Updated my fotki...waist???

You're definitely WL! Congratz! You are truly an inspiration to all of us, job well done! May i ask, what are your plans now since you've reached your goal?
You're definitely WL! Congratz! You are truly an inspiration to all of us, job well done! May i ask, what are your plans now since you've reached your goal?

girl, now that i have reached my waist lenght goal, i have now set another.

goal:tailbone by december 2009
Waist length for sure - Without and beyond a shadow of a doubt! Looking good, Lady! Congratulations to you!
One word...PERFECTION. How did you wear your hair for your wedding?

oh girl, dont let me start downloading pics. i will be on this computer for days!!!

I had the front up, and the back in loose curls. it was pretty. you could hardly see my hair though because of my veil. it barely showed in pics. ugh. all the hardwork and my hair is not visible ....oh well!