Update on child support and other spouses income


New Member
we spoke with another friend that works at dss her answer is yes Sarah's income can be counted if she or her husband have biological children in the home or if they have a child 2gether.

Well Sarah and her husband have been arguing because Sarah says she is not paying for his child support out of her income. Her husband is well I take care of ur kid so what. They have no children 2gether.

I don't know what to tell them. I feel for her and him. Now they are just going back and forth. They are talking about legal seperation if she has to pay out of her income to keep her income from being calculated.
I really hope they work this out. Perhaps they should see how much the raise is before they let it cause issues. If they are married, she isn't really paying out of her income--it is community money.
It doesn't sound as if they are ready to become "one" just yet.
It's probably better for them to live separately and have separate finances as well.
we spoke with another friend that works at dss her answer is yes Sarah's income can be counted if she or her husband have biological children in the home or if they have a child 2gether.

Well Sarah and her husband have been arguing because Sarah says she is not paying for his child support out of her income. Her husband is well I take care of ur kid so what. They have no children 2gether.

I don't know what to tell them. I feel for her and him. Now they are just going back and forth. They are talking about legal seperation if she has to pay out of her income to keep her income from being calculated.

Wow, I'm sorry your sis is going through this mess. Hopefully this is an eye opener for women who are with men who have kids. I wonder what would happen if she decided she wasn't going to report her income?
we spoke with another friend that works at dss her answer is yes Sarah's income can be counted if she or her husband have biological children in the home or if they have a child 2gether.

Well Sarah and her husband have been arguing because Sarah says she is not paying for his child support out of her income. Her husband is well I take care of ur kid so what. They have no children 2gether.

I don't know what to tell them. I feel for her and him. Now they are just going back and forth. They are talking about legal seperation if she has to pay out of her income to keep her income from being calculated.

So Sarah does not mind when he does for her child, but she refuses to do for his. She can't have it both ways.
So Sarah does not mind when he does for her child, but she refuses to do for his. She can't have it both ways.

Exactly! This is why women should not marry men with children if they are not willing to deal with all that comes along with it. SMH
So Sarah does not mind when he does for her child, but she refuses to do for his. She can't have it both ways.

THANK YOU! Chick has a whole lot of nerve! Here I'm thinking she was a childless woman that married a man with a kid.

Here she is a chick with a kid, who I am assuming lives with her, which means her husband is helping finance her child (paying rent/mortgage, buying food, paying utilities, etc.) but she is in a tizzy about helping finance his child who, by the way, only gets to see his/her father four days a month while her offspring lives with the man?!?! GIRL BYE!!!
Oh wow, I though she was childless too (reading is fundamental)

sorry, she's wrong in this argument.
The sad part is that it is probably no more than a couple of hundred dollars and she want's to be separated and split yet another home because she doesn't want to help his child with their needs.
If you marry a man that has children, they become your children too.
I bet if she didn't make that much money (sound like she makes decent money for her to be complaining) she wouldn't mind the court add her and her child as expense for the husband so the other kids would get less child support.
I completely understand the rationale of some state laws counting the spouses income for non-custodial parents if there are minor kids in the house. Clearly the non-custodial parent is providing for a child (in the house) so the parent darn well better be providing support for their absentee child on the same level.

I cannot believe that your friend is willing to divorce a decent man because HE IS TAKING CARE OF HIS CHILD? If this man is providing for her child (not his) why does she have such a problem providing for his child so much so that she is ready to legally separate? There must be more to the story that she is not sharing.