Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge pt.5

Im into my 4th week with my crochet braids. I moved on the 16th so my place is looking a mess. Im also back on nights at work for awhile , so my schedule is all butt backwards.

The only way Im using up products is BabyJ. Me.. spritz with Xcel 21 and oil with some HBCO.

I just finished up a bottle, 2 backups. I'll be making a purchase this weekend for 6 more bottles and plotting my next protective style.
My combo of Hairveda's Moist PRO and APB's Island Kiwi Leave in was perfect. Yesterday I just wet my hair, used the leave in and finished with Moist PRO as my moisturizer. That went well too. I knew I was gonna come home and do my regular Sunday routine so I didn't cowash. I'm contemplating changing my routine yet again. Right now I cowash everyday except Wednesday and Sundays. I dc and tea rinse on Wednesdays and on Sundays I do my full routine. I'm thinking of just cowashing on Wednesdays and doing the full routine on Sunday. I'll be done with tea rinsing by the end of this month at the latest. Other days I would just wet my hair in the shower and follow with a leave in and moisturizer. I'm doing way too much and I need to stop.