Two wrongs make a right?


Well-Known Member
My cousin cheated on her past boyfriend and she got with this guy. The current guy knows nothing about the past guye and the cheating. Her current guy cheats on her constantly and takes her for granted. She feels that this is her payback for hurting the guy before him. She has convinced herself that eveything that is happening to her,is what she deserves and nothing more. She doesn't even look for better treatment because she feels because she wronged someone, she doesn't get to be happy!

I try to explain to her that we are all responsible for our deeds. We have to suffer for our wrong doings and so does the other person. Karma isn't about willing living unhappy because of something you did. I told her, he doesn't get a pass for mistreating you, regardless of what you did in the past. It breaks my heart because she has really bought into the whole "what goes around comes" around to the point of destruction.

I believe in "Karma" so to speak, but I really wish she would live and let go. I'm inclined to believe this has more to do with her issues with herself. Until she forgives herself for her wrong doing, she will continue to live like this. Many people hold themselves prisoners all their lives and miss out on life itself. There are so many people walking around just like her.
I know how she feels. I have dealt with a person's wrongdoings because I felt like I didn't have a leg to stand on since I wasn't perfect.

I had a girlfriend I couldn't stand before we became friends. I would tell everyone what a loser I thought she was and then we became cool :look:. I told her what I used to think but would always feel bad about myself for the past. She turned out to be the loser I thought she was and I stuck around! After a while I realized I could do better and ended the friendship.

I do believe in karma also but if your cousin knows he is cheating she should move on. Staying with this man could bring her a lot more heartache and God forbid an STD.

She needs to forgive herself, and realize that she is not her past mistakes. The sun rises every day for a reason. It's the start of a fresh new day and beginnings. What happened in the past should remain in the past.
Most times 2 wrongs is a waste of time, which is the case here.

I agree that there are alot of women who are in your cousins situation.