Updated ADOPT-A-NEWBIE Challenge

For the Big Sisters

Hair Type: 3a/3b

Relaxed / Natural: Natural

Anything you feel you are great at: Using heat:perplexed blowdrying, curly styles

Ground rules you feel strongly about: Don't be afraid to try something new but don't run out and buy a bunch of expensive products, cheap ones work too!!
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I can adopt a newbie.... someone PM me if that is still possible.

MissVee...look at you. Yahhhh. SugaRose will be in here soon. The Big Sister Little Program is so fun. (I know my little sisters are ready for Big Sister stats in the October challenge. They are so on their A Game!)
Thank you ladies. :) I will be Pm'ing you shortly.

UPDATE: Since this challenge is so popular, it will be re-occuring (much like the HYH challenge) every 3 months.

The next challenge will start early October and either I or Jaegermany will start a thread for sign-up's late September.
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Thank you ladies. :) I will be Pm'ing you shortly.

UPDATE: Since this challenge is so popular, it will be re-occuring (much like the HYH challenge) every 3 months.

The next challenge will start early October and either I or Jaegermany will start a thread for sign-up's late September.

Yes! Kudos to Miel - for such a great idea!

I know everyone who hasnt joined wants to join but September is just around the corner!:D
Can I please, PLEASE be put on the waiting list for this challenge? I'm gonna be starting school again soon and I'll really need someone to help me.:o
Uh, if this is still up and running then I'd love to go on the waiting list. I am gonna start my first real stretch asnd would love some help. Please,please,please,please,please,please........................................:trampolin:bouncegre:bouncegre:bouncegre
Wait, wait wait - October - Does this mean I have to give up my big sis?!?!?!!?!!!!!!! GIVE UP MY BIG SIS!!!!! I am weekly report dependent, and I'm fairly sure all of my hair will fall out if I do not chat with TSmith about it every week. The world will stop spinning on its axis; the oceans will dry up; the moon will fall if I do not have my big sis.

I simply cannot give up my big sis - sign me up again.
I'll be someone's big sis! :yep:

For the Big Sisters

Hair Type: 3b, I think

Relaxed / Natural: Relaxed

Anything you feel you are great at: rollersetting, wrapping

Ground rules you feel strongly about: 1.Consistency is key.
2. I think everyone needs to explore and find things that work for them; not every product/method that works for one will work for another.
3. Practice makes perfect.
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