Updated hair mtg pictures


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone I just got my hair blown. I have an event to go to tomorrow. Please free to look and comment I want your honest opinion is the mtg working. Some people say it looks like normal growth. I am 4 months post relaxer and trying to hold off untill the end of the year.
Tamika said:
Hello everyone I just got my hair blown. I have an event to go to tomorrow. Please free to look and comment I want your honest opinion is the mtg working. Some people say it looks like normal growth. I am 4 months post relaxer and trying to hold off untill the end of the year.

I think you have some serious growth...;)
Damn girl, I love your hair its so thick,and healthy...that is some good progress. As far as it being soley the MTG....I am not sure. It depends on how fast you started seeing NG. and if that was normal for your hair, either way your hair is fabolous!!! ;)
So you havent got a relaxer yet? Then I would say that looks like some great growth :eek: B/c w/the relaxer it would look even longer. When u get a chance please post ur MTG regime. Thanks for sharing ur pics ;)
My normal hair growth rate is not this fast. I have been using mtg since april of 2005. Thank you all for your comments.
This month I started using the mtg and surge after I conditoin wash my hair on morning or at nights. I also began applying 5-10 drops of both rosemary and clove essential oil to my end and to my entire hair when I deep condition. I also began using unsalted butter on my hair as a hot oil treatment. Butter is made up of 4 carbon chain fatty acid it is a small molecule and easily absorbed into the hair shaft. coconut oil is a 5 carbon chain and olive oil is 8-10 carbon chain. I have decided to stop using alot of product with paraben, mineral oil, ... etc for personal reasons. Thank you for all the comments.

Thanks for posting your pics, I've just added MTG to my product list but I am wearing a weave so measuring progress along the hairline is all I have to keep me going. Maybe I'll look at your pics for my new inspiration.:D