Updated Pics--No Dent!


With Love & Silk
I'm on spring break this week (I'm a teacher) with massive time on my hands. Today I washed and conditioned and air dried straight--no pony tail method, blah, blah, blah. When dry, I used my ceramic curling iron to straighten and bump.

Don't fuss at me, I have not used a curling iron since some time in 2002!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you guys like the new pics


Album: supergirlj
Supergirl I think your new pics look great.
Your hair looks very thick and healthy.
Keep up the good work.... /images/graemlins/drunk.gif
wow Supergirl!!!!

Your hair is gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /images/graemlins/weird.gif
Hey girl looking good!! /images/graemlins/smile.gif You can really see the fullness of your hair in the new pics. As for the ceramic don't feel bad. I use mine once a month. It's the only way I can really see my progress.
WOW!!! Your hair looks SOO much thicker air-dried!!! Your pictures are great!! /images/graemlins/up.gif You should air-dry all the time /images/graemlins/smile.gif.

Sassy, I don't know who's knees those are in MY picture. They just jumped in there when I had to take a length wise picture so as not to cut the top of my head off any more...

Thanks y'all for the compliments. Enyaa, thanks for letting me use my ceramic /images/graemlins/notworthy.gif It's like a weight has lifted--seriously!

Thanks Madison, Lindy, CiCi, Adf, and Ishevonne too /images/graemlins/grin.gif
U hope we like the pics???
I could shoot you...you hair is gorgeous!!
If my hair was that long healthy and pretty I woudl never get anything done becuase I would keep running to the bathroom lokoing at my hair and patting it....see that's why my hair won't grow back.
No really your hair is beautiful...whatever u are doing it is definately working so keep it up...
Are u taking any supplements?
What is your goal?
girl, you're hair is so thick and long! it looks really healthy. you've done a good job taking of your hair. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Very nice indeed!!!

IMO airdrying and then using the iron is not bad as long as you dont use high heat.

I use to do this all the time when my hair was relaxed and my hair took off!!!as soon as I left that blow dryer alone!

Keep up the good work!!

PS did you use any oil or anything before you used the curling iron?
Good grief your hair looks great! And much more fuller compared to the other pics! Keep doing what you're doing!
Supergirl, Supergirl, Supergirl.....Dayum you hair is SLAMMING girl!!! I swear it looks like a totally different head. My hair does the same thing too. It looks much fuller and thicker when I airdry..You go girl. You got it going on /images/graemlins/notworthy.gif

**going to take my vitamins ** /images/graemlins/fat.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Sassy, I don't know who's knees those are in MY picture. They just jumped in there when I had to take a length wise picture so as not to cut the top of my head off any more...

[/ QUOTE ]

I only wish I had that "problem". I agree with the others--your hair looks fuller in the air dry/ceramic iron photo than in the roller set photo.
Wow, thanks for sharing! /images/graemlins/smile.gif Your hair is so healthy looking. I may have to try and work on my air drying technique again now. You've inspired me.

Supergirl your hair is just stunning. Thank you for sharing your pics. They are definitely an inspiration. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Ditto to what everyone else said. I see a remarkable difference in the fullness this time around.
Girl, your hair looks really lush in these pics! It looks beautifully thick and even. Thanks for sharing them with us.
Hi Supergirl /images/graemlins/wave.gif

Your hair is outstanding! Keep up the good work!

I'd like to know your routine, if you're willing to share - how often do you wash, condition, what vitamins do you take, etc?
Looking Good. Keep up the good work. Happy Hair Growing! /images/graemlins/cool.gif
Hey Supergirl,

I'm gonna airdry mine. Can you use that ceramic curling iron to straighten and bump mine. Pretty Please. /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif