New Adopt a Newbie Challenge!!

I feel like one of those puppies in the shelter that start waggin their tail all hard when someone comes in. then frown when I don't get picked. "why doesn't anyone want me?":ohwell:
Hi Ladies, I'm looking for someone to adopt me and my hair! I'm really cool and I enjoy reading, cooking, chilling and playing with my son! :grin:

My hair type is 4a/b natural if that helps pair me up.

Somebody..somebody..Anybody?..anybody? there an echo?.....echo?......:rolleyes:
I'm a NEWBIE.....I'm a NEWBIE!!!! lol. :grin:

I wouldn't mind having a big sister showing me the ropes and helping me along the there any way this can be done again or I can be added on somehow???? :sad:
Can someone please adopt little ol' po':cantlook: me ....please

Hair Goal: BSL
Hair Type: 4a/b relaxed

someone please adopt me so that we can show everyone our results

thanks god bless
Imma do like Queenie..

I'll take on 3 seems like not too many "older" folks check this thread.

I'm relaxed ...inching to BSL... so that may be something for those to consider.

First 3 to quote me in this!:grin:
Imma do like Queenie..

I'll take on 3 seems like not too many "older" folks check this thread.

I'm relaxed ...inching to BSL... so that may be something for those to consider.

First 3 to quote me in this!:grin:

Nvybeauty, I think Im you first quote. Yippy!
Thanks so much, Jassy
Imma do like Queenie..

I'll take on 3 seems like not too many "older" folks check this thread.

I'm relaxed ...inching to BSL... so that may be something for those to consider.

First 3 to quote me in this!:grin:

May I be adopted by you? I am a natural 4a/b, but I still take lots of advice from people with relaxed hair, I like the way it looks.
Imma do like Queenie..

I'll take on 3 seems like not too many "older" folks check this thread.

I'm relaxed ...inching to BSL... so that may be something for those to consider.

First 3 to quote me in this!:grin:

Perhaps I'll be #3? I'm natural, but I'm sure you have some great advise!
I REALLY need to be adopted. My hair is between SL and APL I my short term goal is thick heathly APL and my long term goal is thick healty MBL. I will be having pictures real soon not sure were to start so I thought I find some help
I would also like to be adopted, I have SL 4a/4b hair. I want to thicken it up and restore it from the damage and overprocessing that has been done to it!

I'm so excited!!

"First I would like to say thank you to God, for putting me in the direction to find LHCF. I would like to thank my homegirl nvybeauty for selecting a nappy head! I'd like to thank all of my family for believing in me and supporting my hair care journey....even if you don't understand, thanks for being there. And lastly, to my haters. Thank you for always hating. Make sure you stop by next year this time so you can ask me a ton of questions." :grin:

Looking for a Big Sis! :yep:

I'm texlaxed, hair type is 3C/4B (I think). I know that a lot of Newbies are waiting so I'll get in line...:ohwell:

I will adopt somebody :yep: I'm a MBL 4a self-relaxed, bunning stretcher. I can adopt upto 3 newbies.
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I need a hair she-ro! I know my profile says I have been a member since '04 (really do not remember signing up then, anywho) but I did not become active until recently. I have been natural since '02 and really thought my hair would thrive and grow wild. Not the case. It went from super short to apl in a few years and has been straggling ever since. I feel like my hair has maxed out. It has been the same length for the last two years. I got it butchered Saturday and am even worse off than I was before ughhhh! I am so tempted to get a fresh neck length razor cut and call it a day because this in between business is not what's up. Ayude Me Por Favor!
Aww, I feel so sad for all the newbies languishing away waiting to be adopted :sad:. I'm super busy with grad school so I may not be on here all the time, but I am willing to adopt a newbie natural. I'm not a styling wiz, but I am great at encouragement :yep:.

Since no one seems to be matching newbies up anymore :look: I don't know the best way to choose a newbie. So I guess if you'd like to receive a pm from me every now and again encouraging you on your journey and maybe giving you some advice and pointing you in the right direction. Shoot me a pm. Good luck to everybody on your journey.
Im a newbie and Im up for adoption:attention:
I cook, I clean and I can even help u budget your finances. :giggle:

Thats just my way of saying "Help me?":ohwell: lol Although Im broke and bald Im a work in progress lol.
Is anyone adopting anymore? I'm 4a/b in the middle of my transition to natural, I'm 1 year deep this week. My hair is crying and I have no idea how to comfort it.