Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge pt.5

*Mini Rant*:angry2:
Okay, so I received ship ship from J.Monique on 03-13. Why did it sit until today before it started moving (Label created).

That is so wrong. I can see it sitting on her kitchen table a day or two but it literally sat 8 days before it actually shipped.

I'm so annoyed.

On a more pleasant note: My HV Shipped and so did my SSI.:drunk:
Imma pull this Dead Sea out and see what's up. I hope it's not a consistency issue. But it sounded very watery.

My very first time using mine, it was a little watery and I mixed it with a spoon really well. The second time, it did not appear as thin probably because air contacted it and it seemed to have gotten thicker, but maybe it just started to dry while exposed to air, therefore thickened up that way.

It is still very wet and moist though and I believe if it gets too thick, I can simply add a little water to loosen it up a bit for easier application to my hair. It applies better when it is a little wet in my opinion.
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*Mini Rant*:angry2:
Okay, so I received ship ship from J.Monique on 03-13. Why did it sit until today before it started moving (Label created).

That is so wrong. I can see it sitting on her kitchen table a day or two but it literally sat 8 days before it actually shipped.

I'm so annoyed.

On a more pleasant note: My HV Shipped and so did my SSI.:drunk:
That's what happened with my last order. Got shipping notice, no movement for a week.
Exhausted thanks to my work hours but other than that I'm okay.

How are you and the family? How'd the basement project go?
Glad to hear you're feeling better.

The basement project is ongoing. My oldest son was on spring break last week so he got it started. I sent him with a large box of stuff to give away at school. There's still lots more to go through but my daughter and I are doing it gradually.