Ultra Thick Shake or Protein Shake Users...


Well-Known Member
I have some questions about the protein shake if someone could take out the time to answer i appreciate this very much:
1. How many times a day do you take a protein shake?
2. Do you use this a meal subsitute or just as being apart of your normal eating plan?
3. Has anyone gained or loss any weight from having a protein shake a day?
4. Has anyone noticed any negative side effects to the protein shakes?
5. Have you noticed a difference in you hairs length and growth?
6. Have you noticed a difference in your hairs texture?
7. Does anyone have any before and after pictures of what there hair looked like before the started using the protein shake?
bluediamond0829 said:
I have some questions about the protein shake if someone could take out the time to answer i appreciate this very much:
1. How many times a day do you take a protein shake?
2. Do you use this a meal subsitute or just as being apart of your normal eating plan?
3. Has anyone gained or loss any weight from having a protein shake a day?
4. Has anyone noticed any negative side effects to the protein shakes?
5. Have you noticed a difference in you hairs length and growth?
6. Have you noticed a difference in your hairs texture?
7. Does anyone have any before and after pictures of what there hair looked like before the started using the protein shake?

I believe there is a thread regarding the Protein Shakes in the Nutrition Section of this boardl... They did answer a lot of the questions that you have there...

-HTH :look: