What is this winter doing to your hair?

The winter has my flat ironed hair looking very nice bc of no humidity. BUT since Im wearing it down more, I have to really take care of my ends and make sure to snip them regularly...I have noticed a few more split ends than normal. :-/
Dry, dry and more dry.:wallbash: The air in my house is very dry to so I can't escape it. I just chopped of a few inches:sad: because I was getting breakage and shedding, my hair just looked dry and miserable. Being annoyed with your hair and shears are not a good combo :look:
The winter has been okay to my hair, I think it is due to PS. I do see some shedding. I am wondering is it due to me stopping my APhogee two minute. I will see tomorrow when I do the 2 step.

I started using Coconut oil and just love the softness of my hair and gives me some luster.
Nothing...I learned my lesson last winter and decided that I'm not gonna fight the cold. I am on a low maintenance kick all winter...and during the worst of it (Jan-Mar) I am protective styling. I utilized Dominican blowouts in October and November, then in December I was hospitalized most of the month so I had two-strand twists/twistouts, and now I am in box braids. When these come out, I will either redo them, go into kinky twists, or jump on the crochet braid bandwagon. I will say that the heat in this house seems to have everything a bit drier, so I had to moisturize my blown out hair more often -- but now I am only dealing with dry skin and sinuses.
:whip::whip:Winter and I are fighting. It won round one in Nov - Dec and I suffered a set back but I will win Jan-Mar my hair is in a ps and I always oil and cover it .
That's exactly what I am doing
and when I in my house I keep it baggied because of the heater.

:whip::whip:Winter and I are fighting. It won round one in Nov - Dec and I suffered a set back but I will win Jan-Mar my hair is in a ps and I always oil and cover it .
im just braiding without extensions for 3 weeks to a month in box braids, co washing when needed. When i take it out, just trying to leave my hair out for a week loose just to give my head a break and then back to it the week after. Moisturizing and sealing like a maniac! lol
Oh it's doing the usual. Growth rate is slower and my hair is drier. But I've gone back to adding olive and coconut oil to my coconut oil and it's helped out trememdously. Truth be told I had to buy my own stash of olive and coconut oil so I could stop using up what's in the kitchen :lol:.
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