Twist/Braid/Bun For Growth Challenge 7/1/13 - 9/30/13

3days ago I did the baggy method and the green house effect at the same time with my dc. No other heat but that from my scalp. Rinsed that out then banded my hair. Next day when dry twisted my hair then put those n a bun. Will b like this until Friday. Haven't needed to add any extra moisture. Twists feel soft and plump. Was going to trim.ends but didn't c damage so I didn't.
I currently have my hair cornrowed and plaited, then French braided back. Simple, but effective. I will redo in two weeks.
What oil did you use? I've been trying to find a good moisturizer for my face but I don't wanna spend a lot either lol.

I mixed a small amount of coconut oil, sweet almond oil, glycerin and honey with about twice the amount of AVG and shook it up. My face and hair are still soft and moisturized. I tried months ago to make homemade moisturizers with zero success, and I'm thinking my issue was using water and/or teas as the base. My hair was not feeling that at all.

I'm going to make another small test batch for my face of 2-3 parts AVG to 1 part total of sunflower oil, (my left over) sweet almond oil, a tiny bit of CO (it has a tanning effect), a dropper of SSI Argan Elixir (I use this after doing face scrubs and masks), glycerin and honey. When I place my order to vitacost, it's going to be on and poppin' because I'll have essential oils and raw honey to add to my future mixes :lick:. I stayed up last night thinking of different combos to use for a face moisturizer, hair leave-in, body oil, and hair oil. I'm so excited :grin:.
With all of that, I'm excited FOR you! If you can stick with it long enough that it's not terribly time consuming or get to the point where you're always excited to mix your hair and skin products, I can see you rarely looking back!
For myself, the degree of customization and high quality product for a comparative low price simply cannot be equalled!
HHHJ! :-)

I mixed a small amount of coconut oil, sweet almond oil, glycerin and honey with about twice the amount of AVG and shook it up. My face and hair are still soft and moisturized. I tried months ago to make homemade moisturizers with zero success, and I'm thinking my issue was using water and/or teas as the base. My hair was not feeling that at all.

I'm going to make another small test batch for my face of 2-3 parts AVG to 1 part total of sunflower oil, (my left over) sweet almond oil, a tiny bit of CO (it has a tanning effect), a dropper of SSI Argan Elixir (I use this after doing face scrubs and masks), glycerin and honey. When I place my order to vitacost, it's going to be on and poppin' because I'll have essential oils and raw honey to add to my future mixes :lick:. I stayed up last night thinking of different combos to use for a face moisturizer, hair leave-in, body oil, and hair oil. I'm so excited :grin:.

via LHCF App
Thanks for the tag and taking over the challenge! I'm not joining in right now because I'm wearing my hair loose for the Summer. I will be lurking and watching everyone's progress!
With all of that, I'm excited FOR you! If you can stick with it long enough that it's not terribly time consuming or get to the point where you're always excited to mix your hair and skin products, I can see you rarely looking back!
For myself, the degree of customization and high quality product for a comparative low price simply cannot be equalled!
HHHJ! :-)
via LHCF App
Can I get an AMEN!! :lol:

Since discovering my own DC mixes that are better than most of the ones I've bought and seeing how effective cheapie conditioners can be (especially if you tinker with them), I cannot bring myself to splurge on hair products anymore :blush:. My initially attempt at homemade beauty products was a failure because I was trying to do too much :nono:. The concoctions that have worked for me can be made in 1-5 mins. and require shaking or a quick hit in the food processor.
I can't deal with natural hair lines anymore because the prices or shipping is outrageous. I want to support my people, but I can't be hurting my financial security by going into debt over some conditioner :nono:. Especially not when I can make an equivalent with the food in my kitchen.
I did my first twist out today. I used Miss Jessies Curly Pudding and Baby Buttercreme. It turned out nice. My husband loves the results. I will be doing this more often.
I mixed a small amount of coconut oil, sweet almond oil, glycerin and honey with about twice the amount of AVG and shook it up. My face and hair are still soft and moisturized. I tried months ago to make homemade moisturizers with zero success, and I'm thinking my issue was using water and/or teas as the base. My hair was not feeling that at all.

I'm going to make another small test batch for my face of 2-3 parts AVG to 1 part total of sunflower oil, (my left over) sweet almond oil, a tiny bit of CO (it has a tanning effect), a dropper of SSI Argan Elixir (I use this after doing face scrubs and masks), glycerin and honey. When I place my order to vitacost, it's going to be on and poppin' because I'll have essential oils and raw honey to add to my future mixes :lick:. I stayed up last night thinking of different combos to use for a face moisturizer, hair leave-in, body oil, and hair oil. I'm so excited :grin:.

Thanks for the recipe! Have fun experimenting! I wonder of vitacost has international shipping o.O
I did my first twist out today. I used Miss Jessies Curly Pudding and Baby Buttercreme. It turned out nice. My husband loves the results. I will be doing this more often.

Hey! How long do you keep your twists in to prep for your twist out? If its like 4/5 days you should join us for our protective style challenge! You get 3 days to wear your hair out and you have a one week pass for whatever!
Lol I feel like a commercial
Medium rope twists that I installed today. I didn't braid the roots this time, so they will probably not last as long as usual, but we will see. I didn't put anything on my hair while I twisted, but I did LCO after I DC'd and cowashed yesterday with water, Africas's Best Organics Olive Oil Cream and castor oil. Then I let my hair fully air dry in braids.


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Medium rope twists that I installed today. I didn't braid the roots this time, so they will probably not last as long as usual, but we will see. I didn't put anything on my hair while I twisted, but I did LCO after I DC'd and cowashed yesterday with water, Africas's Best Organics Olive Oil Cream and castor oil. Then I let my hair fully air dry in braids.

Very pretty!
Thinking about taking my bun chunky twists down and wearing my hair out today.... happy fourth everyone!!!
Actually it's national afro day. Happy that as well
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Finished installing a set of minitwists yesterday. I forgot about Fros for the Fourth, but I probably would've worn a bun as it has been raining and humid for weeks.
I gave my self a break and rollerset my hair Sunday, wore it to wed. (3 days on the nose :)) and cowashed Wed. night and have been bunning err' since lol. Buns are my friends, but I may have to sit this challenge out when winter rolls around. I want to see what the U-part wig business is about. I wouldn't mind hiding my hair for a couple months :).
I gave my self a break and rollerset my hair Sunday, wore it to wed. (3 days on the nose :)) and cowashed Wed. night and have been bunning err' since lol. Buns are my friends, but I may have to sit this challenge out when winter rolls around. I want to see what the U-part wig business is about. I wouldn't mind hiding my hair for a couple months :).

I might do the same thing in the winter :)! I really want to make a wig! I'm kinda missing straight hair lately
I conditioned and detangled today, and put my hair in 16 twists. I did have more breakage than I like, and I know that's from doing bantu knots and careless bunning :ohwell:. I used my homemade leave-in and hair oil, and my hair dried so fast. I've taken out my twists, and my hair's soft and surprisingly defined. I'm putting my hair in 3 braids for bed to bun tomorrow.
One thing I've found is that sunflower oil is thicker than the oils I'm used to using, so I have you remember to use way less. I had really oily hair the other day :lol:.
So yesterday I pinned my leftover afro into a bun.... now I have to detangle and wash :'( oh lord the tangles. Won't b wearing my hair out again for a while

Shampooed, Dced with Sitrinillah, sprayed a bit of Aphogee Keratin & Green Tea, then did LCOB with Hairveda Whipped Cream, Avosoya oil, and some whipped shea on the ends. Hair is now in a bun. Here a pics. Excuse the shiny face.



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Finished wash day and twisted my hair up. Used As I Am Leave-in, apricot oil and hydroquench 5 day moisture. For some reason it took me forever.This week I will be working on keeping my scalp hydrated without causing my twists to frizz. Let's see if 5 day moisture really works.

I will try to take pictures tonight since I don't have pictures of my twist. Will give me a reference for the end of the year.
I'll join in. I've been wearing my hair in braids in a bun 95% of the time for the past month so I can do this.

1. What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning, etc.)? Braids

2. What is your style maintenance regimen?
Wash once a week. Prepoo and deep condition with every wash. Apply leave in, seal, and braid up.

3. Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning? Natural

4. What do you hope to achieve from the challenge? Longer, thicker hair.

5. After wearing your hair out will you restyle after [Pick One] 2 days or 3 days? 3 day at the most.

6. Include Starting Pic ASAP.

I did my entire head in flattwists going straight back for the first time EVER!! I am so excited and proud of myself because I've wanted to do this style for a long time now. They didn't take me forever (~1.5 hours) and they look pretty good :grin:. Imma try to keep them in for over a week, but I'm so bad with Psing and not messing with my hair :blush:.
I bought some Marley hair only to get home and see that it's a shade and a half lighter than my real hair :sad:. I still went on youtube for vids on making Marley hair buns, and couldn't help but notice that the fake hair buns were as big as buns I do with my own hair :spinning:. Initially I felt dumb buying the hair, but since the bun I can do with my hair flattwisted is a little small, I might try adding the hair to the back.
I'm joining!

1. What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning, etc.)? Buns

2. What is your style maintenance regimen?
Cowash daily or every other day; DC twice a week
Wet bun; using leave-in condish and seal

3. Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning? Natural

4. What do you hope to achieve from the challenge?
Increase my length retention

5. After wearing your hair out will you restyle after [Pick One] 2 days or 3 days?
I will restyle daily

6. Include Starting Pic ASAP. Pic attached. Currently BSL.


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Start by Sharing:

1. What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning, etc.)? My primary style this time around will be bunning on blow dryed or flat ironed hair

2. What is your style maintenance regimen? I'll be washing and straightening every 2-3 weeks, then just moisturizing and sealing my ends every 2-3 days or so

3. Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning? natural

4. What do you hope to achieve from the challenge? length retention and healthier ends

5. After wearing your hair out will you restyle after [Pick One] 2 days or 3 days? Not sure. Probably 1-2 days since I don't like to have my hair out.

After the last challenge I cut about 2-3 inches due to ssks and splits. This time I'll be wearing my hair stretched/straightened to see if that helps my retention.

FoxxyLocs what is your blowdry and flat iron regimen? I am interested in learning one for my heat treats. I eventually want to start blowdrying again in about 6months to a year. Do you use the tension method? High/low, hot/cold dryer? What kind of dryer and flat iron? What temp do you flat iron on? Are you blowdrying first? Do you use big sections or small sections to flat iron. Will you retain a satisfying amount of length using these techniques. Will you increase your DC's b/c of this? What kind of DC do you use (protein/brand)? Do you use heat protectant when you blowdry or flat iron or both? Do you moisturize and seal before you blowdry or after. Whoa, I didn't know I had so many questions. Please answer as many as you can if you would be so kind! Your hair is an inspiration and I'm trying to get to that length and maintain my thickness. You've obviously done something right!
The flattwists aren't going to make it. And not for the reasons protective styles don't last with me, but because they make me look like I just got out of prison or like a boy :blush:. Imma stick with my regular buns but I'll add some flattwists to the front vs. doing them all the way back.
The flattwists aren't going to make it. And not for the reasons protective styles don't last with me, but because they make me look like I just got out of prison or like a boy :blush:. Imma stick with my regular buns but I'll add some flattwists to the front vs. doing them all the way back.

:lol: I had that same experience last time I flat twisted to the back. I was also at my SO's and was wearing a pair of his sweats. It was not a good look :lachen:

Putting them at any angle other than straight back fixes the issue. I usually take the twists in the front and do them to the side. It solves the entire issue.