Updated ADOPT-A-NEWBIE Challenge

Please add this newbie to the list as well.:meme:

I really need help because I don't know a lot about products and stuff. :bye:

I am determined and I take guidance well.:help:
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:look: I hope I'm not doing this wrong, I don't even know how to start a thread as of yet. But I do have a lot of questions. How does someone get adopted. I need help =) I have I guess 4A hair, shoulder length, permed 6 weeks ago. I believe my hair may be overprocessed. Could someone contact me please? Thank you.
I became a member yesterday, so I don't know the site terms either (ie baggying, protective styles, etc.) too well either. If I sound desperate, it's because I am LOL
i consider myself a newbie because although i've been a stalker on this site i just fully committed myself. so with that being said, can someone adopt me PLEASE?! lol

My stats are:

4a-b, natural hair 5-7 inches (just trimmed in late august)
higlighted and colored various shades of brown
currently on C & G 6mth challenge
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I know I'm early to show pictures but I have a lot of tests coming up so they're in my siggy. Please excuse how ragged they look. You can see them in my fotki too.
ETA well I can't even get it to show up in my siggy so yeah, just my fotki
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This adopt-a-newbie challenge is starting to sound like a VIP club, with people clamoring to get in. :grin: I hope that everyone that wants to be adopted has the chance, but I don't know if everybody from the 1st waiting list even got matched.

Hopefully a lot of big sis' will sign up to mentor. Maybe we have some commitment-phobics here. :look:
TRUST ME... Sistaslick was my big SIS...from 7/07-9/07...and her advice, did wonders for my hair... With her help I decided to go natural. I know how to better take care of hair, what it needs, and what to do when it is lacking... SHE IS THE BEST...

You want to get in ASAP....
For the Newbies:

Hair Type: 4a or 4b
Relaxed / Natural: Relaxed
Starting Length:Neck length
Hair Goal:Bra-strap
Current Challenges:Styling, especially w/o heat
Current Problems:Thin edges
Anything you don't like to do: Co washing/MTG:eek:

I currently wash and DC 2x weekly. I am using Cathy Howse UBH Conditioner, UBH Moisturizer and EVOO/Keracare Essential Oil. I DC w/heat with the UBH for 20 minutes then rinse and DC with Keracare Humecto in the Tub for 20 minutes w/heat. I only comb in the shower with a shower comb on wash day during my rinsing of the Keracare Humecto.

I will need a Big Sista that is not hung up on the products that will be used but is more interested in technigues, low manipulation, low to no heat, etc.

Anything you don't like to do: Co washing/MTG...what's wrong with that?
For the Newbies:

Hair Type: 4a or 4b
Relaxed / Natural: Relaxed
Starting Length:Neck length
Hair Goal:Bra-strap
Current Challenges:Styling, especially w/o heat
Current Problems:Thin edges
Anything you don't like to do: Co washing/MTG:eek:

I currently wash and DC 2x weekly. I am using Cathy Howse UBH Conditioner, UBH Moisturizer and EVOO/Keracare Essential Oil. I DC w/heat with the UBH for 20 minutes then rinse and DC with Keracare Humecto in the Tub for 20 minutes w/heat. I only comb in the shower with a shower comb on wash day during my rinsing of the Keracare Humecto.

I will need a Big Sista that is not hung up on the products that will be used but is more interested in technigues, low manipulation, low to no heat, etc.

Anything you don't like to do: Co washing/MTG...what's wrong with that?