Untapped Growth: What are you doing to make your body more alkaline?


New Member
I got inspired to write this post because of the thread about how/if we can speed growth. JustKyia mentioned that getting the body ph neutral or on the alkalized side will help with hair growth and general good health.

Basically what I've learned is that an acidic environment in the body makes it fertile ground for bacteria and viral growth and mucus. You create an acidic environment by eating too much sugar and animal fats. Foods that make the body less acidic and more neutral to alkaline are fruits and vegetables like kale, oranges, spinach, wheat grass, etc. Since I'm not good at eating all this, I've recently opted for taking dehydrated greens, sold at health food stores. Products like Amazing Greens and Orac-Energy Greens help to promote alkalinity in the body. So if you don't like eating fruits and vegetables, you can just mix the powder with some juice and swallow it down. I figure it can't hurt and I do have a lot more energy and alertness since I've started.

Anyone have any insight into this? Let's discuss!
I've heard about adjusting your body's PH levels to help with overall health and immunity, but not specifically for hair growth. I guess that could be an additional perk though! I think I'll just try to eat right - I'm not good with supplements and stuff.
I've heard about adjusting your body's PH levels to help with overall health and immunity, but not specifically for hair growth. I guess that could be an additional perk though! I think I'll just try to eat right - I'm not good with supplements and stuff.

I think eating green foods and maintaining a health ph balance allows the body to function at an optimal level, thus, maximizing growth potential combined with other bodily functions. That's why we always hear that a balanced diet with fruits and veggies contributes to hair growth. It also gives the body essential trace minerals. I like the powder because it's like eating a plate full of vegetable without eating, well, a plate full of vegetables. :look:
The best way to make your body alkaline is to eliminate processed foods and animal products.

Basically you would need to be a vegan. DH is a vegan but I'm not ready to give my red meat yet. Eventually I will also have a completely vegan diet, but I could care less about the effects on my hair.

I will do it because I want to eliminate disease and live well into my old age. I want to be healthy and active in my nineties and 100's and I know the ony way is proper diet and nutrition.
I just follow a list guide and try to eat more of the alkaline forming foods. I don't think I can totally eliminate meat but what I found so interesting on learning about alkaline vs acid foods was that when I was dealing with systemic candidiasis and had to change my diet, all the food that was encouraged was alkaline forming and all the food I was told to cut back or eliminate was acid forming. I didn't know about the acid vs alkaline effect of food, but it was quite interesting to realize that food that got me better was from the more alkaline forming food. I also find it interesting that not all acidic food is acid forming. For example lemons are some of the healthiest alkaline forming foods on the list. Go figure. So since it isn't that straightforward, I use cheat lists to guide me.

Here's one list but there are many more online:
green smoothies
green vibrance powder
no pork or shellfish
lots of salads and steamed veggies
msm powder, evening primrose, and a multi
lots of water, green/white/oolong/honeybush/ rooibos/herbal teas
I got inspired to write this post because of the thread about how/if we can speed growth. JustKyia mentioned that getting the body ph neutral or on the alkalized side will help with hair growth and general good health.

Basically what I've learned is that an acidic environment in the body makes it fertile ground for bacteria and viral growth and mucus. You create an acidic environment by eating too much sugar and animal fats. Foods that make the body less acidic and more neutral to alkaline are fruits and vegetables like kale, oranges, spinach, wheat grass, etc. Since I'm not good at eating all this, I've recently opted for taking dehydrated greens, sold at health food stores. Products like Amazing Greens and Orac-Energy Greens help to promote alkalinity in the body. So if you don't like eating fruits and vegetables, you can just mix the powder with some juice and swallow it down. I figure it can't hurt and I do have a lot more energy and alertness since I've started.

Anyone have any insight into this? Let's discuss!

:eek: YIKES!!! :eek: Mmmmm....maybe I need to look at my diet carefully, because lately I've been producing a LOT more mucus than usual, and I DO have an addiction to sugar. :look:

OMG...this is scary! :ohwell:

I need to get my body more alkalined. :wallbash: Maybe I'll try some of those shakes you're mentioning.
Has anyone heard of Kangen Alkaline Water?

I have been drinking it for about a month now, but I haven't noticed any increased hair growth. It has significantly helped with cleansing my body.
This seems weird to me. I would think an acidic environment is better for eliminating bacteria, etc.. growth. Example: keeping your body more acidic reduces yeast (fungal) infections.
Hi Christelyn :wave: This info is great. I am trying to change my diet too. But slooooowly. I know me. I have cut out simple things that I know that won't miss. I am working on the harder ones, like candy and sweets. Plus I am getting old so...but its a process. I do take my vitamins and drinks lots of H20 and green tea. I do what I can.

Good to see you. I will be checking out your blog too. :yep:
Has anyone heard of Kangen Alkaline Water?

I have been drinking it for about a month now, but I haven't noticed any increased hair growth. It has significantly helped with cleansing my body.

Girl, when I first heard of alkaline water, it was in a discussion about the filters. I got so excited and started looking for one. I quit the minute I saw that the cheapest goes for $3500 and that isn't counting the filter. I think I'll wait till they start bottling some. I once bought water from Trader Joe's that was ionized. I don't know why I thought it was alkaline ionized water but I was so excited. I hate water so couldn't tell you if it tasted any different. Water is water is water...if you're asking me to go by flavor. Just tasteless. But I drink it coz I know it's good for me. To make it bearable, I add a few drops of 100% fruit juice, even if just enough to change the color, then I'm a happy camper.

BTW, I don't think changing your water will change your hair growth rate. I think what OP was saying is since in a mission to grow hair we tend to start eating right, exercising...basically living well, that we should consider eating less acidic forming foods as well. Won't necessarily increase growth rate, but it might if your diet was detrimental to your growth rate. But at least you can be sure you're not hurting it if you dot all i's and cross all t's.
And actually, we are both wrong. Foods don't change the acidity of your body because your stomach is extra acidic to kill bacteria. When absorbed that acidity is neutralized. See below

Not to say eating healthy isn't good period.

You bring up a good point...the stomach is very acidic. Apparently the body is self-regulating, which means that it will always works towards the mean. However, if the body has to work harder to stay balanced, wouldn't that cause a problem? What is more, the list of food that are more alkaline tend to be on the healthy side--broccoli, kale, spinach, oranges, etc while the more acidic foods--alcohol, coffee, red meat, candy, etc are intrinsically unhealthy and are KNOWN to contribute to health problems such as inflammation, cancer, infections, strokes, you name it. All and all, I think this acid/alkaline thing requires more investigation on my part.
Here's a medical perspective. Your body's pH is not dependent on what you eat necessarily. Your body's pH is directly controlled by your kidneys. Things that affect your body's pH are the air you breathe, like if you have asthma and you retain more carbondioxide, your body now has more acid. If you are hyperventilating and you breathe out more carbondioxide, your body will become alkaline. If you're anorexic and throw up over a toilet, your body will become alkaline.

However, those above changes in pH are only temporary. Your body always fights to be at a pH of NEUTRAL. So the kidneys will dump out extra acid or extra alkaline into your urine to bring it back to neutral.

Basically, the point is that no matter what you do, your kidneys will bring your pH back to neutral. Your body can't function properly in an environment that's too alkaline or acidic. If you came into the clinic and your blood was not neutral, they would assume something was wrong with your kidneys.

Overall, I think that eating a healthy diet is a good thing. A very good thing. But as far as it changing your pH, it won't be more than a few hours or days at the most before the body corrects it.
I tend to believe in this theory because I've seen for myself how changing my diet completely for over a year to consume those on the alkaline list and avoid the acidic list, not only cured me of systemic candidiasis but also eczema and hay fever so that I have not needed to take the antihistimines I couldn't live without or use creams for my skin since 1993. Let's just say my health went through the roof.

I also know that biochemical environment of a healthy body (intercellular fluids, blood, lymphatic fluid) is about 7.365 and 7.390, ie slightly alkaline. While indeed the body does have a natural homeostatic system that regulates the pH as it changes to bring it to that, I do believe that when people have cancer, osteoporosis, tooth decay etc, their body seems unable to regulate itself and so that biochemical environment within becomes more acidic and stays that way. Indeed going to each extreme isn't healthy but it seems it's takes a lot more effort on my part to avoid foods that cause my body to be acidic than it does to consume them so that I am happy to aim for consuming more of the alkaline forming food because the rewards are worth it. I am not totally eliminating the acidic forming but I know this effort enables me to do all things in moderation. And particularly because the proof is in the pudding, and it seemed to make me feel better, I'm all for this idea.

Proponents of this acid vs alkaline way of eating say that cancer cannot exist in an alkaline environment. While that may seem a bold statement, I guess I don't see what I have to lose eating the way they recommend.

I remember someone whose hubby had been given a few months to live due to gastric cancer. Rather than just accept the prognosis, she and her hubby got proactive and started to read about how changing the diet can help. Two years later they were still going strong having squashed that prediction of 6 months to live. I'm not saying this is a guarantee, I just believe in food being the cause of disease and also the cure of a lot of ailments and I'm open-minded enough to realize that there is a correlation in the foods on one list and disease.
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To stay around 7 I.....

Doing a 10 Blood Detox starting this weekend:grin:

Adding Wheat Grass in my smoothies

Correctly combining foods

Eat a salad everyday w/5+ veggies (great source of fiber, kept things movin!!)

Drink Herbal Teas

Drink mineral water ...Fiji or Whole Foods brand

Drink distilled water as soon as I wake up

No meat, no dairy(98.99% of the time!) and VERY little processed foods

Limit sugar, and only raw vegan sugar

Eat organic everything!!

HSN vit from Dherbs

7-8hrs of sleep

I REALLY need to get back in the gym!!! Shame on me:wallbash:

Hey, How can you test your body's pH???

Great thread!
I have been stabilizing my alkaline state since the Spring. I use Body Rescue Alkaline Booster pH Protector drops. I just add drops to water (flavorless) and drink! I also have pH strips - but I think I only used them once. :/
Here's a medical perspective. Your body's pH is not dependent on what you eat necessarily. Your body's pH is directly controlled by your kidneys. Things that affect your body's pH are the air you breathe, like if you have asthma and you retain more carbondioxide, your body now has more acid. If you are hyperventilating and you breathe out more carbondioxide, your body will become alkaline. If you're anorexic and throw up over a toilet, your body will become alkaline.

However, those above changes in pH are only temporary. Your body always fights to be at a pH of NEUTRAL. So the kidneys will dump out extra acid or extra alkaline into your urine to bring it back to neutral.

Basically, the point is that no matter what you do, your kidneys will bring your pH back to neutral. Your body can't function properly in an environment that's too alkaline or acidic. If you came into the clinic and your blood was not neutral, they would assume something was wrong with your kidneys.

Overall, I think that eating a healthy diet is a good thing. A very good thing. But as far as it changing your pH, it won't be more than a few hours or days at the most before the body corrects it.

I think food has everything to do with it. Food gives your kidneys the nutrients it needs to function properly. Vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein and ALL the other goodies we get from food are the building blocks and fuel of your organs (kidneys, lungs, heart, blood, and so on). They need all those goodies so they can function properly….feeding the cells so they can properly regenerate.... since we get a "new" body every 7 yrs or so. Eating good whole foods has to be the most important thing you can EVER do for your body. Monks in China lived to be 150 yrs old because they followed a strict, healty diet.

I think the medical world does not teach ppl how important food is for the body...we are taught that this organ does this and its function is that...but how is it able to do that function?? and why can it do that function??... are the missing links in the medical world. Food is the ans. Our world is filled wit disease and no one seems to know why, I think its because our food habits have become sooo lax and toxic. Food is everything!!...sorry to go on, its my passion to see ppl be in great health!!!!

If you read all this...PLEASE learn more about food and its effects on the body...and also about inorganic (aka fake, synthetic, dead..aka processed, aka toxic chemicals) foods horrible effects on the body!! Im not synthetic, so why would I take a synthetic drug and expect that to help me?? Side effects, no thank you!!!

Be TRULY Healthy and Organic (if possible)

Ohh.. Food Inc. (the documentary, dvd on sale at Target) has good info on inorganic food and food in general if you wanna know more
I tend to believe in this theory because I've seen for myself how changing my diet completely for over a year to consume those on the alkaline list and avoid the acidic list, not only cured me of systemic candidiasis but also eczema and hay fever so that I have not needed to take the antihistimines I couldn't live without or use creams for my skin since 1993. Let's just say my health went through the roof.

I also know that biochemical environment of a healthy body (intercellular fluids, blood, lymphatic fluid) is about 7.365 and 7.390, ie slightly alkaline. While indeed the body does have a natural homeostatic system that regulates the pH as it changes to bring it to that, I do believe that when people have cancer, osteoporosis, tooth decay etc, there body seems unable to regulate itself and so that biochemical environment within becomes more acidic and stays that way. Indeed going to each extreme isn't healthy but it seems it's takes a lot more effort on my part to avoid foods that cause my body to be acidic than it does to consume them so that I am happy to aim for consuming more of the alkaline forming food because the rewards are worth it. I am not totally eliminating the acidic forming but I know this effort enables me to do all things in moderation. And particularly because the proof is in the pudding, and it seemed to make me feel better, I'm all for this idea.

Proponents of this acid vs alkaline way of eating say that cancer cannot exist in an alkaline environment. While that may seem a bold statement, I guess I don't see what I have to lose eating the way they recommend.

I remember someone whose hubby had been given a few months to live due to gastric cancer. Rather than just accept the prognosis, she and her hubby got proactive and started to read about how changing the diet can help. Two years later they were still going strong having squashed that prediction of 6 months to live. I'm not saying this is a guarantee, I just believe in food being the cause of disease and also the cure of a lot of ailments and I'm open-minded enough to realize that there is a correlation in the foods on one list and disease.

Nonie, this is a great testimony. When I hear doctors and other medical professionals claim that something doesn't work because there's no research to back it up or the body works like xyz and abc is not possible, it's nice to read about people who apply certain practices and see the change first hand and can clearly see the difference in their health.
No I'm not saying that food has nothing to do with it at all. I don't like the assumption that the entire medical world discredits everyone else and that we're on opposite battle fields. We have a common goal. Food has its benefits and affects you, especially if you're consuming, say a lot of alcohol, or a lot of meat. And for the record, in the medical field, we are taught to start with the basics first. If someone is prescribing medication for all your problems as a get go, they're probably rushing to get you out of their clinic. If you look at some of my other posts, when someone says they have hair falling out, I suggest they get their iron checked, instead of just putting Monistat on it as a get go. It's going back to the basics. To use a blanket statement that the medical world doesn't teach how important food is is just false. Have you sat in every single class in medical schools around the world before making this conclusion? Why else do they teach an entire year of a class by the name of nutrition? In Nursing school and Medical school. Where else did we get the whole notion that a diabetic should stay away from sugary foods?

I guess when we're using the term "body" it's a general term. We have the blood, the tissues etc. The example of the person who has cancer and their body is too acidic is an example of a flawed system. This person's kidneys are working too hard or can't function at all. For some reason this strikes a nerve in me. I don't like feeling like we're on opposite sides of the fence. To say that doctors ONLY believe in medication and then others say that medication doesn't work AT ALL is just too black and white of an issue.

I'm a proponent of a balanced diet. But my point is that it's not the only thing that affects your pH. Food will alter it in some way, yes, but there's other factors. The kidney is responsible for altering it. That's just the way that it is.
No I'm not saying that food has nothing to do with it at all. I don't like the assumption that the entire medical world discredits everyone else and that we're on opposite battle fields. We have a common goal. Food has its benefits and affects you, especially if you're consuming, say a lot of alcohol, or a lot of meat. And for the record, in the medical field, we are taught to start with the basics first. If someone is prescribing medication for all your problems as a get go, they're probably rushing to get you out of their clinic. If you look at some of my other posts, when someone says they have hair falling out, I suggest they get their iron checked, instead of just putting Monistat on it as a get go. It's going back to the basics. To use a blanket statement that the medical world doesn't teach how important food is is just false. Have you sat in every single class in medical schools around the world before making this conclusion? Why else do they teach an entire year of a class by the name of nutrition? In Nursing school and Medical school. Where else did we get the whole notion that a diabetic should stay away from sugary foods?

I guess when we're using the term "body" it's a general term. We have the blood, the tissues etc. The example of the person who has cancer and their body is too acidic is an example of a flawed system. This person's kidneys are working too hard or can't function at all. For some reason this strikes a nerve in me. I don't like feeling like we're on opposite sides of the fence. To say that doctors ONLY believe in medication and then others say that medication doesn't work AT ALL is just too black and white of an issue.

I'm a proponent of a balanced diet. But my point is that it's not the only thing that affects your pH. Food will alter it in some way, yes, but there's other factors. The kidney is responsible for altering it. That's just the way that it is.

Thanks for your comments. Believe me, I take it in. I'm a health writer by trade and it's my job to hear both sides. I have in my research in past health subjects, however, gotten a lot of push back from doctors regarding natural, non-medicinal alternatives to treat some health problems. I guess a healthy skepticism is key, without being blinded by either side of the argument.
Here's a medical perspective. Your body's pH is not dependent on what you eat necessarily. Your body's pH is directly controlled by your kidneys. Things that affect your body's pH are the air you breathe, like if you have asthma and you retain more carbondioxide, your body now has more acid. If you are hyperventilating and you breathe out more carbondioxide, your body will become alkaline. If you're anorexic and throw up over a toilet, your body will become alkaline.

However, those above changes in pH are only temporary. Your body always fights to be at a pH of NEUTRAL. So the kidneys will dump out extra acid or extra alkaline into your urine to bring it back to neutral.

Basically, the point is that no matter what you do, your kidneys will bring your pH back to neutral. Your body can't function properly in an environment that's too alkaline or acidic. If you came into the clinic and your blood was not neutral, they would assume something was wrong with your kidneys.

Overall, I think that eating a healthy diet is a good thing. A very good thing. But as far as it changing your pH, it won't be more than a few hours or days at the most before the body corrects it.

your ph is also effected by stress levels and environment and diet containing foods that are anti-inflamatory helps the body to heal itself and be more in balance. No organs in the body work independently of themselves as our bodies are complicated and everything works together to keep us healthy.
I agree with Nonie and can give a testimony as to how fasting with green smoothies/juicing and eating a diet that is veggie heavy (salads and steamed) as well as oral ozone therapy, herbs, and colonics have helped with a severe candida issue that was the cause of cystic acne for me. Nothing works overnight but consistency with maintaining an optimal level of health is a journey. Check out live blood cell analysis when you get the chance and research it. within a few moments of eating an SAD diet our blood cells clump up and become almost sickle like, but when eating foods like raw veggies and greens this doesn't happen. A holistic health professional from this test can tell whether you are lacking in enzymes, vitamins etc. It also can tell what illnesses you have a genetic weakness to and you can manage these issues before they become a problem.

I know you have medical background but why is it so hard for doctors to believe that diet and stress mangement is key. Docs spend so little time in med school on nutrition and how fundamental it is to our well beingWhy do doctors find health issues when its too late considering diseases can be 10-15 years in the making? The traditional food pyramid is a load of crap! Why can't we as people of color understand that holistic healing has its place and if it was good enough for our ancestors then its good enough for us? I think check-ups with a doctor have their place but if I can avoid going by modiying my diet, doing my own research and doing something holistic I will. Most conventional meds just supress synmoms and don't provide a cure anyhow. Doctors have killed and misdiagnosed too many of my friends and loved ones, they don't always know best.
Let me step down from my soapbox as I know all doctor's aren't bad....but their are tons of crappy ones. I just want more doctors to be open to incorporating holistic methods with their conventional approach... that's all.
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Thanks for your comments. Believe me, I take it in. I'm a health writer by trade and it's my job to hear both sides. I have in my research in past health subjects, however, gotten a lot of push back from doctors regarding natural, non-medicinal alternatives to treat some health problems. I guess a healthy skepticism is key, without being blinded by either side of the argument.
Thank you. I see your point now. I as a person am a high proponent of using both medicine and non-medicine. I do know a lot of people in the medical field who only believe in medicine and nothing else.
your ph is also effected by stress levels and environment and diet containing foods that are anti-inflamatory helps the body to heal itself and be more in balance. No organs in the body work independently of themselves as our bodies are complicated and everything works together to keep us healthy.
I agree with Nonie and can give a testimony as to how fasting with green smoothies/juicing and eating a diet that is veggie heavy (salads and steamed) as well as oral ozone therapy, herbs, and colonics have helped with a severe candida issue that was the cause of cystic acne for me. Nothing works overnight but consistency with maintaining an optimal level of health is a journey. Check out live blood cell analysis when you get the chance and research it. within a few moments of eating an SAD diet our blood cells clump up and become almost sickle like, but when eating foods like raw veggies and greens this doesn't happen. A holistic health professional from this test can tell whether you are lacking in enzymes, vitamins etc. It also can tell what illnesses you have a genetic weakness to and you can manage these issues before they become a problem.

I know you have medical background but why is it so hard for doctors to believe that diet and stress mangement is key. Docs spend so little time in med school on nutrition and how fundamental it is to our well beingWhy do doctors find health issues when its too late considering diseases can be 10-15 years in the making? The traditional food pyramid is a load of crap! Why can't we as people of color understand that holistic healing has its place and if it was good enough for our ancestors then its good enough for us? I think check-ups with a doctor have their place but if I can avoid going by modiying my diet, doing my own research and doing something holistic I will. Most conventional meds just supress synmoms and don't provide a cure anyhow. Doctors have killed and misdiagnosed too many of my friends and loved ones, they don't always know best.
Let me step down from my soapbox as I know all doctor's aren't bad....but their are tons of crappy ones. I just want more doctors to be open to incorporating holistic methods with their conventional approach... that's all.

I don't know how this came across as me saying that diet is useless, it's not! The WHOLE reason why some people end up in the clinic is due to bad diet. Ok, we agree on that point. Of course you can avoid and should avoid taking unnecessary meds by eating a well balanced nutritious diet.
But @ the bolded, you can't make that assumption if you haven't sat in a curriculum for yourself. I don't know which doctor you spoke to who said that diet and exercise are not key.
Has anyone heard of Kangen Alkaline Water?

I have been drinking it for about a month now, but I haven't noticed any increased hair growth. It has significantly helped with cleansing my body.

Yes, I've heard of it, but I haven't tried it yet since I have alkaline drops or pH salts to make my filtered water change from neutral to alkaline, plus I use alkaline powders in my almond or rice beverages.

Where do you buy your alkaline water? How does it taste? I know a place in Hawthorne that sells that water. Then there's another place that sells alkaline water, but I don't know if its Kangen.

For over a year now, I've been really into alkalining my body.
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Yes, I've heard of it, but I haven't tried it yet since I have alkaline drops or pH salts to make my filtered water change from neutral to alkaline, plus I use alkaline powders in my almond or rice beverages.

Where do you buy your alkaline water? How does it taste? I know a place in Hawthorne that sells that water. Then there's another place that sells alkaline water, but I don't know if its Kangen.

For over a year now, I've been really into alkalining my body.

I'm so sorry I am just seeing your post. I was going to a Kangen distribution center in Hawthorne. I was getting a free trial gallon for months and they stopped giving free water. You now have to buy their gallon container for $15 and each refill is $3 or $4....I can't remember exactly. I think we are talking about the same place in Hawthorne though. I haven't been since they started charging for the water but if you dont mind paying you should give it a try. The distance driving plus the cost was just too much for me.