Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge pt.5

Shay Shay and I have determined that SD Wheat Germ Conditioner is playing games. We believe this because today when I finished the bottle my hair looks amazing. We're thinking it got all up in its feelings when I listed the best cowash conditioners and it was not included on the list. In the past it would have been. So I will continue on to this next bottle and we shall see if I can change my top 4 to a top 5.
You and Ms. Shay-Shay is reaaaal some Divas!:giggle:

All this time it "had" been a Regula' Degula' offer and then she goes & makes it a "Seasonal Item":angry2:

She needs to keep it the way it was. I also liked the Amla one. It reminded me of AV's Shea Amla Butter. And the Vanilla one isn't bad either.

The scent of Green Magic got on my nerves.:barf: The Sulfur with whatever else that is? Not a bad product, performance-wise but after a while the scent irked me. (and it lasted)
Hey divas got some packages today so I'm good for a bit. My son was home this week from college so he helped me make some headway in the basement. He'll be taking a box of stuff with him to share with some students he knows, so I don't feel so bad.

I'm prepooing now with jakeala's honey prepoo treatment. The texture of this is weird but I'll see how it works.

All this time it "had" been a Regula' Degula' offer and then she goes & makes it a "Seasonal Item":angry2:

She needs to keep it the way it was. I also liked the Amla one. It reminded me of AV's Shea Amla Butter. And the Vanilla one isn't bad either.

The scent of Green Magic got on my nerves.:barf: The Sulfur with whatever else that is? Not a bad product, performance-wise but after a while the scent irked me. (and it lasted)

It better be worth it. Shes already shipped it. I was looking at the Amla too.
Afternoon Ladies!

Just woke up. Still a little under and it didn't help I worked overtime 2 days and operated yesterday off of 4 hours of sleep.

I need a bath and to start this wash day.

I've been doing pretty good on this low buy. But anyone would do good when they're buying sub boxes :look:
Evening Ladies. Finally got home from class and it was murder. I think I may need glasses now because my niece's lashes are so fine and they worked the heck outta me today but I am now officially an eye lash extension professional as of today. yippee!
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Morning ladies

Finished up:

1 jar of KJ Naturals Rosemary Coconut Conditioner - no back-ups and not a repurchase due to stash reduction.
1 jar of APB UCS

Also just gave away:

1 jar of APB UCS (Still have a couple back-ups
1 jar of NG Marshmallow Root & Slippery Elm Deep Conditioner - no back-ups and probably not a repurchase due to stash reduction.

Also I'm proud to say I have not purchased anything since the no-buy challenge for March started :yay:.
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