Use Up Your Stash 2013 - Session 1

I been studying the toxicity of the ingredients in my home cleaning and personal care products and I'm going Green! I'll be donating much of my stash (the most unhealthy products) to a local group home. And revamping my stash with more earth and body friendly things like Aubrey organics, Darcys etc...
Qhemet Biologic Burdock Root Butter Cream - gone. This should be a staple but will try to finish up other moisturizers before I pick up more.
Hello Ladies,

I just wanted to let you ladies know I will be on a small hiatus until my semester is over. I will be back by April 30, 2013 to start the new thread, if not @ZebraPrintLover please call me. I have got to get on my grind and put my nose to the books. I am cutting off all connection with social medias, so I can put forth all that energy to finishing school with great grades.

I know you ladies will continue to do awesome and I will strive to continue to do so as well.
@faithVA and all the wonderful ladies of this challenge, I will be back :)


I definitely understand. Get your head in the books. Wishing you much success! See you when you get back.
I'm checking in!

I officially suck at this challenge this go round. I've only used up one product and I've purchased 5.

I took my first visit to Trader Joes and I bought 2 bottles of Nourish Spa Conditioner and 1 bottle of tea tree conditioner. Tried the tea trea this weekend and I'm so impressed. Automatic Staple status.

My Ren pomegranate will be heading to the trash. I hate waste but the smell is too overwhelming and it doesn't do a thing for my hair.

There are products under my sink that I'm sick of looking at, so I may do a major overhaul of my list stash soon.
Checking in: used up a jar of Pureology putty :)nono:will not purchase) and a bottle of organix conditioner, :)nono:will not repurchase). Why did I buy these things in the first place?
I haven't used anything up, but I am enjoying playing in my samples.

I did buy some stuff yesterday from Sally's. I didn't have a weekly shampoo, so I bought Hair One Olive Oil. That moves into my staple shampoo slot. I did buy a sample of the Hair One Jojoba. That is for color treated hair so I want to see if that works better.

I desperately needed a protein treatment. So I bought 2 of the ION Reconstructor samples and 2 of the ION Effective Care samples. And I purchased 1 ION intense moisturizer samples.

I like purchasing samples. It allows me to try things without making my stash overwhelming.

I am switching back to cowashing my hair at least 1x a week. So I will be running through products a little faster.
Finished a Mizani moisture fuse and a KeraCare silken shine . I'll update my overall stash at the end of session 1
I picked up 2 things at Wally World, 1 is a staple so I dont feel bad. I will add them to my list......
Wow, I haven't used anything up in this session and I have been doing my hair. A lot of my products have just a few more uses left but since I'm really settling into my staples the rest just sit. I'm going to clarify tomorrow and use some Aphogee protein. I'm thinking of mixing some honey into my whatever DCs and hopefully using them up as my follow-up DC.

I haven't been purchasing much either. The only thing I've been buying are the ORS conditioners packs because the store has been out of the bottles (staple). I haven't updated my list because I use them right away. There's a few products I really want to try but I'm holding off. :yep:

For now. :look:
Made my daughter and her roommate a 2nd product goodie bag. I can see clearer now. My hair and i are going to see what the salon grade products do instead of randomness brought on by someone else. I feels good
I sold almost all Macadamia line,thrown away Samy's 4ever young shampoo .
I haven't bought anything in a couple of months,i really don't feel the need to buy any more conditioners or butters.
darcy's twisting creme is smelling a bit rancid.
One of my kbb cremiliscious started to separate and all my claudie's stash will expire in a few months , I have alot of AV butters to finish up aswell.
No point in buying anything .
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I sold almost all Macadamia line,thrown away Samy's 4ever young shampoo .
I haven't bought anything in a couple of months,i really don't feel the need to buy any more conditioners or butters.
darcy's twisting creme is smelling a bit rancid.
One of my kbb cremiliscious started to separate and all my claudie's stash will expire in a few months , I have alot of AV butters to finish up aswell.
No point in buying anything .

This entire post is the main reason why I do NOT purchase products that have a very short shelf life. They always go rancid on me before I get the opportunity to use them up. I always order very large items because I live outside of the US but that can't work for me anymore buying organic. I find that I can only purchase products that have a lengthy shelf life now.
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Finish a paper early so before I go to class night, I wanted to check in. I have a big feeling I'll be going through quite a bit of my stash ( well quite a bit for me) swimming class has me constantly washing and deep conditioning my hair. Which works because I have the supplies at my disposal, but if my stash should happen to go low, I won't be buying the pricey stuff to replace it. I think by the end of this session, I will have used more than I have in the past year.

I think as a treat for Valentines Day I'll be going to the salon with my stash in hand to get a set.

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My girl tashboog sent me a sample box yesterday, so I have some more samples to add to my stash. She sent me some AOBC, that's a staple. I can't ever have too much of that. hmm, so what was in the box? Nothing I will purchase but a lot of things to help me learn how to M&S my hair.

1. Jane Carter Nourish and Shine... I wouldn't repurchase this but it is going to be fun playing around with.

2. Bee Mine Balancing Moisturizer....Used this tonight. This is water based so I can see how a heavy water based moisturizer works for me.

3. Greg Juice.... Glad to get this. I went through the Frank Juice so fast I have no clue if it works.

4. Deva Curl Set it Free...I've used this before as well.
Happy Valentines Ladies,

I used up a sample of ION effective treatment. I am currently using my Wen Fig, Wen Vanilla mint, Motions moisture plus and Porosity control to keep this mane in order. I need to pamper it lots, especially while it goes through this abuse.
[USER=10041 said:
JJamiah[/USER];17903357]Happy Valentines Ladies,

I used up a sample of ION effective treatment. I am currently using my Wen Fig, Wen Vanilla mint, Motions moisture plus and Porosity control to keep this mane in order. I need to pamper it lots, especially while it goes through this abuse.

How did you like the ION effective treatment? What are your favorite protein treatments?
It took all I had not to buy the Elasta Mango Curly Pudding and the Moisturizer. I kept walking around the store, walking back to the section, picking it up and reading it.

I just couldn't justify buying either when I have 20+ samples to go through. I need to do my due diligence anyway and search the forum for reviews.

Patting myself on the back.

I did by some EON hair, 2 satin bonnets and 3 knit caps.
Used up the ION Reconstructor. I will hold off on any more protein treatments.

Prepooed with the Burt Bees Shiny Hair. Actually have a mix of conditioners in a spray bottle. So when I use it up I will marke it complete.

Comparing some products on different sections of my hair so tried a few samples tonight.

DCd with the Darcy's Pumpkin. Have 1 more use of that. So far haven't found a DC I like better than AO Blue Chamomile.

Then moisturized different sections of my hair with Bee Mine Moisturizer, Deva Curl Set It Free, Komaza Care Coconut Curling Lotion, Komaza Care Califia Leave-In, Oyin Hair Dew and Silk Dreams. Each sample probably has 1 to 2 more uses in it.

I am going to wear twists out for a while so should go through all of these in the next 30 days.
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I got rid of almost 25 products (my family and I have been going Green, meaning no toxic Anything in the house) I'm only buying natural products from now on. I'll finish up some of the non natural stuff that I kept just to have on hand, but I won't be repurchasing any of it. I'll update my stash tomorrow
I got rid of almost 25 products (my family and I have been going Green, meaning no toxic Anything in the house) I'm only buying natural products from now on. I'll finish up some of the non natural stuff that I kept just to have on hand, but I won't be repurchasing any of it. I'll update my stash tomorrow

I ve been through that a few times ,now i avoid especially Parabens and proplylene glycol at all costs. I find Natural products perform way better and actually benefit hair and skin rather than masking problems.
Decided to try and use up one line at a time. Starting with my beloved Nairobi. Sitting dc'ing with the the tingle i think this line will continue to be my hg. Yep

I ve been through that a few times ,now i avoid especially Parabens and proplylene glycol at all costs. I find Natural products perform way better and actually benefit hair and skin rather than masking problems.

I'm loving the natural product world. Everything smells, feels and performs better. IMO:)
fell off the wagon a bit... JCPenny's salon had Mizani on sale... I bought some of the Thermasmooth shampoo & conditioner (never tried it before)... :-/
fell off the wagon a bit... JCPenny's salon had Mizani on sale... I bought some of the Thermasmooth shampoo & conditioner (never tried it before)... :-/

I loved me some thermasmooth! This and Nioxin are the only products my hairdresser would use on me a few years ago... hair was laid!
I bought hemp seed oil and Burt Bee's Nourishing Baby oil last week. I'm getting ready to post some Darcy Botanical's products for sale.
I think I finally have a way to use up the Deva Curl B-Leave-In. I twisted my hair last night with no product. Too lazy to get up and get some. This morning my hair was a bit dry. So looked in my stash and saw the B-Leave-In. Put some in my hand and scrunched it through my hair. My hair seemed to like that. It made my hair feel moisturized, but it didn't cause it to shrink or mess up my curls.

I may put a little in a spray bottle to see if I can use it to twist up my hair at night. After that protein treatment, more and more of my stash is working for me :yay: