Ultra Hair Thick Shake


New Member
Just wanted to post a quick review...

I purchased this yesterday and had some and it tastes good! It's too soon to tell how it works - but since I couldn't find the Aminos I was looking for at the healthfood store yesterday and this seemed to have some I decided to add it to my "vit" regimen. I also plan to use it as a meal replacement shake - much like I'd use a protein hsake or a slim fast.

I figure I'll kill two birds with one stone.
Has anyone used this in the past (or currently) with success?
I've never even heard of this but I'm interested, does it have a milk or soy base? Is it available at GNC?
I wonder if this is the same shake that Honey Rockett drank. I remember her posting about some type of 'hair' shake that made her ill.
yes somebody on this board has posted about this shake before. she said that she had used this a long time ago and that her hair used to grow so fast, but she couldn't remember why she stopped drinking it. maybe she will see this thread tracy and post. i have to make a search on google and see if i find it. is it chocolate??
Yeah - I remember about that "why did I stop drinking it" post too Nay... If I find the threads in my searching I'll post it here for reference.

Kitzs....It think it might be avaialble at GNC, but I got it at a health food store. I'm pretty sure it's soy based.

Chipmunk - It IS good! I really like the taste so much better than other shake mixes I've tried - and not even hair ones - but generally.

You guys keep me posted on your results - Chipmunk on what you think and Kitsz if you decide to try it.
Hey all,

That was me trying to figure out why I stopped taking the protein shake, lol. But, not to worry, the product junkie in me made me go out and buy some again. I'll keep you updated with any good results.

Hey all,

That was me trying to figure out why I stopped taking the protein shake, lol. But, not to worry, the product junkie in me made me go out and buy some again. I'll keep you updated with any good results.


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Hi Crys,

Please keep us posted.
Hey all...again, lol. It will be pretty easy to see if my results are the same this time around. I'm due for a touchup tomorrow (it's been 12 weeks). I guess that's a pretty good way to measure new growth, starting from none at all. Supergirl, I didn't know the shake came in packets...I only thought it came in a can. Sorry that it didn't agree with you

Hi Guys:

I'm new here, but just wanted to add in my 2 cents regarding the protein shake. I buy protein mix from GNC and i've been taking it for about four months now (last year I took it for about 6 months). It has definitely made a drastic change in my hair ---- it's much thicker and it grows faster. I wear braids all the time, and I used to be able to keep them in for 3 months, now it starts looking ragged after about 6 weeks.
The protein shakes are good if you are able to be consistent. I also have the protein in tablet form for the days that I do not have the time to mix the shake. Word of Advice: check the protein content before you buy. There are some that have more protein than others.
The one I'm currently using is called "Pro Blend 55", and it contains 55 grams of protein. The one that I used before only contained 35 grams.
I'm lactose intolerant so I prefer to mix with soy milk.
Hope this helps
Can I get something like this already mixed? Sounds really good but would never be able to commit if I have to mix it twice a day.

Girl, you know I love ya...you must NOT use this as a meal replacement...no, no, no! If you are looking for something, drop me a PM.

Much Love,

Hey LD!

The brand name is Nature's Plus. The Name of the product is Ultra Hair Thick Shake. It's in a large can and mine is maroon and white.

It's soy protein based.

I'm sorry it made you sick Supergirl! I hope it doesn't do that to me...
So far, so good though.

I'll PM you for some better alternatives. I just wanted to have something quick and easy that fits into my hectic schedule. Liquid packages easily for on-the-go eating.

Expect that PM soon!

I didn't know it came in packets either....heeeyyyyy
here's a drink i saw today at holland and barrett today and was wonderin if this is similar to the one that u're talkin bout


Nutrition Information
100 g portion contains: Each serving (21g) contains:
Energy 1,530 kJ and and 67 kcal
Protein 76 g 16 g Carbohydrate 10 g 2 g Fat 0 g 0 g
Cholesterol 25 mg less than 5 mg
Fibre 0 g 0 g
Sodium 0.600 g 0.120 g

100 g portion contains: %EC RDA* Vitamin A (Retinol) 2,250 µg (7500 I.U.)
281% Vitamin D 7.5 µg (300 I.U.)
150% Vitamin E 25 mg (37.5 I.U.)
250% Vitamin C 105 mg
175% Thiamin (Vitamin B1) 5.45 mg
389% Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 5.95 mg
371% Niacin 40 mg
222% Vitamin B6 7.35 mg
367% Folic Acid 600 µg
300% Vitamin B12 24 µg
2400% Biotin 0.225 mg
150% Pantothenic Acid 15 mg 250% Calcium 2,957 mg
370% Phosphorus 1,000 mg
125% Iron 15 mg
107% Magnesium 160 mg
53% Zinc 15 mg
100% Iodine 75 µg
50% Copper 600 mg ** Potassium 250 mg **

*RDA = Recommended Daily Allowance **No RDA Established Grams of Amino Acids (approximate values) per 100 g portion:
L-Alanine 2.3
L-Arginine 2.9
L-Aspartic Acid 5.15
L-Cysteine 0.3
L-Glutamic Acid 16.1
L-Glycine 16.5
*L-Histidine 2.2
*L-Isoleucine 4.5
*L-Leucine 6.85
*L-Lysine 5.7
*L-Methionine 2.1
*L-Phenylalanine 3.7
L-Proline 8.15
L-Serine 4.65
*L-Threonine 3.3
*L-Tryptophan** 0.95
L-Tyrosine 4.3
*L-Valine 5.2

*Essential Amino Acids
**L-Tryptophan is naturally occurring, not added.

DIRECTIONS: As a food supplement for adults, blend one (2) heaping tablespoons of Instant Milk & Egg Protein Powder with one cup (250 ml) of skimmed milk. Ingredients: Calcium Caseinate, Sodium Caseinate, Egg White Solids, Whey Protein Concentrate, Maltodextrin, Vanilla Flavour, Sodium Saccharin, Papain (Papaya Enzyme), and the following Vitamins and Minerals: Tricalcium Phosphate, Magnesium Oxide, Potassium Chloride, Potassium Citrate, Ferric Orthophosphate, Vitamin C (as Sodium Ascorbate), Niacin (as Niacinamide), Zinc Oxide, Vitamin E (as d-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate), Pantothenic Acid (as D-Calcium Pantothenate), Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxine Hydrochloride), Thiamine Mononitrate (Vitamin B1), Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Copper Sulphate, Vitamin A (as Retinyl Palmitate), Folic Acid, Biotin, Potassium Iodide, Vitamin B12 (as Cyanocobalamin), Vitamin D. CAUTION: Do not take this product if you are pregnant or likely to become pregnant. Pregnant women should not supplement with more than 2,664 I.U. (800 µg) preformed Vitamin A daily except on the advice of a doctor or ante- natal clinic. WARNING: CLOSE TIGHTLY AND KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. CONTAINS IRON, WHICH CAN BE HARMFUL TO CHILDREN IN LARGE DOSES. In case of accidental overdose, contact your doctor or nearest Hospital Casualty Department immediately. Notice: Use this product as a food supplement only. Do not use for weight reduction. Free from wheat, gluten, yeast, preservatives, artificial colours.
I do not use the Egg protein, I usually buy the Whey or soy protein shakes.... they taste better and there's less cholesterol (i think). I really don't think the brand matters as much as the amino acid contents b/c that's what's responsible for hair growth. Just make sure there is at least 30g or protein per serving, if it's less than that, it's probably not worth buying.
The shake that I drink contains a whopping 55 grams of protein per serving. I buy it at GNC in the body builder's section.
For you guys that want extra protein but do not want the hassle of mixing a shake, you can drink Ensure Plus, it contains 13g of protein per can. It is especially good for those of us who do not always get a chance to eat properly due to hectic schedules.
All in all, I still prefer to mix my protein because I get 55g in one shot as opposed to having to drink three or so cans of Ensure Plus, but I guess the up side is that it's convenient -- u just pop the can and go!
Oh, yeah.... one more thing about the protein (I promise I'm done after this) there is yet another alternative for protein.... Wal-Mart has these bars called Balance Gold (they are in the vitamin section, close to the pharmacy) and they come in different flavors. Each bar has 15g of protein (in fact I'm knawing on one right now). They taste ok
They cost about $1 each
Sade thanks for the all the info.

I actually picked up this particular brand of shake because I can't drink the ordinary protein shakes they sell in the wieght management or body building section of most health food stores. They make me PUT ON weight which is not what I want to do.

I am hoping the results with this shake will be better for me in light of that, being that it's geared specifically toward hair growth and nothing else.

Hotchoc: I'll list the ingredients (and you'll owe me big because it's hella long
I thought about ddoing this last night and decided against it because it was so lengthy, but for you....
) when I get home.
sade i tried the soy protein based shakes but they had side effects and my mum did a search for me and it turns out that they'res research goin on bout if they linked wit cancer so she threw out the one i had before and i wud prepare to use another kinda protien instead of soya if i can help it....

p.s. this one has 76 g of protein so it shud be fairly useful in my hair growth and weight gain
Hotchoc: I'll list the ingredients (and you'll owe me big because it's hella long
I thought about ddoing this last night and decided against it because it was so lengthy, but for you....
) when I get home.

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Thank you----You made me feel sooooo special