KIMMAYTUBE'S Leave-In Conditioner gone wrong!!

I had all the ingredients and I have tried her recipe twice. I liked it alot the first time so I tried it again. I don't go through the exact measurement of 1 ounce (I eyeball it). The 2nd time I added about 5 squirts of my HS 14n1 and a dollop of MJ Buttercream cuz I was going to flat twist my hair. I tested the pH and it was still a 4.5 (yay). I use the JBCO and I can't stand the smell either so the HS 14n1 masks that smell. I will unveil my hair tomorrow to see if it is as luscious (again) as I anticipate. Oh yes, I refrigerate mine as well since I refrigerate my Aloe juice.

I'm not sure that KimmayTube is the "end all - be all" but she is very intelligent, knowledgeable, charitable with her information, easy to understand, pretty to watch and nice to listen to. Thank you Kimmay for all you share with those of us on this healthy hair journey!!!
I use the aloe vera gel and get great results. I also dont have a scale but according to my searches 2 tbsp is equivalent to 1 ounce.
I use the aloe vera gel and get great results. I also dont have a scale but according to my searches 2 tbsp is equivalent to 1 ounce.

I was just going to post this for those who didn't know. Two tablespoons is equal to 1 ounce so there is no need to buy a scale... as a matter of fact, I'm not sure why she uses one.
To the OP, I think that if it works you should just use it. If the conditioner doesn't have lot's of ingredients that bind liquids then you might have a more liquid version of what kimmaytube has. I would make two versions, one with more aloe and one with less, see which one you like better. If you like the one with more aloe vera than just use that and if you like the other than your problem is solved.
The first time, I used the exact measurements with the Giovanni instead of the KCKT and the leave in was watery but it still did an amazing job. I now eyeball the measurements and have been for the past month with beautiful results. Tweak it to suit your needs but it's consistency shouldn't affect it's purpose. HTH
I have used her recipe twice now and loved it! I basically use the same products as her with LTR leave in as the only difference. The consistency I believe is going to be watery because of the aloe vera juice.
^^^ i'm gonna use HE LTR to try the recipe too. i hope it works, because i would love to stretch my leave-in, since its kinda hard to find. ♥
Arggg, I tried this receipe, but my mixture turn out very very watery. What gives? I used Giovanni Direct leave-in, Castor oil, Jojoba oil and Aloe Vera Juice. Could it be because I didnt use the exact same Aloe Vera Juice, cause mines says "Inner Fillet" instead of "Whole Leaf", does that make a difference or .
is it because of the Giovanni Direct Leave-In? .

I am using the Giovanni Direct Leave-in as well. Yes it is a bit "liquidy" but it still DOES the same thing, ie. helping the cuticle of the hair close. IF you want a mix that's thicker, you can get stuff off the net to thicken it up or just use a thicker creamier leave-in ( paul mitchell the one leave in condish, kckt, ect. ) hth:yep:
Seems like a very easy recipe with products that lots of ladies on this site typically own already. The fact that one can substitute the Knot Today for a leave-in of your choice is great. I will try this soon.

1 oz Knot Today Leave-In
2 tablespoons of (Whole leaf version) Aloe Vera Juice with a pH 4.0 or 4.5
2 teaspoons of Castor Oil
2 teaspoons of Jojoba Oil
Mix well.

Refrigerate leftovers.
I tired it last night with Giovanni Direct and :love: LOVED it!!! My hair was very soft and light and looked shiny and moisturized. VERY NICE.

The only thing was that my hair had a little excess oil. I think I will try and decrease the 2 tsp of castor & jojoba to 1.5 each and try it again. If it still feels a little oily I may try to go down to 1 tsp each until I use my Giovanni Direct Leave-in up. I am also going to try her exact recipe with the KC Knot Today bc I have that as well to see if it makes a difference.

Otherwise, I can't wait to try the leave-in recipe with some of my other standard leave-in's like Afroveda Curl Define and KBB Super Silky. I really think she is on to something with the ph/acidity and using aloe vera juice to reduce alkalinity and close cuticles. :yep:

I really liked it and will be continuing to use it for as long as it works for my hair...
If I remember correctly, she advocates using ph strips to test alkalinity of final product. A ph of 4.5-6 is what I think she recommends for healthy hair.

I plan to use this method and test the ph of all my leave-ins from now on. I got a gallon jug of aloe vera juice expressly for the purpose of adding to leave-ins...
If you used different ingredients, don't expect it to look like how hers does. Giovanni direct vs knot today is different texture wise.
Thats right, but alot of people used the giovanni direct and they got a creamy consistency, I was hoping for the same.

I think the OP is just concerned because her version of kimmaytube's leave-in is not of the same consistency.:ohwell:
Thats right. I dont blame her at all.
I have made her leave-in three times so far and my hair is loving it! I use D'Arcy's Botanical Leave-in, and it is a little runny, but I use it on wet hair anyway to moisturize and seal the cuticle, so it works out for me.
I thought I would take a stab at it and see if it did anything since I keep these basic products in my arsenal.......I love it! I use either Hariveda's leave in or silk element's and both have worked great.

My hair after a week is still soft and especially the ends. The test for me was taking down my twists after a week and not having to wet or dampen them before hand. FABULOUS. I have never been able to do that without it causing some serious trauma and drama. I am also noticing I don't have the shedding that I normally have and the tangles on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the worst of tangles, mine are now down to a 2-3.

I no longer need to keep adding things in my hair daily to make it soft which will cut down on product purchases.

My goal this year is to get down to a few items and only use those. I am on my way to reaching that goal. This is what I will use for the rest of the year. I no longer fear the crunchies, yall know what I am talking about.
I don't mean to be a wet blanket..... But I think that many of these concoctions are trial and error. I mix up things all the time..... Most often... I use Aloe juice, glycerin and rose water........ But the original recipe that I modeled was Glycerin and Aloe only. Did not work for me.... So - That is my 2 cents....
Ladies, I used this conditioner and I AM A BELIEVER! I had the best braidout I have ever had and then later, a very good twist out.
Even though my mix did not come out the right consistency, it still got the job done.
I have since ordered some JBCO, Kinky curly Knot today and Whole Leaf Aloe Vera juice. I will make another butch with these and see how that compares to my current one.

Thanks Kimmaytube.!
^^You may want to check at a pet store that sells fish tanks, or swimming pool supplies stores.

I tried kimmay's recipe, but substituted Knot Today for TJ Nourish Spa, and jojoba for coconut oil. Love it--I haven't used any other leave-in/moisturizer since (about 3 months now). Next batch I make, I will use aloe vera gel so I don't have to worry about refrigeration.
I wanna know where I can get these testing strips as well. Vain jane, where are you located? I believe most everyhing you can get in the store..
Thanks ladies. I now have something I can do with that nasty Giovanni direct (new version). The new version already has aloe. Have any of you noticed a difference when using the old vs. new in the recipe?
Thanks ladies. I now have something I can do with that nasty Giovanni direct (new version). The new version already has aloe. Have any of you noticed a difference when using the old vs. new in the recipe?
i bought tons from vitacost b/c allllllll my research pointed to this being a great product:blush: received that iiish and sent alllllllllllllll that shyyyte back! My hair (from aloe possible...also the extracts replaced all the oils) felt tangled, rough

So ummm yeah
I know that was carrying the older version, not sure if they still are
I wanna know where I can get these testing strips as well. Vain jane, where are you located? I believe most everyhing you can get in the store..
strips $12
shipping $8:nono::nono:

i can get them for you for $15.50 (including shipping)... but i haven't been able to find them lower (yet)
pM me if you don't find any

from my understanding pool stores should have them, haven't checked
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And here I was thinking I was being original by using Giovanni Direct instead of KCKT!! I went to Whole Foods to get the AV juice and KCKT, but they were out. The sales chick told me they got FOUR boxes and they sold out in THREE days!!! The look on her face was hilarious.....probably wondering why all these black women are buying up all this hair stuff.

Mine was watery as well, but worked fab. I measured the oils wrong since I was doing it from memory though; only 1tsp of each oil. I also couldn't be bothered to look for my jojoba oil and used my EVOO/coconut/jojoba mix instead since I had it handy. I used it today for the first time and my hair feels great -- hope tonight it still feels as good, since twisting my hair for bed will be the REAL test. How often do you guys find yourself having to remoisturize?
so she's not the end-all-be-all of haircare, huh?

She seems to me to be a bit cranky. I mean, some ppl appreciate her straight forwardness but she gets snappy when ppl ask her to demonstrate regimens and products she uses and what not. Like she is in over head a little bit. She gives good info on ph balance but that's all I find informative. I like to read some I have read some of the same books she has and Im aware of the same exact information. I find it perplexing that ppl go crazy about her. I mean she is informative and articulate but there are many women, lots of them made BSL in two years or less, that are on youtube and with just as much info.
