Tub FULL of hair...I literally have none now


Active Member
I just tried to wash and condition my hair; I had posted earlier about how much it was thinning. It went to thin and limp in less than a week. My hair was scarce.

I washed and conditioned with Nexxus products. I used therappe poo, and then keraphix for a touch of protein and then Humectress conditioner. I could not comb through my hair at all with tons of conditioner, and it was like a clump of tangles.

My hair never behaved this way in years. I am not sure what to do now. I cut it may not be even I don't know what to do. I just started crying in the shower WTF :sad::perplexed.

I really do not know what to do.
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This happened to me when I did a henna/coconut/lime juice treatment on my hair. My advice:

Go to a professional stylist and let them handle detangling your hair. That was what I had to do.

Is your hair spongy or is it hard?
Oh my gracious, you poor thing!!! I read this and feel the tears welling up. I am sooooo sorry pretty lady. So sorry..

Are you sure it is as bad as you feel it is? Are you able to post a pic of the hair that actually shed? Maybe it really isn't too bad. What can be the cause of this? This just doesn't make sense. Did you recently get a perm/touchup??
This happened to me when I did a henna/coconut/lime juice treatment on my hair. My advice:

Go to a professional stylist and let them handle detangling your hair. That was what I had to do.

Is your hair spongy or is it hard?

My hair feels spongy I guess. I don't know, I can't even tell what the hell is going on. It is gone that I do know.:sad:
I'm so sorry! One thing have noticed is that those Nexxus products don't give me much help in the detangling department.

I too wonder about your last relaxer, i wonder did you get fully neutralized?
You work out a lot, right? Are you taking any supplements that could cause hair loss? Also, have you gone to a dermatologist? It sounds like you could have a scalp issue.

Did you do any chemical recently?
QUOTE=*Bre~Bre*;2572291]Oh my gracious, you poor thing!!! I read this and feel the tears welling up. I am sooooo sorry pretty lady. So sorry..

Are you sure it is as bad as you feel it is? Are you able to post a pic of the hair that actually shed? Maybe it really isn't too bad. What can be the cause of this? This just doesn't make sense. Did you recently get a perm/touchup??[/QUOTE]

Its bad, I don't even know how it got all tangled! I washed my hair in the shower, and I made sure to wash my hair in two sections. I just clean out the shower which was a damn job...there was so much hair in the tub.

I had a perm like 4 -5 weeks ago. My hair was shedding pretty bad...but not this way.:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:[
Sounds like it may be an internal issue. Go to a doctor in addition to dermatologist. If I was you, I would not even touch my hair at this point. Just do simple, low mantainence hairstyles so manipulation of the hair is minimized. Do you know if your iron is low? Good luck and I hope everything works out for you.
You work out a lot, right? Are you taking any supplements that could cause hair loss? Also, have you gone to a dermatologist? It sounds like you could have a scalp issue.

Did you do any chemical recently?

No.I am not taking any supplements at all. I havent been drinking as much water as I need to though...well really none :ohwell:

My hair feels so thin.
Awww, I was gonna say it sounds like what happened to alot of us last summer, but this sounds a little more intense. Have you used a neutralizing shampoo since your last t-up? It sounds like maybe it wasn't neutralized properly.

Have you been using any growth aids lately? I know MN was the cause of my shedding last summer and I will never use another growth aid again after that mess.
Sounds like it may be an internal issue. Go to a doctor in addition to dermatologist. If I was you, I would not even touch my hair at this point. Just do simple, low mantainence hairstyles so manipulation of the hair is minimized. Do you know if your iron is low? Good luck and I hope everything works out for you.

I was going to say this exact thing. Don't mean to alarm you but I would suggest putting all the products down for a second and go see a derm. I should have seen one 2 or 3 years ago and maybe i would have more hair on my head than I currently do. Just want to say that shedding is in fact normal, but if you honestly can feel and/or see your hair thinning out, then dear I say better safe than sorry down the road. Speak to a derm or a doc and keep us posted. :kiss:
I am not taking anything no growth aids, nothing. I actually am always cutting and trimming but my hair has been healthy. This is too much I will have to cut shorter. I am just lost. I am really lost.

I am going to make an appt with a dermatologist, and not touch my hair at all.

I always nuetralize well and let it sit in...I will keep you all posted, and I am so grateful for your responses. Thank you all so much.
No.I am not taking any supplements at all. I havent been drinking as much water as I need to though...well really none :ohwell:

My hair feels so thin.

I know if you were to see a doctor/dermatologist it may take a few days or even weeks to get seen. In the meantime do NOT touch your hair. Wear a wig for now until your appointment. Also increase your water intake, within a few weeks you will notice a difference in the suppleness of your hair. People would tell me this all the time but I ignored them. As an experiment for a few weeks all I would drink is soda. My hair texture drastically changed! It became very brittle, dry and was breaking. The next month all I would drink is water and a few weeks later my hair was nourished back to full health. Please drink water! If you don't like plain water use a lemon or those flavor packs. Hope all goes well.
I'm so sorry! One thing have noticed is that those Nexxus products don't give me much help in the detangling department.

I too wonder about your last relaxer, i wonder did you get fully neutralized?
I've noticed the same thing with Nexxus as well! Though they have good conditioners, I couldn't even imagine trying to detangle my hair after using them. No slip at all for me :nono: I've always pre-pooed with them or followed them up with conditioners that provide good slip.

To the OP, I hope that you can get to the bottom of your shedding issue. Also like others have suggested, keep the manipulation to a minimum for the time being.
Oh no! ((((hugs)))

I don't have anything to add to the great advice these ladies have given you. Just want to send some positive vibes your way.
Were did you buy your supplys? something changed the ph. level in your hair.

HM, do you think it went more acidic or alkaline? When shedding, is this the first place to look? I'm back to being paranoid about my products:nono:

Bmack, I can't offer any suggestions, only cosign with the ladies and HM-I think somebody posted a while back about some girls putting nair in their niece's shampoo. Has anybody that you can think of had access to your products that may not have your best interests?

I've been in this position before, but I knew why my hair was falling out.

Sending you love....

It will definitely grow back. Mine did. Took a year and that year went by very fast.
I think you changed your pH level too. What you described has happened to me more than a few times but only once with the severe shedding/breaking. About 10 years ago I experimented with a new conditioner and it tangled my relaxed hair so much, I couldn't comb it without handfuls coming out. I lost so much hair that one time, I just sat on the edge of the tub and cried when I was done.

I think, if possible, that you should go to a stylist who knows what products to best use to correct your hair without raking a comb through it trying to detangle it. Even though I am not a huge fan of Nexxus, I think they actually have a detangler that has worked pretty good in the past with my hair. But in any case don't try and comb it, I think you really need the pros if you lost quite a bit of hair already.
Aren't you the lady that was in the car accident?
If so, there's your culprit. Combine the meds and stress... and you've got hair loss.
I think the ladies have given you great advice, I just wanted to wish you well and let you know how bad I feel about your hair. I know it's distressing to say the least.

Please keep us posted.
Aren't you the lady that was in the car accident?
If so, there's your culprit. Combine the meds and stress... and you've got hair loss.

If this is the case- ITA, sometimes it takes a while for the effects of events to show physically esp on your hair! Like most of the ladies said keep manipulation to a min- don't try to fix by cutting or trimming till u see a professional try to maintain a balanced diet and drink water! Don't stress - it'll pass.:fairy: