough for me to let him pay for dinner when we go out :nono:
You walking around looking RiRi #2, you better learn how to sit back and use Vday as an opportunity to do it.
You can give, just not on February 14, 2009.
Save it for a day you are feeling spontaneous and keep it light.
I have no clue what to do for my S.o. either. This will be our 2nd vday but last yr we were just a mth in so we didn't do anything plus we were in a LD relationship so, I'm interested in hearing what every1 says too. I was thinking of baking cupcakes though
Sadly I won't be with my SO on valentines day, he is in Army training so I am hoping that he will be able to just call me and we can talk on valentines day. This will be our very first valentines day as a couple so I want to have some contact with him on that day!
I am glad someone else does not know what else to do.. My new So and I have only been serious for like 2 weeks. Before they we were "Courting". He is very respectful and I am fast.. Like when is he going to kiss me... lol.. Anyway, He said Holidays aren't that major to him. All holidays mean something to me.. So, I do not know if I should just fall back and wait.. Or do something.. I mean I have baked for him several times so that wont be any different.. Jeez.. What to do. I wonder if he doesn't do something for me will I be disappointed?
I don't know...It's only been a month so I won't be wearing anyone's lingerie lol. I wanted to do something simple and nice. Maybe I will make him dessert...I still don't know if he will be in town or not..he's made no mention. I just want to be prepared just in case. If there is no Vday I may be single on february 15 :)

The guy I'm currently dating travels periodically and this weekend was supposed to be a travel weekend. I asked him if he'd even be in town this weekend...because someone else mentioned taking me out for dinner this Saturday. I wanted to give him the opportunity to do so if he was going to be here, if not I would've accepted the other invitation. :look:

He'll be here. :grin:

I say all that to should bring it up. Just ask him if he'll be in town this weekend.
I don't know...It's only been a month so I won't be wearing anyone's lingerie lol. I wanted to do something simple and nice. Maybe I will make him dessert...I still don't know if he will be in town or not..he's made no mention. I just want to be prepared just in case. If there is no Vday I may be single on february 15 :)

Since it's only been a month, I think you doing a dessert for him would be cute.
We are going on our Annual V Day getaway, we always go to Virginia cause it's for lovers, corny I know but that is our Love day tradition and we also have a drawing out of the hat and pick one thing to buy each other.
We are going on our Annual V Day getaway, we always go to Virginia cause it's for lovers, corny I know but that is our Love day tradition and we also have a drawing out of the hat and pick one thing to buy each other.

I don't think that's corny. I think it's sweet.

I like the drawing out of the hat idea.
I'm planning to bake something for him and I have a card, too. Haven't decided about a gift yet
I made him a calendar.It just came Sat.! Hopefully he doesn't find it hidden in my boots

Then, I am cooking a big Fat steak for him and have dinner with candels. I am straightening my hair and getting something red and sezzy. Then, Imma draw him a nice bath and give him a massage.

Gift total=30 bucks! :yep:

Now, I just gotta find a way to get him out of the house for me to do this.
I'm trying to plan a surprise spa day. We planned on going to the museum and then to dinner afterwards. He also said something about walking to the park and exchanging gifts there. Since he made me a card last year (yes, he did ladies :grin:) I'll make him one this year. I'm still trying to figure out a gift for him.
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I want to do something nice, but things I cook/bake would more than likely come out unpleasant. Besides, I expect him to take me to dinner. I wonder if I have to give a "romantic" gift or just any gift, you know. Should it be a personal gift, you know, one tailored to specific things he likes, or more generic like candy or pastries or something? Also I don't want it to be tooo deep and serious, more light hearted.

by chance, as i'm typing, a miller lite commercial came on that says "nothing says 'i love you' like beer" lol.
Neither one of us are big V-day people. Last year we just went to dinner at the Olive Garden and rented a movie this year we won't even be home
My SO is out of town the whole week on business so we're doing Valentines day a couple days late with a nice dinner at Ruth Chris. I still haven't gotten a gift yet and have to figure out something soon.