Use 1 buy 1 Challenge 2010 pt.3

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Okay, So here goes: I meant to order 2 Coconut Co-Washes, but I ended up with 3. :look:

I just e-mailed them to ask them to Swap one out for the Hair Milk (same price) So......awaiting a reply.

This will separate the Men from the Boys. Although, it's not a 'big deal' how will it be handled?

I'll keep ya'll posted.

WWOD = "What Would Ori Do":lol::lol::lol:

*fangas crossed!* :yep:

Okay, So here goes: I meant to order 2 Coconut Co-Washes, but I ended up with 3. :look:

I just e-mailed them to ask them to Swap one out for the Hair Milk (same price) So......awaiting a reply.

This will separate the Men from the Boys. Although, it's not a 'big deal' how will it be handled?

I'll keep ya'll posted.

WWOD = "What Would Ori Do":lol::lol::lol:

Ori would be like *&(*_@_(@_( #*#(#*(8

:lachen: :lachen:

And then post a note about the eventualities of why she had to cuss you out.
where do i get optiphan or germall??? i need to preserve my products!

Most of the base places have them.

wholesalesupplies plus

I believe coastal scents has some too...

Girl..... when I mixed up that "kimmaytube" leave in... I knew I had to put something in it.. because I wasn't taking it in and out of the fridge when I wanted to use it...
I don't see the big deal.
None of these places are known until SOMEBODY purchases from them?
What makes this different from Bear Fruit, Amaka, Claudie, Darcy's, HV, AfroVeda, Karen's, etc.. etc...

Maybe I'm missing it. Professional website. Professional products, good ingredients...
Yeah, So, The Spirit of Fabulousness Brought to my Attention and reminded me, that I have ordered from Shadier Looking Vendors in the past and I had to agree, I have placed orders from Folx whose Sites etc....were less than professional looking (and gave them 'a chance')

*I Won't Say No Names:blush:* So, I felt it was my Duty to give them a shout out & see what they about.

At the time, it made a lot of sense.:look:
Yeah, So, The Spirit of Fabulousness Brought to my Attention and reminded me, that I have ordered from Shadier Looking Vendors in the past and I had to agree, I have placed orders from Folx whose Sites etc....were less than professional looking (and gave them 'a chance')

*I Won't Say No Names:blush:* So, I felt it was my Duty to give them a shout out & see what they about.

At the time, it made a lot of sense.:look:

I said names.. and I think I mighta forgot some....

Mozeke (anyone who is giving Asian the side eye and purchased from this place gets a side eye from me)

Bee Mine...etc..

I could go on... lol.. I just want to know what y'all see that I don'
You're good, Fab....I just don't have any place for these products in my reggie....And they seem they're going to be in business for a long time, so no rushing on my part. I wanna read your review. 'Cause if this is a line capitalizing on the "Natural Trend", then I hope more companies take notice and pay attention which hopefully will drive the prices down.
Which place do you need to order from a Fotki or send them a message on Facebook or Twitter??? :lachen: I know that's one of the spots... that I wouldn't order from.. lmao.

I guess to each their own.
You're good, Fab....I just don't have any place for these products in my reggie....And they seem they're going to be in business for a long time, so no rushing on my part. I wanna read your review. 'Cause if this is a line capitalizing on the "Natural Trend", then I hope more companies take notice and pay attention which hopefully will drive the prices down.

I'm a PJ...
There's always space in my regi.. as long as I got some hair to put it on ... :lachen::lachen:
I just want to know what y'all see that I don'

Well, the ordering experience was very pleasant. Easy to navigate and it was a smooth transaction.

I didn't have to look for 'stuff' to Check-Out and guess where to complete the Order.

It is laid out very nicely and easy to get through. Very Visually Appealing.

I got a nice looking receipt of Purchase. Very Nice Experience Indeed.:grin:
I hope they don't pull an Afrovedagate on us and raise their prices through the stratosphere.....They get popular, think they got us hooked and BAMMM! Raise the prices.
Girl, the Bottles are Long & Skinny. I bet she could get 3 in one Flat Rate.

Yes, It shipped on the 23rd and it was here when I got here on Friday Night.

I actually had 2 orders from her that came that day. So, the order that I put in during BF is my 4th Order.:blush:

I got the Shea & Almond DC'er and the Ayurvedic Scalp Cream.

I think the Red Wine Shine Conditioning Rinse and something else.

Especially since she is running her Sale until December 31st, which was a very, very Smart Move for a vendor trying to get established.:yep:

:look:...your 4th??? :giggle:

Whats the consistency of the Ayurvedic Scalp Cream? I have that in my cart. Along with a few DCs...
Hey Brownie: I bet it's Milky.:ohwell:

Because if I'm not mistaken, doesn't all of her things come in those Bottles?

It may come in a Jar, because she offers a Scalp Butter as well. I can't imagine stuff like that coming in a Bottle.:perplexed

Okay, So here goes: I meant to order 2 Coconut Co-Washes, but I ended up with 3. :look:

I just e-mailed them to ask them to Swap one out for the Hair Milk (same price) So......awaiting a reply.

This will separate the Men from the Boys. Although, it's not a 'big deal' how will it be handled?

I'll keep ya'll posted.

WWOD = "What Would Ori Do":lol::lol::lol:

I'm sitting here at work, all types of hungry!!! I'm all set to order my grab bags, though. Last year, I got good stuff. I'm glad she added CoCasta to the sale. I definitely need more of that. I need to go double check so I'm quick on the trigger at 11.59....
I'm sitting here at work, all types of hungry!!! I'm all set to order my grab bags, though. Last year, I got good stuff. I'm glad she added CoCasta to the sale. I definitely need more of that. I need to go double check so I'm quick on the trigger at 11.59....

Do tell, what did you get in your Hairveda Grab bags last year ? Maybe I'll order two.........:look::look::look::look:
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I don't see the big deal.
None of these places are known until SOMEBODY purchases from them?
What makes this different from Bear Fruit, Amaka, Claudie, Darcy's, HV, AfroVeda, Karen's, etc.. etc...

Maybe I'm missing it. Professional website. Professional products, good ingredients...

I was just trying to help out, but you won't hear no more about if from me.:yep:
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