Updated Album...


New Member
...or more like new album. I had to delete the old one completely!

Many of you have probably already seen most of these but I put some new pics in this one.

But for anyone who wants to check it out here is the link:


(I haven't quite figured out Picturetrail as yet.)

Your hair is phenomenal! It looks radiant in every style, however I am kind of partial to the curly. What an inspiration you are. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Your hair is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. Are you all natural or do you have a texturizer? I am loving the little corkscrew curls and the set!!!! I can't wait until my hair grows long enough for the set with all the curls. How do u do that? (the one with the magnetic rollers). Beautiful hair girlfriend Keep up the good work!!!!! /images/graemlins/wink.gif Come to think of it I think u are all natural! U BETTER NEVER put a relaxer in that hair Girly! Loving it!!!!
I can't believe it. Your hair is INCREDIBLE. I think I have said it before but you're one of my natural hair inspirations...wow /images/graemlins/shocked.gif If my curls were like yours I would never straighten. I looks great curly and looks even better rolled...dang. I will definitely email you when my hair is out of braids..prepare yourself. LOL!

P.S. If you want it to take you straight there use www.picturetrail.com/Valleygirl
Love the hair. Very thick and healthy. I wouldn't even straighten it if I had that. Keep up the good work.

BTW, I'm new to this board. Lotsa info here and it's great. <waving>
<font color="blue"> Valleygirl your hair looks FANTASTIC!
Thanks for sharing your progress. How long have you been growing your hair?? </font color>
Beautiful hair! I would have to go back and pick brand new parents for natural curls like yours...
I like the Shikai shampoo and the Amla conditioner. I didn't think anyone else had heard of this stuff. /images/graemlins/cool.gif
Thank you guys so much...you are all so very sweet!!!

Nay I don't have a texturizer, my hair is natural. And what are you talking about. Your hair is about the same length as mine?

Faith - any questions you may have feel free to ask. When I first went natural I was lucky enough to have found what worked right away. Maybe b/c I had friends who wear their hair naturaly curly and I had them for product recomendations.
And thank you for the picturetral link.
Hi CaramelBarbie
Thanks girl!!!
Back in the begining of 1996 I had a real short bob and my last relaxer and that is when I started growing out my hair.
I did not do a 'big chop'...wasn't brave enough. So I let it grow out with twist outs, braid outs, box braids and a ponytail extension. In the summer of 1998 I chopped off all the relaxed ends and it was probably just above shoulder length when curly. Hard to say b/c I never straightened it much back then. By Christmas of '99 my hair was maybe the length it is now...Perhaps even a little longer. I have had a few setbacks along the way which included some layered, chopped up, crazy looking, feathered bob that I requested at Supercuts of all places (I guess I was going through a few things back then) and also some heat damage which I had to cut off in 2000. But my hair is back to where I want it right now. I just need to remember not to get anymore emotionally driven hair cuts!!!
Thanks again
Hey Valleygirl as usual your hair is beautiful! Once again you've managed to change my mind about relaxing or texturizing. Maybe I have to post your pics on my mirrors to remind me not to give in. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Anyways, how do you get your rollersets not to be really curly on the top? Or will that come with length(and no layers)? Which size rollers did you use? Thanks once again for keeping me on the natural path.
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if my curls would cooperate like yours, i'd leave mine natural too!!

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Trust me they act like they have a mind of their own at times!!!

Adrienne, Faith and Honi what I've realized after all is the more I wear my hair curly the better it looks that way. Sometimes when I straighten it takes a while for it to snap back. I read some where that hair has a 'memory' for lack of a better term and that the more you wear it a certain way the better it looks that way.

Someone on here posted that their stylist told them to stop using the Frizz Ease Ripple Effect Wave Maker spray b/c the hair was getting confused and it was messing up her perm...the same thing with my hair the more I wear it curly the harder it is to straighten it out also. So I always tell gals who are transitioning stop straightening and learn to work with the your natural hair no matter what texture it is...your hair will behave much better .Especially in the beginning stages as you are just getting used to your hair and still learning to work with it.
So now when I straighten my hair I try to only do it twice a month. And if I do it back to back I make sure to at least wear it curly over the weekend so it gets a chance to 'snap back'
Just a little info for anyone considering going natural or transitioning.
Thanks again ladies
Hey, Valleygirl, for some reason I can view your post!
What am I doing wrong? /images/graemlins/mad.gif
Go 'head get busy, go head!!! LOL!! GO VG IT's ya birthday!!!

GIRL, your hair is GORGEOUS!!!!! I love it, I love the color, the thickness everything. Beautiful, beautiful!!!!!

See, Adrienne knows every other week I talk about picking up the clippers (lol!) but seeing hair like yours makes me PAUSE!!

Love the pics, extremely inspiring!!!!!! Gorgeous, gorgeous

As always, GORGEOUS HAIR, Valleygirl!! /images/graemlins/smile.gif I love your hair curly and straight. By the way, that roller set you did looked fabulous! The red that was in your hair looked very nice when you wore it straight as well.

Damn! I've only been relaxed for 6 months and now you are making me miss my curls even more! /images/graemlins/confused.gif /images/graemlins/confused.gif

You know before my last touchup (last week), I contemplated not even doing it....I was missing my "wild" hair. My natural hair is very similar to yours, but bigger. More along the lines of the picture of Sidney Poitier.

Reading your posts, I realize why I would have such a fluctuation in "good" curly days versus "bad" days. I used to curl it a lot to make it straight after a few years and THAT is when my curls started acting whack. I think they loss their "memory" as you call it. I also didn't know any other curlies at the time with good product recommends, everything was hit or miss.

Now, with all this LHCF KNOWLEDGE I've acquired /images/graemlins/grin.gif, it's making me want to try the natural thang again....to be continued.

Anyway, you're my hair idol!! Love that hair. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

By the way, I hope you know that BLOND hair on Shari Belafonte is a weave or wig. That is NOT her hair. She's a big time weave/wig wearer.

I must say your hair really looks Beautiful!! I really love the black shade a lot because it brings out your curls even more.
Valleygirl! AS always i love what i see /images/graemlins/wink.gif. Great just great /images/graemlins/laugh.gif.The colors are hot /images/graemlins/smile.gif. I'am still trying to post photos /images/graemlins/confused.gif. Happy Hair Growing! /images/graemlins/cool.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
By the way, I hope you know that BLOND hair on Shari Belafonte is a weave or wig. That is NOT her hair. She's a big time weave/wig wearer.

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Yeah I know...I realized it after I put it in my album...but I love how it looks anyway!

Thank you BlackMane for the kind words

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
I realize why I would have such a fluctuation in "good" curly days versus "bad" days. I used to curl it a lot to make it straight after a few years and THAT is when my curls started acting whack. I think they loss their "memory" as you call it

[/ QUOTE ]

My hair does that too after straightening too much. Just acting very crazy. But what happened on a few sections of my hair is they completly lost elasticity b/c of too much heat!!!

That is the main reason I am soooo very anal about heat, heat damage and finding a good heat protectant.

Thanks again everyone!!!!
I will remeber all of this if I ever get the urge to chop my hair off again.
I simply love your hair....the length, color, styles...especially the roller set; it looks soooo beautiful &amp; lustrous. Just curious, what is your hair length goal? Keep up the good work; just simply marvelous /images/graemlins/smile.gif.
Thanks Peachtree
I don't really have a length goal perse (sp?)

My hair seems to stop growing when it reaches about this length. It was a little longer like 2 years ago.

I am enjoying the length it is now but if I could grow it out a little longer that would be nice...like 3-4 more inches.
But I definitely know I want to keep the length I have and still experiment with different styles...straight and curly and still have healthy hair.

Valleygirl, I have to share that you are one of the many members on this board who inspire me. Your hair is so gorgeous, it really makes me want to go natural. I showed your photos to my husband and he agreed (he's been trying to get me to go natural for a while now). Your hair looks beautiful straight or curly.
You make me want to go natural! My hair is a little bushier than yours and I'm afraid /images/graemlins/crazy.gif. The furthest I got was about 2inches of new growth and then I broke down. Thanks for the style advice, I'm going to reconsider.
Valleygirl, I just wanted to be the billionth person to say that your hair looks great..and healthy! (Which is key!) I am natural and wear mine curly (shake and go), but I am a 4a hair type so mine does not look like that. Keep up the good work. As biased as I may be, I favor the curly style too. One day I want to be just like you... /images/graemlins/grin.gif
hey valleygirl

i love your hair. it is soo long. i think you have the length that i want. i also like the pic with the red color in your hair. and i also like your curls. they are so nice, for real!! what is your goal?? it seems like you have already reached it!!! /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Magnifique! Tres belle!...Thank you so much for sharing such inspirational pictures and you are an example of the style and length that I am aspiring to (once I get rid of all my layers and grow to one length). I was beginning to feel like a left thumb on a right hand, because the majority of the long haired ladies are texturized or relaxed or have a different texture or curl pattern than mine. I have a lot of streaks in mine too. I am a 3b curly so my curls are tighter crinklier looking than yours and very fine textured but thick, but look like the picture of your "Straight Hair" if I brush my hair out. I have stopped brushing all together because I prefer my curls. Any way, Your hair is super beautiful and I will redouble my efforts to accomplish what you have already attained. Now you ladies know what I am labouring so hard for, as a picture is worth a thousand words, (yes!) Happy Hair Growing..Bonjour.
Wonderful pics VG!!!

Also thanks very much for your explanation of how and when you use each product.

Valleygirl. I am loving the red color still that you posted weeks ago. It's once colour that I'm going to have to try next summer.

My fave pic if the third one down. It's so thick and full. Just lovely girl.