Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge pt.5

I'm doing pretty well with my inventory. I just need to do the oils and teas. I see from doing inventory that I need some protein dc's, protein based moisturizers, and cleansing conditioners. I need at least 3 products in each category to feel safe :look:.

I've liked everything I've tried so far: APB's Bamboo Strengthener, Jakeala's Beau Vert, NG's Slippery Elm Bark DC. The exception so far has been NG's Slippery Elm conditioning cream. I didn't follow up with a rinse out and my hair was a bit dry. I don't like that. I shouldn't have to follow up a cleansing conditioner with another conditioner. I know this may sound weird because most follow cleansing with a dc or rinse out (not using a rinse out after cleansing is new for me) but I don't and it works. I'm not bout that in & out of the shower life. I'm happy I only got a sample. I'll move on to trying APB's Whipped Cleansing Cream once I'm done with the sample.
I'm doing pretty well with my inventory. I just need to do the oils and teas. I see from doing inventory that I need some protein dc's, protein based moisturizers, and cleansing conditioners. I need at least 3 products in each category to feel safe :look:.

I know how you feel. :yep: I need my b/ups to "feel safe" so I understand and it's perfectly normal.

I feel the exact same way when it comes to products.
Since ST'icals will be so pricey for you, you should definitely make sure the ingredients are all something that you can use and that agrees with your hair.

You should also be very concerned about 'shelf' life' too. Unless you plan on refrigerating them.
Say what...they have to be refridgerated? Uh uh :nono: that ain't hapnin'. That is automatically crossed off my list. I am not down for products that I might have to refridgerate. Thanks for the heads up on that.
Shelf-Life is 'tricky' on these products. I wouldn't get any of them unless I planned to stick them in the Fridge.

Now I remember why I stopped buying handmade products...this is it. I used to purchase Qhemet Biologics and they all spoiled on me and from then, I told myself that I won't be purchasing anymore of those. I loved them but I couldn't use them up fast enough because I had so many other products that I loved and was using to keep up with them all.

Now I get products that have longer than a 6 month shelf life.
I have bought 12 wigs in the last month :eek::eek:.

I was buying makeup furiously...then went on a makeup no-buy. So then I bought skin care stuff like a mad-woman. Had to go on a no-buy for that too. So I started buying hair products and wigs. And here we are. No-buy #3. I am trying to avoid tech products and home decor. :look: *currently browsing etsy* :look:

It's like I am not content unless I am buying SOMETHING. Hmmph. My arse betta go buy some more stocks and bonds.:rolleyes:
I have bought 12 wigs in the last month :eek::eek:.

I was buying makeup furiously...then went on a makeup no-buy. So then I bought skin care stuff like a mad-woman. Had to go on a no-buy for that too. So I started buying hair products and wigs. And here we are. No-buy #3. I am trying to avoid tech products and home decor. :look: *currently browsing etsy* :look:

It's like I am not content unless I am buying SOMETHING. Hmmph. My arse betta go buy some more stocks and bonds.:rolleyes:

I understand the feeling; it's those pesky endorphins - that euphoric rush that comes with purchasing items, coming home with bags full of purchases, and/or opening packages full of purchased items. Go put an oxygen mask on your card and get yourself some chocolate instead. Just one bar of chocolate or it will turn into a NB #4.:lol:
So, we have about 10 (plus or minus) a few days to go. :bdance:

I really needed this time to take a seat and seriously look at the things I have in my Stash.

I have done a swap or two and that has helped me with Package Withdraw and I got some things I don't currently have (which is always nice).

I've gifted some things as well.

My 4th list is quite slim, but I know it can go either way depending on the discounts.

That last jar of Fluffalicous looked like water.:look: Totally nothing liked previous jars purchased.
That happened to me way back with the knot sauce. My first 2 16oz bottles were nice and thick but applied smoothly. The last bottle was super thick and stodgy. When my son applied it to his hair it was a mess and he had to rewash. That was the last time I purchased anything.
That happened to me way back with the knot sauce. My first 2 16oz bottles were nice and thick but applied smoothly. The last bottle was super thick and stodgy. When my son applied it to his hair it was a mess and he had to rewash. That was the last time I purchased anything.


My problem has been more of a consistency thing rather than a shelf-life thing. I don't know what that Fluffalicious was suppose to be.:angry2:

Gurl....Wasn't nothing "Fluff" of "Licious" about that Garbage.:nono: A total waste of money.

Looked like Ari mixed that mess together.:laugh: