Update W. PICS: It's been 27 months since I joined LHCF and started my HJ


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone :hiya:.

I just wanted to post a quick update and let you know where I'm at at the moment. A few of you have sent me pm's for an update and I keep saying I will post one soon... so here goes.
Well, theres some good news, some bad news and some news in between depending on how you look at it :look:.

So some of you may know I started my hair journey in March 2008 when I found this forum after being inspired by Macherieamour.


This was my starting point in March 2008. My hair was badly overprocessed and extremely dry...



After a few weeks of protein and deep conditioning treatments the health of my hair started to improve


Then I discovered Ayurveda and took vitamins for a few months. After a few months of Ayurveda, deep conditioning, protective styling and moisturising, I saw a tremendous improvement in my hair:



The bad news is that I stopped the Ayurveda and vitamins fairly quickly (less than 6 months) although I do believe they contributed vastly to my hair growth and health due to a lack of time during my working week.

In this last picture I had ended a 10 month transition attempt...
then I decided to transition again...
then I ended my transition again in January 2010 after 15 months.

I went to a salon in January so a so called professional could relax my hair. I had A LOT of new growth and she obviously did not have a clue as most of my hair was still underprocessed. The hair a few inches from my scalp was fine but the rest was underprocessed and then I had my relaxed ends.
I ended up correcting it myself in May and I should have trusted myself to relax my own hair in the first place because it came out pretty good although I ended up cutting off a couple inches which needed to go anyway.

The good news is, although I have not really followed a strict regimen like I used to in the early stages, I have not lost a terrible amount or progress.
Through my HJ, I have stuck to using wigs as a protective style, wearing satin bonnets at night and also stuck to moisturising and sealing on a regular basis.
I'm going to return to baggying.

I think I'm quite close to MBL, but and I'm not sure if I'm aiming for MBL or WL.
Either way, I'm working towards blunt ends and thicker hair so I still have quite a way to go
This is where I'm at the mo:



HHG everybody!
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Fantastic. Ur hard work and dedication have paid off. What is your regime now?

BTW, looking at your siggy pics you look as though you've lost alot of weight too.
Hi everyone :hiya:.

I just wanted to post a quick update and let you know where I'm at at the moment. A few of you have sent me pm's for an update and I keep saying I will post one soon... so here goes.
Well, theres some good news, some bad news and some news in between depending on how you look at it :look:.

So some of you may know I started my hair journey in March 2008 when I found this forum after being inspired by Macherieamour.


This was my starting point in March 2008. My hair was badly overprocessed and extremely dry...



After a few weeks of protein and deep conditioning treatments the health of my hair started to improve


Then I discovered Ayurveda and took vitamins for a few months. After a few months of Ayurveda, deep conditioning, protective styling and moisturising, I saw a tremendous improvement in my hair:



The bad news is that I stopped the Ayurveda and vitamins fairly quickly (less than 6 months) although I do believe they contributed vastly to my hair growth and health due to a lack of time during my working week.

In this last picture I had ended a 10 month transition attempt...
then I decided to transition again...
then I ended my transition again in January 2010 after 15 months.

I went to a salon in January so a so called professional could relax my hair. I had A LOT of new growth and she obviously did not have a clue as most of my hair was still underprocessed. The hair a few inches from my scalp was fine but the rest was underprocessed and then I had my relaxed ends.
I ended up correcting it myself in May and I should have trusted myself to relax my own hair in the first place because it came out pretty good although I ended up cutting off a couple inches which needed to go anyway.

The good news is, although I have not really followed a strict regimen like I used to in the early stages, I have not lost a terrible amount or progress.
Through my HJ, I have stuck to using wigs as a protective style, wearing satin bonnets at night and also stuck to moisturising and sealing on a regular basis.
I'm going to return to baggying.

I'm not really sure what length I am right now and I'm not sure if I'm aiming for MBL or WL but this is where I'm at the mo:



HHG everybody!

OH MY GOODNESS! What great, great progress! Your hair looks wonderful. You have gained and retained a tremendous amount of length in such a short time. Your hair is not just long. From the pictures you can see that you UNDERSTAND about how to focus on the health of your hair as well.

Bravo and congratulations to you. It is so inspiring to see someone's successful progress and it is wonderful to see that journey and progress captured and documented with photographs.

Thank you for posting and sharing your journey with us. It's posts like yours that keep inspiring me and keep me coming back to this hairboard.

PS- As someone has already mentioned, please post your regimen! What you are doing is obviously working!
Great progress. Your hair did a tremendous turn around with just some deep conditioners and some TLC.
People need to see results like this and maybe they wouldn't be discouraged.

Your hair looks great!
Fantastic. Ur hard work and dedication have paid off. What is your regime now?

BTW, looking at your siggy pics you look as though you've lost alot of weight too.

LOL... I wish I had lost weight. Quite the opposite.

My old regimen is in my fotki but currently I have what I think is quite a simple regimen, if you can call it that.

I wear my hair in box braids and cover my hair with wigs daily. I usually moisturise with ORS Carrot Oil and seal with Coconut Oil (doesn't matter what brand) once a day.
I always wear a satin bonnet to bed but will start baggying at night also as I found that really helped me retain moisture.
I always deep condition with ORS Hair Mayonnaise and add rosemary oil peppermint oil and/or tea tree oil to the conditioner when I wash my hair and that may be every fortnight or so. Depends on when I have the time.
Thats more or less it.
As soon as I come out the shower after I've washed my hair, my hair goes back into box braids.
As far as detangling goes, I use my fingers first, then a wide tooth comb, working from the ends to the roots and lightly tapping out tangles. If the comb gets stuck, I use my fingers to detangle that area and start again until the comb glides through my hair.
Your hair is beautiful :lick:. Congrats on your success of your hair journey. Your story is truly inspiring. Thanks for sharing.