Tried Lustrasilk Shea Butter Cholesterol Plus Mango in my cowash this AM and...


New Member
:nono: Me Hair No Likie! :nono:

I have heard people RAVE about this & now I am trying to narrow down what it is that my hair doesn't like so I can avoid it.

My hair felt like when you use to much protein. :wallbash:


I noticed that the front of the tub says "treats and prevents heat & chemical damage...hydrates dry, over-processed & POROUS hair." I also noticed that the first 3 ingredients after water are types of alcohol.

I already know my hair HATES spritz and other products heavy in alcohol. :nono: I have never had porosity issues and my hair isn't damaged. I had to REALLY load up on regular conditioner to make my hair not feel stripped, hard and straw-like.


I will be offering this 20 oz. barely used tub to someone else in my natural hair social club & hopefully it'll work for them. Good thing it was only $2.

Moral of the story: Every product rave on LHCF isn't for you. :ohwell:

You live and learn. :) HHG!
Haha, I tried it over the weekend after reading so many raves. I already had a tub of it from when I tried it as a natural and didn't like it. I thought it would be better since it specifies being for chemical damage, but NOPE. :lachen: I'll be donating the jar and sticking to my Kenra. If it ain't broke... :look:
I would say dont be so quick to call it quits with cholesterol yet. That particular brand and formula has undergone a formula change, which is like the devil from hell when it descends on products that were previously wonderful. Many women have complained about these changes, probably making similar complaints like yourself. However, its been said that the good version is in the bottle form as a liquid. In my opinion, that is a lower end cholesterol, they're other superstar cholesterols out there, for example Silk Elements has been raved over, although i haven't tried it yet, but do a search on "best cholesterols" and see what you find!
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I hate that stuff!! When I was relaxed I loved it but now that I'm natural yuck :perplexed

I am transitioning (6 mos post...about 4-5 inches of NG) & the rest of my hair is texlaxed. My hair hates the stuff. That's my 2nd time trying it...same results. Last time I tried it as a pre-poo...TERRIBLE results!

Good thing my hair is resilient and easy to correct! It's wet-bunned with lots of full-strength conditioner in it now (which is what it loves and thrives off of!), but I will be babying it tonight with an oil/ con pre-poo on damp hair under heat, a natural poo & deep con before I do my turkey day hairdo! :)
I use it to detangle, I love the smell. I didn't notice anything about it that made me want to keep using it as a DC besides the smell.
I hate that stuff!! When I was relaxed I loved it but now that I'm natural yuck :perplexed

I use it to detangle, I love the smell. I didn't notice anything about it that made me want to keep using it as a DC besides the smell.

I couldn't get my wide tooth comb through my hair with the stuff in it in the shower while wet. That was the first signal of a problem for me! :nono:

^^^yeah I tried it (thanks Pokahontas ;)) and it was like, ummmm, ok. :look: I mean it wasn't horrible, but it definitely wasn't all that. My cheapie Suave condish gives me more slip.

Maybe I'll try using it the way she does, to define my twistouts. I'm not giving up on it just yet!
I :love: it! I don't use as a cowash conditioner or a deep conditioner... I use it as a styling creme/conditioner when cornrowing or flat twisting for my bradisout/twistouts and I love how my hair feels when I'm rocking the curly style - soft and fluffy, :lick:

Very true... what works for others won't necessarily work for you. I hate Infusium 23, LeKair cholesterol, to name a few....
I :love: it! I don't use as a cowash conditioner or a deep conditioner... I use it as a styling creme/conditioner when cornrowing or flat twisting for my bradisout/twistouts and I love how my hair feels when I'm rocking the curly style - soft and fluffy, :lick:

Very true... what works for others won't necessarily work for you. I hate Infusium 23, LeKair cholesterol, to name a few....
My hair doesn't like Infusium 23 or LeKair cholesterol either, but it does like Lustrasilk Shea Butter Cholesterol.
My hair used to like it, but recently not so much. Poss due to the change in formula. My son asked the other day why I "product-hop", LOL he was like "mom, stick with what works for you". So I guess I'm cured of my pj ways now, sticking to tried and true.
I didn't care for that stuff too much either. I hate the smell and the ingredients aren't exactly impressive. I got rid of my jar using it in my pre-poos.
Yeah Lustrasilk did nothing for me either, except create tangles. Since then I've been avoiding cholesterol. But I'm considering trying the Queen Helene one.
^^^yeah I tried it (thanks Pokahontas ;)) and it was like, ummmm, ok. :look: I mean it wasn't horrible, but it definitely wasn't all that. My cheapie Suave condish gives me more slip.

Maybe I'll try using it the way she does, to define my twistouts. I'm not giving up on it just yet!

Yea, I was on the Pokahontas bandwagon on that one too! :lachen:I stalk her fotki & everything else has been great that she recommended & worked really well on my hair except this. :) And I had zero slip with this crap! In fact, instead I had STOP! Like the comb even looked @ me like WTF? :perplexed

Diva what's your Thanksgiving day do gonna be??

Good question! I was going to try my first rollerset, and I still may. Either that or just flat ironed. How about you?

I didn't care for that stuff too much either. I hate the smell and the ingredients aren't exactly impressive. I got rid of my jar using it in my pre-poos.

I agree! Smell & ingredients? *in my Blaine & Antwan from In Living Color voice* HAAAAATED IT! :nono: I will be getting rid of mine using it in my trash can! :lachen:
didn't create tangles...or anything myhair was just like.. ehhh okay... she use to love this stuff.. guess she's having a change of heart.. She doesn't like the Silk Elements cholestrol either... she didn't like it until I added honey and evoo 2 it.. I hate when she gets picky..but I gottah listen to her.. or else... :whip: :lol:
I use Lustrasilk Shea Butter and I love it. My hair has this pretty sheen to it even though it's dusty brown and my coils look springier.
i hate this crap too. before i even knew about hair care this stuff did nothing for me. then when i went back to it because of this forum it still sucked. mixed with oils and honey and IT STILL SUCKED.
I love cholesterol as a prepoo, mix in a little oil, sit under the steamer or leave on all day and it's the bomb. As a deep conditioner, not so much. And VO5 and Suave are my cowash staples, so I don't use it to cowash. Silk Elements Cholesterol is good for a deep condition but its not the best.
wow, I love the stuff. it's cheap and gets the job done. I usually mix it with something, like coconut oil or moroccan oil intensive hair mask or megasilk.

youre right though, i agree not everything works for everyone. I hated Elasta's Mango Butter
I :love: it! I don't use as a cowash conditioner or a deep conditioner... I use it as a styling creme/conditioner when cornrowing or flat twisting for my bradisout/twistouts and I love how my hair feels when I'm rocking the curly style - soft and fluffy, :lick:

Very true... what works for others won't necessarily work for you. I hate Infusium 23, LeKair cholesterol, to name a few....

My hair doesn't like Infusium 23 or LeKair cholesterol either, but it does like Lustrasilk Shea Butter Cholesterol.
I didnt like this conditioner either BUT my hair LOVES Lekair cholestrol. I will NEVER let this one go. always a staple. definitely what works for some will not always work for others.
I :love: it! I don't use as a cowash conditioner or a deep conditioner... I use it as a styling creme/conditioner when cornrowing or flat twisting for my bradisout/twistouts and I love how my hair feels when I'm rocking the curly style - soft and fluffy, :lick:

Very true... what works for others won't necessarily work for you. I hate Infusium 23, LeKair cholesterol, to name a few....

These two work wonders for me. They are my permanent cheapie staples.:lick:
I'm starting to hear worse and worse things about the Lustrasilk.

I SWEAR by my LeKair Cholesterol as a DC with heat, I wouldn't recommend it was a co-wash conditioner or a DC without heat LeKair Cholesterol + Heat = braids so soft they hang loose:lick:

This is my main DC now:yep: