Use 1 buy 1 Challenge 2010 pt.1

Would yall believe I found ANOTHER bottle of Dove Replenishing Mist in my stash?! :huh: Unbelievable! If anyone reaaaally wants to buy it, PM me. I'm selling it for $3. It's the original formula in the light blue bottle. I also have a 90% full (used it 1 time) bottle of Giovanni SAS shampoo (original formula) for sale. It's the regular sized bottle.
Does anyone use the Redken Smooth Down shampoo? Does it "do" anything special? I've had a liter bottle for over a year and I'm wondering if I should use it next wash. :look:
And T, I haven't tried Skala yet! Girl I went to Big Lots, picked it up, walked around the store, put it back down, then boated out of the store. They were looking at me like I stole something the way I power walked. Then I had to force myself to get into the car and drive off because Ulta is right there near Big Lots.
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And T, I haven't tried Skala yet! Girl I went to Big Lots, picked it up, walked around the store, then boated out of the store. They were looking at me like I stole something the way I power walked. Then I had to force myself to get into the car and drive off because Ulta is right there near Big Lots.
:lachen::lachen::lachen:those people thought you were crazy but you were just on a mission:drunk:
oh and i have noticed that my scalp has been dry lately. not dry like flaking or itchy but dry like there is never anything on it and it seems like my scalp doesnt even produce its own oil(even though i know it does). si im going to make a scalp oil. im going to clean out one of my oild oil bottles to put it in.

i know i want it to have coconut and evoo and jbco in it. i'll probably add sweet almond and apricot oil but i need other things too so i might stop at whole foods this weekend to get EO's like sage, rosemarry, ylang ylang. or i might stick to the basics. i have been really lazy with my hair lately and i need to stop it.

tomorrow i am going to wake up early so i can shampoo and deep condition with heat(which i have been saying i would do for weeks and never did) with either kbb mask or aveda damage rememdy treatment.
then im just going to wash and go with kbb milk and shea butter.
oh and i have noticed that my scalp has been dry lately. not dry like flaking or itchy but dry like there is never anything on it and it seems like my scalp doesnt even produce its own oil(even though i know it does). si im going to make a scalp oil. im going to clean out one of my oild oil bottles to put it in.

i know i want it to have coconut and evoo and jbco in it. i'll probably add sweet almond and apricot oil but i need other things too so i might stop at whole foods this weekend to get EO's like sage, rosemarry, ylang ylang. or i might stick to the basics. i have been really lazy with my hair lately and i need to stop it.

Che, you'll have to let me know what oils you end up using. :yep: And how it works. I'm having scalp issues lately, also. No flakes but some itchies and it feels dry. IDK
And T, I haven't tried Skala yet! Girl I went to Big Lots, picked it up, walked around the store, put it back down, then boated out of the store. They were looking at me like I stole something the way I power walked. Then I had to force myself to get into the car and drive off because Ulta is right there near Big Lots.

Esq.'s a Dolla':look: You coulda' got 1 !:blush:
Che, you'll have to let me know what oils you end up using. :yep: And how it works. I'm having scalp issues lately, also. No flakes but some itchies and it feels dry. IDK
ok, i sure will let you know.
im about to look up what apricot and sweet almond oils do for the scalp.
I will never do another wash and go again :nono: The difference in my hair is crazy! It feels so dry and crispy, I don't like it at all.

I just hope I can hold out till Wednesday to do my hair over. I haven't done my hair in the middle of the week in a loooooooooong time :ohwell:
Used Up the last corner of my 8 ounce Jar of Vitale Body & Bounce w/Jojoba & Biotin.:love2:

Surprisingly, No back-ups:sad:

Will definitely repurchase in the future.:grin:

Good Day Ladies.........:hiya:
I will never do another wash and go again :nono: The difference in my hair is crazy! It feels so dry and crispy, I don't like it at all.

I just hope I can hold out till Wednesday to do my hair over. I haven't done my hair in the middle of the week in a loooooooooong time :ohwell:

What do you think caused the dryness and the crispiness Lamara?

Is this your 1st time or do you get "D & C" everytime?:look:
Good Morning ladies! I got a head cold, stuffy nose, I never get cold but the weather been hot/cold, air condition/heat off/on. I'm co-wash my hair tonight probably use hair one, it not really working now that I'm natural.
What do you think caused the dryness and the crispiness Lamara?

Is this your 1st time or do you get "D & C" everytime?:look:

This is the first time since I have been doing my coil outs. I really don't know what caused it :perplexed

I don't know if it was like this before I started my coil outs, I can't remember my hair ever feeling like this.
I gotta change my regimen bc beginning late May/early June life will become a hectic mess. Last summer I cowashed alot, squeezed in at least one dc a week, and washed every 2 weeks. This summer will be worse so I gotta plan. The thing I know I can commit to is cowashing a lot. I will dc once every 1-2 weeks. Most likely will have to be an overnight dc. I will wash monthly. Tea rinses are out and I'm not even sure I want to add the powders to my conditioners. We'll see.
I gotta change my regimen bc beginning late May/early June life will become a hectic mess. Last summer I cowashed alot, squeezed in at least one dc a week, and washed every 2 weeks. This summer will be worse so I gotta plan. The thing I know I can commit to is cowashing a lot. I will dc once every 1-2 weeks. Most likely will have to be an overnight dc. I will wash monthly. Tea rinses are out and I'm not even sure I want to add the powders to my conditioners. We'll see.

Shay you are doing great with your transtion all most a year. Have you snip any relaxer off?
Shay you are doing great with your transtion all most a year. Have you snip any relaxer off?

I can't believe it. I will be 10 months post on Saturday and 1 year post on July 1st. I've snipped here and there out of curosity but nothing significant. I cut some hair in my crown last week and I'm amazed at how it curled/coiled up. I've decided I will do my own bc with my mom's help. She's saying :nono: right now because she is worried she will mess something up but she will come around. The first week of Jan 2011 I will become fully natural. As long as I can slap a headband in it I will be good to go.
I will never do another wash and go again :nono: The difference in my hair is crazy! It feels so dry and crispy, I don't like it at all.

I just hope I can hold out till Wednesday to do my hair over. I haven't done my hair in the middle of the week in a loooooooooong time :ohwell:
Lamara, this is why I wish that I could find an alternative to wash and go's. I don't care for the way they make my hair feel either. But twist outs and braid outs do not look good. :ohwell:
Was at Target :look: again today and had more time to look. No Miss Jessies, Curls, or Shea Moisture. There is still the colored folks section down at the very end though with blue magic hair grease, motions, etc :nono:. I did buy a hedband.

I will be doing the cassia gloss overnight tonight because I would like my hair to be dry by at least 4pm tomorrow if possible :lachen:.
Was at Target :look: again today and had more time to look. No Miss Jessies, Curls, or Shea Moisture. There is still the colored folks section down at the very end though with blue magic hair grease, motions, etc :nono:. I did buy a hedband.

I will be doing the cassia gloss overnight tonight because I would like my hair to be dry by at least 4pm tomorrow if possible :lachen:.

What did you buy? I did a blog post on the Shea Moisture products. It did NOTHING to my hair. :nono: This is what I did when I put this crap on my herr click here
shay, arent you in VA? try the target in Patomic Yards by crystal city or the one by patomic mills, im not sure which one you are close too.

my donna marie stuff came in the mail today and i am so excited. i tried the curling gelly on one section of hair and when it dried i liked the way it looked and felt way better than the curly magic. the mirra curl elongates the curls more, clumps them more and my hair seemed more moisturized. i will try it on my whole head this saturday.
i also got the twist and lock and i think i will love that too because it isnt like a goopy pudding consistancy, it is thick and almost solid. i think it will be great for twists so sunday i will twist with my kbb hair milk and the donna marie twist and lock.
i also got the donna marie mist and i hope i like it. i will be using it tonight. the first ingredient isnt water though :(

also a certain spot in my scalp was itching like crazy so i rubbed big chunks of coconut oil all over my scalp before co washing and that did the trick. tonight im going to rub my scalp with coconut oil again.

i used up my curls for target coconut curlada conditioner today. it will be a reprchase waaaayyyyy down the line. i like it, very moisturizing. and i think its better than the regular curls coconut conditioner.
i used up my curls for target coconut curlada conditioner today. it will be a reprchase waaaayyyyy down the line. i like it, very moisturizing. and i think its better than the regular curls coconut conditioner.

I love the smell of the Curls conditioners :lick:
Nada, they didn't have it. I will read your blog post. Thanks!

I had to go to a few Targets to find the Curls, Miss Jessie's, and Shea Moisture products. I might go back and buy something from the Curls line. I'll never buy another Miss Jessie's product again. That stuff stinks! I remember smelling like a candy cane and getting high off of that LOL :grin:
Potomac Yards is close to me. Thanks, Che!
you are welcome. thats the one i always go to and they always have curls products in stock. miss jessies, jane carter and shea moisture is usually just a few in stock.

ut oh:blush: i see carols daughter has 4 new curl products out. she has two new versions of the hair milk out, a shampoo and conditioner and i think its just for sephora. so im sorry but tomorrow i will be hitting sephora to get both milks and the conditioner:lick:
i love carols daughter. when i was relaxed, before i had my bleaching accident:wallbash: carols daughter was the first moisturizer i stuck with. it was when i found this site, and i noticed that the hhb was different that i stopped using her for a while. but i can truly say i(even when im through with this site:blush::lachen:) will always use carols daughter, because for me her stuff works and i can get it locally.