Um, so, I am bald now...‏


Active Member
Yes, the color that I did twice (yeah I know) has eaten my hair up so bad, it looked like rats were gnawing at my ends.

I should know better, but I wanted my hair to be a chocolate brown. I used the Dark & Lovely color, but I did it twice in a row-well, two days in a row.

I tried to treat it because I did not want to cut it shorter (it is already short), but when your ends are a mess it seems like your entire head is a mess- so I had to. It would not lie right, and it was dry. It looked a ratchet mess. It still does to a point, but not as bad after I cut it last night. It felt better to the touch immediately- all those ends were gone, but it is still dry looking.

I know some say that you could get the same results from a heating cap that you can from a steamer. Please advise further. I do not have money for a steamer. I never used neither, but is the hair more moisturized than it would be under a regular dryer? I might purchase one after work, a heating cap that is...


My hair is dry, but feels like there is a lot of residue-product build-up. I am not sure about doing a clarifying because that may dry it more and I have not been using a lot of product at all.

I need a relaxer very much, but have to wait because the color was just done.

I am not sure protein is the answer. Seriously, I don’t know what to do, and I am good at taking care of my hair.

I am asking all of you because I need a quorum to provide a number of solutions. Please help.
Yes, the color that I did twice (yeah I know) has eaten my hair up so bad, it looked like rats were gnawing at my ends.

:lachen:Sorry op but this made me LOL! Sleep in a good moisturizing conditioner. Conditioner Conditioner Conditioner is the key now! At least 3 days a week. Be sure to incorporate some protein in your reggie as well.
......talmbout "I am bald now" and I come in here and see words. Mutha........ :nono:

Sorry for not quenching your curiosity I am not literally bald, but I think you get that. However, my hair is severely damaged and I had to cut it even shorter. It does not look good.

I have been on this board long enough to know that people give advice without seeing pictures. I told the reason for the damage so...:perplexed
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Sorry OP. The best thing you can do is up your deep treatments and stay away from box color. Box color is very damaging especially to hair thats been relaxed also.:nono:
Maybe you could do mild clarifying with an acv rinse or with diluted clarifying shampoo or a chelating shampoo. If you really feel like you have buildup i think this is a necessary step to make sure your conditioners get to where they need to go. And i do the homemade steam treatments and it works very well. I'm not trying to buy a steamer either. All you need is a bonnet or hard top dryer. I think even those caps you attach to your handheld dryer would work. I'm on my ipod now and for some reason i can't do a search but there was a thread about the set up. The only other thing needed were those microfiber twisty towels they sell at bss or dollar store (2 of them). If someone can pst the thread that would be really nice (hint, hint). If not then i will post the directions later when i get to a reg. Cmptr.
Use strengthening and nourishing treatments. Try this as a pre-poo:
1 banana
1 avocado
1 whole egg
Olive oil

You need to increase both protein and moisture.
oooh and try an overnight condition. Use a moisturising conditioner on either towel dried or dry hair, wrap in cling film and wrap in a turban. Leave it in overnight and the heat from your head will create a steaming effect. I actually like this better than steaming.
Maybe you could do mild clarifying with an acv rinse or with diluted clarifying shampoo or a chelating shampoo. If you really feel like you have buildup i think this is a necessary step to make sure your conditioners get to where they need to go. And i do the homemade steam treatments and it works very well. I'm not trying to buy a steamer either. All you need is a bonnet or hard top dryer. I think even those caps you attach to your handheld dryer would work. I'm on my ipod now and for some reason i can't do a search but there was a thread about the set up. The only other thing needed were those microfiber twisty towels they sell at bss or dollar store (2 of them). If someone can pst the thread that would be really nice (hint, hint). If not then i will post the directions later when i get to a reg. Cmptr.

Are you referring to the home grown steam treatment? If so, here is the thread link:
Thank you ladies so very much. I truly appreciate the feedback. I will try the clarifying then a deep treatment as well as an overnight treatment.

I love the idea of banana and avocado in hair treatment.

Thanks again.
I think protein is exactly what you need right now. You're double processed (relaxed and color treated).

Your hair needs strength and fillers to hold on to moisture or else it'll continue to be dry. Protein doesn't equate dry and hard hair. We need proteins to help retain moisture and smooth the surface of the hair. Relaxing and coloring strips hair of that and needs to be replenished.
Those treatments provide synthetic, temporary fillers to serve that purpose. Your hair is probably overly porous right now.

You did great by getting rid of the damaged ends. That's the hard part. My vote is to start with a light to medium protein treatment weekly until you notice an improvement in your hair. It won't be an overnight fix, so be patient. HTH
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Sorry for not quenching your curiosity I am not literally bald, but I think you get that. However, my hair is severely damaged and I had to cut it even shorter. It does not look good.

I have been on this board long enough to know that people give advice without seeing pictures. I told the reason for the damage so...:perplexed

The thing is lhcf has a high incidence of people posting "I'm bald!! Heeeeeelp!! My world is ending." But pics show they still have hair down their backs and what they might have lost is an inch or two that needed trimming anyway. Soooo did you suffer serious damage from the dye or no? You don't need a steamer gizmo if you can't afford one. You can easily improvise with hot towels, or by putting conditioner in your hair, cover that with a net cap and then take a hot shower, sit in a sauna, etc.
IMO you can delay the inevitable but eventually the triple processed hair has to go. Protein treatments are temporary fixes.

And you want to ask me how I know? Back in 2005, I got a box color, while my hair was still wet my beautician put bleach over my hair! I didn't know what she was doing till it was too at the time I was relaxed. My hair was weak and breaking....I used motion's CPR and it instantly stopped my breakage right in its tracks-temporarily. I had to do that treatment every time I washed my hair because once I rinsed that protein was washed down the drain and I was left with weak hair again....

I would advise cutting off a little at a time maybe 1/2 inch-1 inch per month or so to get rid of the damage if it is that severe....
ITA! you are going to have to cut all of that damage out. you can do it little by little, or cut it all off and start fresh. but it has to go. you can't save that hair.

IMO you can delay the inevitable but eventually the triple processed hair has to go. Protein treatments are temporary fixes.

And you want to ask me how I know? Back in 2005, I got a box color, while my hair was still wet my beautician put bleach over my hair! I didn't know what she was doing till it was too at the time I was relaxed. My hair was weak and breaking....I used motion's CPR and it instantly stopped my breakage right in its tracks-temporarily. I had to do that treatment every time I washed my hair because once I rinsed that protein was washed down the drain and I was left with weak hair again....

I would advise cutting off a little at a time maybe 1/2 inch-1 inch per month or so to get rid of the damage if it is that severe....
The thing is lhcf has a high incidence of people posting "I'm bald!! Heeeeeelp!! My world is ending." But pics show they still have hair down their backs and what they might have lost is an inch or two that needed trimming anyway. Soooo did you suffer serious damage from the dye or no? You don't need a steamer gizmo if you can't afford one. You can easily improvise with hot towels, or by putting conditioner in your hair, cover that with a net cap and then take a hot shower, sit in a sauna, etc.

I have been here long enough to understand that. I rarely post in the hair forum and so I am serious about the damage that I say I suffer! I had to cut my hair off, but it is still dry and hard as hell. It is a mess.

Trust my hair is not down my back :lol::lol: I get what your saying, but I doubt that not having pics would prevent advice.

The reason I asked about steamer/heating cap is that I want to do intensive deep treatments so I being a novice to both, figured I would ask.

I have zero time to waste trying to get responses if I do not need them. However, I do not want to debate this. I do appreciate your response.
IMO you can delay the inevitable but eventually the triple processed hair has to go. Protein treatments are temporary fixes.

And you want to ask me how I know? Back in 2005, I got a box color, while my hair was still wet my beautician put bleach over my hair! I didn't know what she was doing till it was too at the time I was relaxed. My hair was weak and breaking....I used motion's CPR and it instantly stopped my breakage right in its tracks-temporarily. I had to do that treatment every time I washed my hair because once I rinsed that protein was washed down the drain and I was left with weak hair again....

I would advise cutting off a little at a time maybe 1/2 inch-1 inch per month or so to get rid of the damage if it is that severe....

I totally agree, and I have never been scared to cut, but this time I really did not want to. I wanted to grow my bob in nice. So I am feeling real raggedy and like WTF now. I did cut a lot of it off, but it still is a mess. So, I agree it needs to go. I will continue to cut a little at a time as I go along.
IMO you can delay the inevitable but eventually the triple processed hair has to go. Protein treatments are temporary fixes.

And you want to ask me how I know? Back in 2005, I got a box color, while my hair was still wet my beautician put bleach over my hair! I didn't know what she was doing till it was too at the time I was relaxed. My hair was weak and breaking....I used motion's CPR and it instantly stopped my breakage right in its tracks-temporarily. I had to do that treatment every time I washed my hair because once I rinsed that protein was washed down the drain and I was left with weak hair again....

I would advise cutting off a little at a time maybe 1/2 inch-1 inch per month or so to get rid of the damage if it is that severe....

Cosigning. Ultimately the colored hair will have to go. Protein is temporary and helps during the grow out process. I did what you did back in the day, but I did all over box color on my hair 2 weeks apart and then the next 2 weeks I relaxed with African Pride :spank: When I went to the stylist to get it fixed he was like: Lookey here, I have to cut ALL of this color off. You want to do it now or wait later. I chopped it to a flyy pixie cut and grew it back out with no worries.
Many girls have said that overnight conditioning rendered results similar or better than steaming. You could try that.

I personally would recommend a liquid protein followed by a nice moisurizing deep conditioner. A steamer is a nice to have, but it's not necessary.
What ever you do, please do not relax until your hair gets the needed TLC it needs. You need a good protein treatment and DC to regain moisture and strength in your tresses.
ITA! you are going to have to cut all of that damage out. you can do it little by little, or cut it all off and start fresh. but it has to go. you can't save that hair.

I agree with whats said above (use moisturizing condish for now and leave on overnight). I remember when I colored 2x within the same week also and I had to cut all of the colored hair completely off. This is what I looked like after cutting all my hair- I couldn't believe it broke off so quickly and I used protein but that didn't save it.


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I came home and decided to cut a little more off.

I used 1st lather to get rid of what felt like residue, then I used mizani reconstrutor for protein then did a keracare moisture conditioner. I mixed coconut, avacado and aloe oil together and sprayed over conditioner. I then combed and massaged in and am now under dryer.

I will do this for the next couple weeks and see how it goes. Perhaps skipping the protein some weeks when I do overnight conditioners...

I don't know what I was thinking:ohwell:

Thanks again.
Please do not use a clarifying shampoo in this situation it will create a greater problem.
I came home and decided to cut a little more off.

I used 1st lather to get rid of what felt like residue, then I used mizani reconstrutor for protein then did a keracare moisture conditioner. I mixed coconut, avacado and aloe oil together and sprayed over conditioner. I then combed and massaged in and am now under dryer.

I will do this for the next couple weeks and see how it goes. Perhaps skipping the protein some weeks when I do overnight conditioners...

I don't know what I was thinking:ohwell:

Thanks again.

Yeah keep your regimen simple. I'm just glad you aren't trying to hang on to the damaged color! I'd skip the clarifying shampoo, though. Your hair won't feel normal while it's damaged, so stripping it even further won't help. An overnight DC may not help either because "I think" the problem is that your hair won't hold moisture. It's like running water over swiss cheese. Take it slow, keep your regimen extra simple, and cut that color off. You'll be fine, girl! :grin: