Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge pt.5

I hope you are feeling much, much better. That sounds so scary.:getwell:

I also wanted to tell you about the KG as well. I know you just bought like x4 bottles of it recently.

ETA: It's hot here too.:sunshine:

:kiss: Yes love, I'm doing much better now. But I see and understand now how fast we can die. It was very scary for me. I told my family if my heart rate did not calm down in half an hour, they would have to get me to the hospital.

Thankfully, my heart calmed down after wetting myself in cold water. I am so grateful to God for not taking me to my eternal home yesterday. This made me respect my mortality so much more too.
So after having a taste of the W&G life, I want more :look:

Think I'm going to try it out for a few weeks before it gets too hot. My hair shrinks up enough for my ends not to rub on stuff too much so I think I should be okay. I do need to dig out my blow dryer and diffuser because this three day air dry is not the business.
Now to figure out more product combos :scratchchin:
You're so right. When I was in my twenties, it was like nothing to stay outside in my garden all day for days in a row. Now I can't even think it before I get exhausted and run inside for a short break.
Yeah Girl, we gotta listen to our bodies and know when to slow it down and rest. :hand:

Everything don't hafta' be done all at once. :happydance:

That yard and that garden will be there tomorrow.:hug2:
Yes it would :laugh:
I'll add them to the combo list. Not that oil though. My hair is not feeling oils right now for some reason.
You got a bunch of good lotions, spritzes, creams etc... to play around with.:heart3:

Isn't it funny how your hair can love things one moment and then can do without it the next.:drunk:

I go in spurts like that too. I can go from Butters, to Cremes, to Lotions, to Pomades, to Grease OH MY!:giggle:
@Saludable84 @NaturallyATLPCH (and anybody else that was lookin' for her).....:look:

I see Siamese Twists listed more products.:drunk:

Maybe she is slowly coming back.:up:
Thanks @IDareT'sHair but I'm good on Siamese Twists.

When you take a hiatus for whatever reason, family, personal, just because, etc., my replacement instinct kicks in. When that happens, things start working just as well, if not better, than your products.

I understand life happens and I wish her all the best. She has been replaced though.
I totally understand about being replaced.

Unfortunately, many of these vendors don't realize how easy it is to be replaced.

Not talking about Siamese Twists, I'm just "generally speaking" - some folks take things for granted.
I learned the hard way with the vendor Naturally Amari. Those butters were my hair's boo thangs! They were my first HG butters, my first HG line.
Then she just took off with no warning. My hair and soul were crushed.
So that's when I learned you have to have back ups to the back ups to the back ups as far as vendors. I'll whip up some Shea butter or buy a base and make my own before I become New Jack City Pookie dependent on a vendor or product :lachen:.
For you ladies ordering buttas in this heat, how are they holding up? That's one reason I try to hold off on ordering until like late September/early October.
It just really warmed up here. I'll keep my eye out on that.:ohwell:

My Jakeala should be coming soon, but you're right, and make a good point, time to pull back on those.:perplexed:

Now if I can just leave them durn bod.y butta's alone.:help:....:lick:
It just really warmed up here. I'll keep my eye out on that.:ohwell:

My Jakeala should be coming soon, but you're right, and make a good point, time to pull back on those.:perplexed:

Now if I can just leave them durn bod.y butta's alone.:help:....:lick:
They are addictive for me also, especially in the cooler months.
I'd love to see your butta stash, I need to up my game.
For you ladies ordering buttas in this heat, how are they holding up? That's one reason I try to hold off on ordering until like late September/early October.
I stop until it cools down enough around these parts. Part of why I'm grabbing stuff now from places that ship quick before it get ignorant hot around here.

Speaking of, let me mosey over to Komaza and grab some Jojoba Hemp.
I decided to take my BN Moisture Quench Butters and turn them into Bo.dy But.ters:
Sweet Potato

Will save them for Fall.

ETA: I bought BN's "new" Safflower Bod.y But.ter, Doesn't have much of a scent. Put it over in the Fall/Winter pile as well.:ohwell:
Bask and Bloom's Amazon Butta is amazing.
Of Course APB's Hair and BodybButtas are grrrreat also. I want to try her Body Icings.
So after having a taste of the W&G life, I want more :look:

Think I'm going to try it out for a few weeks before it gets too hot. My hair shrinks up enough for my ends not to rub on stuff too much so I think I should be okay. I do need to dig out my blow dryer and diffuser because this three day air dry is not the business.
Now to figure out more product combos :scratchchin:

Teach me.