Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge pt.5

Latest from Sarenzo:
We are currently about 1 day behind so all orders 7/29- 7/31 will ship on or before Monday 8/15
All Aug Sub Boxes Will Ship Monday 8/15
All Fall Preview Boxes Will Ship 8/18
All Orders 8/1 - 8/11 will ship by Thursday 8/18

As many of you can see we are growing beyond belief. With this growth we have to make some changes. Here are the changes that will be put in place. We will have 1 unlimited sale per month. It will be on the 3rd Friday of Every Month. It will be a 12 hour sale running from 12 noon to 12 Midnight Est. We will let you know in advance what will & will not be on sale base on availability. You will be able to buy as much as you would like & the turn around time will be 3 weeks.
We will make a small amount of stock to stock the site on an everyday basis. Any order place not during a sale the turn around time will be 3-5 business days. These changes will take place 9/1 with the scent change over.
We will keep the 3 sale in place that are already scheduled. The first unlimited sale will be 9/16. The second will be 10/21.
We have not decided yet how or if we will do black-friday month sale. More details about this will be released as we get closer to the date.
Here is a run down of what we have to come
for the next few weeks
8/19 Hair Care/ Face Care
8/26 Summer Wrap up
Spray Lotion, Custard, Coconut Cream
(These items will not be available starting 9/1)
9/2 Fall Soap & Butter Sale
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@Beamodel @Saludable84 @curlyhersheygirl @Froreal3 (if you decide to join us) and any one else in this thread:

We will de-brief at least once every 21 days and let each other know how it's going.

So, 3 weeks from when you start(ed), please just check in and let us know how it's going.

*Since it's NetWurks21 I thought every 21 Days would be a good time to check in.

I'm down. So far no irritation. It has no smell and sprays easily. I like it. I'll like it even better if I see results.
@IDareT'sHair I contacted MurCreations and she doesn't have the mask in stock with no mention of when it will be back and she isn't having any sales soon. :rolleyes: My next order I'm just going to use our LHCF discount and request a shipping refund since my order will be well over $50. She done found her way off my HG list. High shipping, out of stock products, infrequent sales. I can't be bothered. Hopefully when I decide to order, she has the mask back in stock so I can pick up 2-3 more.