My only problem is storing the aloe vera juice in the refrigerator and keeping away mold. I was in the process of making my next batch for immediate use, and when I poured out the aloe, chunks of mold came plumping out. Nasty. How long does it take you to go through a bottle of aloe vera? Does anyone know the time to expiration?
I was thinking that maybe I just had a bottle for way too long (I bought it for the conditioner, but haven't been making the leave in as much as I should have been). Or maybe I should just by a smaller bottle (16oz instead of 32oz). Any thoughts?
You can drink 2oz of the the AVJ everyday too! Because I bought a huge 1 gallon jug of it at Trader Joe's so I know I wouldn't be making that much of the leave in so I have to drink it. You can mix in your OJ or other juices and mask the bitterness.