Valentine's Day-dinner but no gift


Well-Known Member
Let's say you go out to dinner on Vday with a guy you are dating. He takes you to your favorite restaurant but he doesn't give you anything else.

Is this a deal breaker for you? Why or why not?
Nope not for me.....Im not a gung ho valtentines day person and i think it depends on how much of an emphasis one places on that one particular day :look:. For most people that I know whose relationships suck anyway, its kinda funny how when Vday rolls around their problems magically disappear because he got a her a giant big hear, a card, and some candy from walgreens :rolleyes: and then the day after its back to being treated like crappola again :lol: Now not acknowledging it at all would hurt my feelings and I would say something.
ITA with Billz. VDay is not that serious to me b/c you both should be demonstrating love and doing thoughful things year round. And I question the sincerity of a relationship that can fall apart over candy and roses.If the only time I get flowers, candy, or whatever is VDay, then we have a problem, Houston.
To each her own, I guess.
I cant imgine how vday bears n chocolate can ever be a deal breker for me in my relationship. Infact if he did that i would know he knows me very well cause i dont like all that vday malarky but wouldnt mind going for a nice dinner. Im not big on vday either.
Definately not a deal breaker. Women should let guys know what they want if you expect dinner and a gift try hinting to him that you got him one or letting him know that you expect one..but I got to tell you in todays economy try not to expect too much.
No, not a dealbreaker. Taking me out to my favorite restaurant is nice enough in itself.

A little token or gift would certainly be appreciated though.:look:
I think dinner was the Vday gift. Flowers are a nice touch too. For Vday most people do dinner and a movie with MAYBE a card/flowers/chocolate/teddy bear.

Dinner with no gift is not a deal breaker.
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for alot of guys who even make an effort to do n e thing with a woman on that day says a whole lot....appreciate he showed up ..... out when he could of not even done that if he didn't really feel like it

I do feel that when you are with somebody who truly cares about you, they show it in so many ways...I agree with above when somebody can treat somebody like crap all year long and then go all out for v day or a day after they really ****ed up and splurge on lovey dovey gifts and think thats make it okay, which in the grand scheme of things don't mean squat...
Not a deal breaker.
You need to let them know that you're even expecting a separate gift; especially if this is ya'lls first v-day together. Like w/ my SO, I just went ahead and gave him my gift earlier that day :rolleyes: and let him know that I wanted a gift too...just in case he forgot :lol: I got a similiar gift in return as well as dinner and dancing.

I recommend that you mention how you'd like for you all to exchange gifts next time and tell him what kind of gifts. I mean...I'm learning that you really do have to make it plain and say exactly what you want :lol: Cause if you just say gift, you'll probably randomly get a CD or clothes :rolleyes: when really all you wanted was a card, flowers, and stuffed animal.

Oh and a few days before v-day next year you may want to review your request too.
Not a deal breaker either.

I got a non-traditional gift on VDay and it was unexpected, but very sweet.
Frankly, I feel like a card and time spent together is much more important than bears, chocolate, and all that.

I'm not particular about fancy chocolates (I like chocolate from health food stores:look:) and I'm not too big a fan of flowers (though 1 single rose). I hate bears, so I don't need all that.

Time spent together and affection year-round is important. For him, I printed out a picture of us and made it all cute or whatever. I probably wouldn't have done that if it wasn't Vday :lol: since i'm not used to doing that stuff.
This is what I thought as well.

Thanks for responding ladies. Someone told me that dinner without a gift was "effed up". Just wanted to know what you ladies thought.

I kinda thought this too but I realize that the economy is bad. folks may not have it like that. For VDay, I went to a really nice restuarant I wanted to try. It was a great intimate meal. We both are so busy that it was nice having each other's undivided attention. We went out for drinks afterward.
Out to dinner at your favorite restaraunt with the one you love.
Sounds like a great V-day to me.
Not a deal breaker at all.
I cant imgine how vday bears n chocolate can ever be a deal breker for me in my relationship. Infact if he did that i would know he knows me very well cause i dont like all that vday malarky but wouldnt mind going for a nice dinner. Im not big on vday either.
OT: That puppy in your siggy is just ADORABLE!! :love:
To answer the question of the OP... If he usually buys you gifts for Valentine's, then I wouldn't like it. My boyfriend spoils me like that and I wouldn't say anything, but even a single rose would make my day... As a matter of fact, I'll take the rose and let's stay home.
But the dinner itself might be the gift so it depends on the situation.
I got dinner, card, rose for V-Day and that was thoughtful. I still mentioned that gifts are mandatory for x-mas, b-day and v-day for future reference. It may sound b!tchy, but he didn't run away, so I guess he's cool with the idea.
Any man who doesn't know to bring me chocolate is crazy.
That's all I need is some chocolate, Valentine's Day is a good excuse to get it.
Not a dealbreaker for me... Umm I thought you got dinner or a gift. :look: If he's taking me to dinner a card and some flowers or candy will suffice.