Type 4 2005 Support Thread: What Were Your Keys to Growth?


New Member
Someone mentioned starting a support thread for 4a/bs and I thought that it might be nice to hear from 4a/bs who have been able to achieve a lot of growth:

1) What were the keys to your success?
2) How often did you relax and how did you prevent breakage at the demarcation while you were waiting for a touch up?
3) Any other tips that you might like to share.

Thanks in advance and happy New Year,
4b who would like to reach brastrap
tryn2growmyhair said:
Someone mentioned starting a support thread for 4a/bs and I thought that it might be nice to hear from 4a/bs who have been able to achieve a lot of growth:

1) What were the keys to your success?
2) How often did you relax and how did you prevent breakage at the demarcation while you were waiting for a touch up?
3) Any other tips that you might like to share.

Thanks in advance and happy New Year,
4b who would like to reach brastrap
Hey tryin':

I have 4a/b hair and what worked for me was daily rinsing and conditioner washes. It kept my hair soft so that I could extend my retouches to to about 12 to 14 weeks. I'm about 4 inches from brastrap. I started my hair growing journey November 2002. My suggestion is to find yourself a good conditioner that helps with moisture and gives you good slip. I personally love the Avlon line Keracare Humecto and thier Moisturizing Shampoo. Together they give me a good moisture balance in my hair. Good luck girl! You can do it!

By the way, when I first started on my hair journey, my hair was so broken off in the back of my head, that I could not even get enough hair to go around my curling iron. It was a complete mess! It had a dry and brittle texture and I hated it. Now, I love my hair! This forum has been very supportive and full of info. I owe my hair life to LCHF and Cathy Howse!
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tryn2growmyhair said:
Someone mentioned starting a support thread for 4a/bs and I thought that it might be nice to hear from 4a/bs who have been able to achieve a lot of growth:

1) What were the keys to your success?
2) How often did you relax and how did you prevent breakage at the demarcation while you were waiting for a touch up?
3) Any other tips that you might like to share.

Thanks in advance and happy New Year,
4b who would like to reach brastrap

Happy New Year to you, also :).
1. Well, I wouldn't say I have a "lot of growth", but what I have managed to retain, I would attribute to no direct heat, less inidrect heat, and PROTECTIVE STYLES. Also, the baggie method whenever I can has helped tremendously.
2. Here is my post copied from another thread about type 4s who stretch.
4b here, every 12 weeks. Only two things help me...conditioner washing daily for the last 3-4 weeks and little manipulation or going to the Dominican salon every other week or so during the last month and having my roots blown straight. If I do the latter, I do not wash my hair at all between salon visits. If I do the former, I use Profectiv moitsurizers and oils to soften the new growth, but I still try not to comb through it.
3. I can't really think of anything else, but if I do, I'll come back to edit :) .
dreemssold said:

Happy New Year to you, also :).
1. Well, I wouldn't say I have a "lot of growth", but what I have managed to retain, I would attribute to no direct heat, less inidrect heat, and PROTECTIVE STYLES. Also, the baggie method whenever I can has helped tremendously.
2. Here is my post copied from another thread about type 4s who stretch.
4b here, every 12 weeks. Only two things help me...conditioner washing daily for the last 3-4 weeks and little manipulation or going to the Dominican salon every other week or so during the last month and having my roots blown straight. If I do the latter, I do not wash my hair at all between salon visits. If I do the former, I use Profectiv moitsurizers and oils to soften the new growth, but I still try not to comb through it.
3. I can't really think of anything else, but if I do, I'll come back to edit :) .

Thanks a lot for your advice. I used Profectiv Breakfree and it left my hair feeling waxy. What Profectiv product do you use? Thanks in advance for your response/
Stylepink said:
Hey tryin':
This forum has been very supportive and full of info. I owe my hair life to LCHF and Cathy Howse!
Thanks so much for YOUR words of support. By the way, how has Cathy Howse helped you? Do you use her conditioner recipe/products or other techniques, i.e. no trimming, etc.Thanks in advance for your response.
1) What were the keys to your success?
avoiding heat direct and indirect
low manipulation/protective styles
oiling my ends
spraying daily with activator
Surge or Aphogee Green tea spray daily
2) How often did you relax and how did you prevent breakage at the demarcation while you were waiting for a touch up?
i never relax but during the transition i kept my hair moisturized and did protein treatments
3) Any other tips that you might like to share.
dont stress your hair will grow if it is taken care of
I guess I'm 4a...

1) What were the keys to your success?
Overall, being more gentle to my hair and getting rid of curling irons back in the beginning of 2004.

2) How often did you relax and how did you prevent breakage at the demarcation while you were waiting for a touch up?
I went from relaxing every 4-6 weeks to every 12 weeks, and then began to transition to natural. I kept the demarcation line moisturized and conditioned, and I avoided combing so much.

3) Any other tips that you might like to share.
Poohbear said:
I guess I'm 4a...

1) What were the keys to your success?
Overall, being more gentle to my hair and getting rid of curling irons back in the beginning of 2004.

2) How often did you relax and how did you prevent breakage at the demarcation while you were waiting for a touch up?
I went from relaxing every 4-6 weeks to every 12 weeks, and then began to transition to natural. I kept the demarcation line moisturized and conditioned, and I avoided combing so much.

3) Any other tips that you might like to share.

Thanks for the tip. Everyone says "leave your hair alone." What do they mean by this. I mean, people are doing things to their hair, conditioning, etc. What do they mean by "leave your hair alone." This phrase has always puzzled me, because I would assume that most people are doing things to their hair, that is why they are coming to this forum. Do you mean, do not blow dry or color? Thanks in advance for your response.
tryn2growmyhair said:
Thanks for the tip. Everyone says "leave your hair alone." What do they mean by this. I mean, people are doing things to their hair, conditioning, etc. What do they mean by "leave your hair alone." This phrase has always puzzled me, because I would assume that most people are doing things to their hair, that is why they are coming to this forum. Do you mean, do not blow dry or color? Thanks in advance for your response.

Not Poohbear, but I've given the same response in other threads. For me, leaving my hair alone means using a low-manipulation, ends-friendly style like a moisturized bun. Once my hair is up, I don't touch it - at all. Some women comb and brush their hair several or many times throughout the day, even changing styles in the same day. If I were hot-curling it daily, blow-drying it everyday, and trying to "beat" my hair into "submission," my hair would be brittle, breaking, see-through, and falling-out, giving me an involuntary haircut. I like the bun b/c it tends to be the path of least resistance. I do what's necessary and leave the rest. HTH.

I think by 'leaving the hair alone' they mean minimal manipulation like combing, tight hair styles, styling upon styling in general, I think it also includes blowdrying etc, but mostly combing all the time and styling.

1. Don't have a lot of hair, but staying healthy and doing little to my hair is helping.
2. I don't relaxe my hair, but natural hair can break too. Not putting a lot of heat in my hair, and protein and moisture conditions help. Also combing my hair from bottom to top helps.
Relaxed 4a here. I've been on the boards for almost 1.5 years now and can defintely endorse the following:

1) What were the keys to your success?
Avoiding regular direct heat from curling irons and blowdryers
No damaging color treatments except for Sebastians Colourshines that seal the cuticle and provide clear coat or colored tinge (like a mixture of Ginger and Walnut)
Using protective styles like buns and via cute barrettes, clips
Trimming the underprocessed and burnt-up ends - I did this gradually since my hair was recovering from my Halle-mania days and I still wanted to keep some length but make it look decent. I also dusted the ends at home when I saw an especially frizzy patch. I salon-trim only twice a year now, but at those points, I am quite happy for the fresh ends.
Sealing my moisturized (curl activator or oil mixture) ends with a heavier cream (mango butter, protectiv breakfree)
Almost daily Conditioner washes helped me put moisture back in my hair (Nexxus Humectress, LUST, Neutrogena Triple Moisture Mask). Twice weekly or even weekly washings work just fine now because of daily maintenance regimen and products
Strong regular protein treatments (Aphogee) at the start to curb breakage of under-processed hair, and milder protein as needed currently (like Aveda Curesssence conditioner).

2) How often did you relax and how did you prevent breakage at the demarcation while you were waiting for a touch up?
I relax every 6 weeks (1" growth) but I watch my stylist like a hawk to make sure she does not overlap. Trying to stretch it to 7-8 weeks now that my hair is shoulder-length and buns actually are easy to make during those last few weeks before touch-up. I do not have to detangle and yank from the roots to the ends to make a style.

3) Any other tips that you might like to share.
Take care of yourself - get rest, drink lots of water, have a balanced diet with protein, good fats (olive oil, nuts), fruit, veggies, and take a multi-vitamin at the least.
Find a hair regimen and products that work for you and stick to it!! It may change a bit in the start as you bring your hair back to health but once u find your groove stick with it.
Get inspired -- search the net for stars with hair you like and make an inspiration album on your pc or your website. I also save hair colors, cuts and styles I like from the web and regular old magazine clippings. Make sure the pics show healthy, stylish hair of different lengths - so you can see the quicker in-between goals as well - ear-lobe bob, shoulder-length etc.

I hope this helps. Have a happy, hair-growing year!
tryn2growmyhair said:
Thanks for the tip. Everyone says "leave your hair alone." What do they mean by this. I mean, people are doing things to their hair, conditioning, etc. What do they mean by "leave your hair alone." This phrase has always puzzled me, because I would assume that most people are doing things to their hair, that is why they are coming to this forum. Do you mean, do not blow dry or color? Thanks in advance for your response.
For me, I mean less manipulation... not messing with it or combing or styling it during the day. Plus, I'm on the bun challenge, so I don't mess with my hair much or try to pile a bunch of products on it either. The main day I mess with my hair is during my wash day. I also have been staying away from a lot of heat usage. HTH!;)
tryn2growmyhair said:
Thanks a lot for your advice. I used Profectiv Breakfree and it left my hair feeling waxy. What Profectiv product do you use? Thanks in advance for your response/

I use Break Free, Mega Growth, and I've also used Healthy Ends. If your hair didn't like Break Free, you MIGHT want to try either of the latter two--Break Free is water-based, while they are oil-based. Your hair might just not like water-based products? HTH :).
Hello Tryin'

What has helped me retain my growth is minimal heat, taking my supplements, protective styling and moisture, moisture, moisture. I also stretch my relaxers to a minimum of 12 weeks now.

I wear braids to give my hair a break. I wear cornrows around the 8 week post touch up mark to help stretch my relaxer without damaging my hair. This way I don't have to manipulate my hair during this time.

Lastly, I wash my hair twice a week and deep condition weekly.

Hope this helps.
dreemssold said:

I use Break Free, Mega Growth, and I've also used Healthy Ends. If your hair didn't like Break Free, you MIGHT want to try either of the latter two--Break Free is water-based, while they are oil-based. Your hair might just not like water-based products? HTH :).
Thanks, I will look into this.
Poohbear said:
For me, I mean less manipulation... not messing with it or combing or styling it during the day. Plus, I'm on the bun challenge, so I don't mess with my hair much or try to pile a bunch of products on it either. The main day I mess with my hair is during my wash day. I also have been staying away from a lot of heat usage. HTH!;)

Thanks for the additional info.
1. roller setting weekly
( 2x a week is better, hair is clean and doesnt snap as you are combing but this requires alot of patience so Im lazy now )

2. finding products that work for you, heat protectors, serums

3. daily maintainence, should be stress free, I wrapped my hair for a long time everyday, now I do it 2 (sometimes 3) times a week, every other day basically...once my hair has reached a certain point I dont need to wrap it anymore, I dont like my hair flat on my head...I like to retain some body and curl at the ends

4. relaxing my hair every 7 or 8 weeks...since LHCF...I have tried to extend but I can only go to 11 weeks comfortably..

5. vitamins: silica, biotin mainly and be4 LHCF..... I have since learned about others MSM, Essential oils

6. trimming regularly BUT at some point I think you could skip a trim or two,......if you are maintaining your hair well, and you dont have split ends you can exend your trims as well . For me in the beginning I was trimming every time I relaxed so the damaged hair could go and I could even out my hair....then at a certain point my stylist would skip a trim or 2.

ccd said:
1. roller setting weekly
( 2x a week is better, hair is clean and doesnt snap as you are combing but this requires alot of patience so Im lazy now )

2. finding products that work for you, heat protectors, serums

3. daily maintainence, should be stress free, I wrapped my hair for a long time everyday, now I do it 2 (sometimes 3) times a week, every other day basically...once my hair has reached a certain point I dont need to wrap it anymore, I dont like my hair flat on my head...I like to retain some body and curl at the ends

4. relaxing my hair every 7 or 8 weeks...since LHCF...I have tried to extend but I can only go to 11 weeks comfortably..

5. vitamins: silica, biotin mainly and be4 LHCF..... I have since learned about others MSM, Essential oils

6. trimming regularly BUT at some point I think you could skip a trim or two,......if you are maintaining your hair well, and you dont have split ends you can exend your trims as well . For me in the beginning I was trimming every time I relaxed so the damaged hair could go and I could even out my hair....then at a certain point my stylist would skip a trim or 2.


Thanks, CCD. What products fo you use in your hair? It is really long. I am currently nearing 13 weeks and I will never do this again. I think that I will go 8 weeks from now on. Even 10 weeks is too much for me and I am not sure that stretching it out this long is worth all the possible breakage and extensive amount of time to comb out, detangle etc. I am willing to take time with my hair but after awhile, there is almost nothing that can be done about the new growth. Thank heavens I am bunning it.
Co-signing with what everyone else has said and emphasizing these

* Minimizing the use of heat
* Detangling hair while loaded with conditioner
* Being gentle with hair and always using a wide-tooth comb
* Washing hair in sections to further lessen tangles
1) What were the keys to your success?
---Just left hair alone. I wrapped it up everynight. Use wide tooth combs. Never brushed. Deep conditions. no hot curl/flat iron.

2) How often did you relax ----I relaxed every 5-7 weeks. Trim every 6 months.
and how did you prevent breakage at the demarcation while you were waiting for a touch up?----Left conditioner in overnight in plastic cap. Didn't bother it.
3) Any other tips that you might like to share.
I wear the same style everyday..doobie wrap straight down. Just leave it alone and wear satin scarf every night.
Thanks to all of you for your advice. This is really helpful. :D

It is interesting for me to see that a lot of type 4s do not stretch out their relaxers. I am thinking that I am going to stop doing this after my next touch up. 13 weeks may be too much for someone who is a type 4 (and mostly 4b at that).
Very helpful, encouraging and inspiring. Thanks.

kinikini2 said:
Relaxed 4a here. I've been on the boards for almost 1.5 years now and can defintely endorse the following:

1) What were the keys to your success?
Avoiding regular direct heat from curling irons and blowdryers
No damaging color treatments except for Sebastians Colourshines that seal the cuticle and provide clear coat or colored tinge (like a mixture of Ginger and Walnut)
Using protective styles like buns and via cute barrettes, clips
Trimming the underprocessed and burnt-up ends - I did this gradually since my hair was recovering from my Halle-mania days and I still wanted to keep some length but make it look decent. I also dusted the ends at home when I saw an especially frizzy patch. I salon-trim only twice a year now, but at those points, I am quite happy for the fresh ends.
Sealing my moisturized (curl activator or oil mixture) ends with a heavier cream (mango butter, protectiv breakfree)
Almost daily Conditioner washes helped me put moisture back in my hair (Nexxus Humectress, LUST, Neutrogena Triple Moisture Mask). Twice weekly or even weekly washings work just fine now because of daily maintenance regimen and products
Strong regular protein treatments (Aphogee) at the start to curb breakage of under-processed hair, and milder protein as needed currently (like Aveda Curesssence conditioner).

2) How often did you relax and how did you prevent breakage at the demarcation while you were waiting for a touch up?
I relax every 6 weeks (1" growth) but I watch my stylist like a hawk to make sure she does not overlap. Trying to stretch it to 7-8 weeks now that my hair is shoulder-length and buns actually are easy to make during those last few weeks before touch-up. I do not have to detangle and yank from the roots to the ends to make a style.

3) Any other tips that you might like to share.
Take care of yourself - get rest, drink lots of water, have a balanced diet with protein, good fats (olive oil, nuts), fruit, veggies, and take a multi-vitamin at the least.
Find a hair regimen and products that work for you and stick to it!! It may change a bit in the start as you bring your hair back to health but once u find your groove stick with it.
Get inspired -- search the net for stars with hair you like and make an inspiration album on your pc or your website. I also save hair colors, cuts and styles I like from the web and regular old magazine clippings. Make sure the pics show healthy, stylish hair of different lengths - so you can see the quicker in-between goals as well - ear-lobe bob, shoulder-length etc.

I hope this helps. Have a happy, hair-growing year!
dreemssold said:

Happy New Year to you, also :).
1. Well, I wouldn't say I have a "lot of growth", but what I have managed to retain, I would attribute to no direct heat, less inidrect heat, and PROTECTIVE STYLES. Also, the baggie method whenever I can has helped tremendously.
2. Here is my post copied from another thread about type 4s who stretch.
4b here, every 12 weeks. Only two things help me...conditioner washing daily for the last 3-4 weeks and little manipulation or going to the Dominican salon every other week or so during the last month and having my roots blown straight. If I do the latter, I do not wash my hair at all between salon visits. If I do the former, I use Profectiv moitsurizers and oils to soften the new growth, but I still try not to comb through it.
3. I can't really think of anything else, but if I do, I'll come back to edit :) .

I'll co-sign on the retaining of hair along with dreems...

I've reduced the usage of heat to very little, constant moisture, minimal manipulation of hair, stretching relaxers (I made it 14 weeks for the first time with no weaves or braids! I wouldn't have been able to do it without the information from this board! A life enhancer it is!), doing my best to take care of my ends. I can see the difference in my hair in the past 6 months...I only hope for more positive hair growing throughout the year.
1) What were the keys to your success?
Eating healthier and take my supplements. Keeping my hair moisturized and wearing it in buns. Using less heat and air drying.
2) How often did you relax and how did you prevent breakage at the demarcation while you were waiting for a touch up?
I wait til I am at aleast 12 weeks to relax. I keep my new growth moisturized with coconut oil and only comb though it when my hair has conditioner on it.
3) Any other tips that you might like to share.
Whether it's braided or bunned or whatever, tie your hair up at night. For me it reduces the amount of tangles I have and keeps my pillowcases from sucking the moisture out of my hair.
tryn2growmyhair said:
Thanks, CCD. What products fo you use in your hair? It is really long. I am currently nearing 13 weeks and I will never do this again. I think that I will go 8 weeks from now on. Even 10 weeks is too much for me and I am not sure that stretching it out this long is worth all the possible breakage and extensive amount of time to comb out, detangle etc. I am willing to take time with my hair but after awhile, there is almost nothing that can be done about the new growth. Thank heavens I am bunning it.
I hear ya..I think because of surge I only made it to 8 weeks this last time..before that I made it 13 weeks. I knew it had to be done or I would lose MORE hair thanI was loosing. I had tangles and knots that combing didn't address so it was texturize or lose hair. Needless to say I'm glad I did it.

1. Keys to my success?
a. Protective styles. Right now I have it in a french braid/multiple braid looking bun...lol.
b. Moisture..I'm loving unbraid spray and WGO
c. NO heat. I airdry. Can't really use the blowdryer effectively anyways...lol. But that's good...my split end count is down
d. Washing every 7-10 days...works for me since it means I manipulate it less.
e. I'm back to washing in sections...less hair loss and tangles

2. How often did you relax and how did you prevent breakage at the demarcation while you were waiting for a touch up?
I relax every 13 weeks like I said this last time I only made it to 8 weeks but I had over 1" in growth and I was loosing hair no matter how gentle I was.

3. Find a hair texture that works for you. For me it's being 50% natural. Fully natural wasn't good for me and neither is fully relaxed.
1) What were the keys to your success?

  • As Stylepink mentioned, LHCF and Cathy Howse (simultaneously) really helped me turn my dry, broken off, damaged hair around.
  • Washing frequently to keep my hair moisturized made a big difference (2 x per week)
  • Using no heat on my hair has kept my hair from breaking off and ends from splitting
  • Practicing the art of airdrying using rollersets - a totally new concept for me when I came to the hair boards!
  • Always wearing silk or satin scarves to bed and using a silk or satin pillowcase.
  • Keeping my hair and ends moisturized .
  • Combing my hair only when wet to detangle on wash day keeps manipulation down to a minimum.
  • Wearing protective styles such as braidouts, updos, buns, etc.
2) How often did you relax and how did you prevent breakage at the demarcation while you were waiting for a touch up?
  • Stretching my relaxers to 13 weeks has made my hair much stronger
  • I relax my hair 50% so it's more texturized than relaxed. The demarcation line isn't drastically different.
  • I keep the demarcation line (and all of my hair) well moisturized by washing twice each week and using coconut oil on my new growth especially during the last few weeks.
3) Any other tips that you might like to share.
  • I use my Yoga scalp massage every night.
  • I continue to drink lots of water daily.
  • Daily meditation keeps stress away.
  • I eat a healthy, vegetarian diet (not vegan) and including eggs daily.
  • Daily exercise keeps my blood circulating to my scalp.
  • Loving my hair is essential to hair health.
Con-washes every 3 days at the least *okay I've been lazier in the winter, but never more than every week*

Rollersetting...I hadn't started rollersetting my hair until 2000! :shocked:

Alternating moisturizing conditioners w/ lite protein ones weekly.

Not using heating appliances more than once a week.

Dusting my hair myself and staying away from Scissor Happy Stylists.

That's all I can think of now.