How Are You Increasing Your Protein Intake for Hair Growth?

Isis, I must have been looking at the wrong thing then if you called them and they said its $18.74. I'll go back there and look sometime next week
I drink 2 shakes a day made with BioChem Whwy Protein. One for breakfast and one as an evening snack.

I make it with once scoop of this, water, ice, 4 oz vanilla yogurt, 3 packs Splenda, and 3-4 oz frozen strawberries. YUM!

I use this one because it has 100% whey protein isolate. The powders that have whey protein concentrate make my stomach hurt and causes gas. I can feel sick for DAYS!

HoneyDew said:
I drink 2 shakes a day made with BioChem Whwy Protein. One for breakfast and one as an evening snack.

I make it with once scoop of this, water, ice, 4 oz vanilla yogurt, 3 packs Splenda, and 3-4 oz frozen strawberries. YUM!

I use this one because it has 100% whey protein isolate. The powders that have whey protein concentrate make my stomach hurt and causes gas. I can feel sick for DAYS!

Thanks for sharing your recipe HoneyDew and your whey protein. My recipe is similar but with stevia and no yogurt. BioChem sounds like a very good brand.
nelli711 said:
Isis, I must have been looking at the wrong thing then if you called them and they said its $18.74. I'll go back there and look sometime next week
They have several different brands and some are quite expensive, like the quote you received. Regular health food stores have Designer Whey at around $25.00 - $35.00 for the same 2.1 lb size.