

New Member
I was wondering how many of you ladies have seen a trichologist ( a hair scientist). I went to one in Brooklyn about 5 years ago and it was very beneficial. They take a sample of your hair and analyze it and they also look at your scalp through a microscope. After determning the condition of your hair they advise you of a routine specific to your hair. I received a shampoo, 2 part conditioner, rinse, scalp creme and instructions on caring for my hair as well as to take multivitamins. Im thinking about going back so I dont become a PJ or atleast one to products tailored to me. The consultation was only $65, included the products and a four week follow up!
What kind of results did they give you after analyzing your strands and scalp? Did they tell you things like how pourous it was (in terms of numbers or not) ? It seems like it would be beneficial.
Jerseyjill, is it possible for you to give me the info for that trichol. ive been looking for once for some time now.. my scalp is waaaay terrible... i was looking at it yestaday and saying it looks like i have some kinda fungus growing even down to my forehead
to make matters worse i wasted my time and went to a dermatologist a couple a weeks ago and she didnt even listed to me at all...

you can PM me or post here


SHe told me that I had alot of stress in my life that was effecting (sp) my hair. She showed me what were stress tippors at the root( they were white) and she said they were long. She also explained that stress robs the body of nutrients thus I needed a supplement to make up for what I was losing.
The place is called Dermalax in Brokklyn on Church ave. They are a father and two daughter team - his name is Joseph ( last name I cant remember) and the women are Josephine and Jocelyn(?). They have been in business for about 50 years. I also took my daughter there when she was about 5 and they gave her a different hair prescription.

She also told me to brush my scalp for stimulation. When she analyzed my hair she checked for elasticity and porosity. SHe looked at it under a microscope as well as putting it in a solution ( I guess for breakdown factor).

She then told me if I wanted to use a perm ( I had been natural for about a year) to use a kiddie perm in mild.

They also have a salon where they perform therapeutic services such as hair steaming and scalp massage. I'll do a search and see if they have a website! Hope this helps ladies!
jerseyjill, have you ever heard of hairsavers? They have small advertisements/notices in alot of the salons where I am from in central jersey. They seem to do the same thing you're describing but a bit differently. You give your hair to the salon and they deliver it to ?someone? The salon seems to be the middle man in all transactions between client and hairsavers. I bought a poo and co from them (didn't quite like them) and their bottles have a computer typed label taped on them with the salon name, name of product, and ingredients. I couldn't find any information on this company at all. It didn't seem legitimate.
Maybe I'll try dermalax. At least you get to see someone one on one and speak to someone, right?.
I don't believe that lea5. The reason is because I personally knew this girl that worked as a shampooer in a salon and she told me that the stylist used to cut peoples hair telling them that they send it to a factory to make the right color an in reality all they did was go down the street to the local hair store and buy it. She made SOooo much money doing this because she charged them extra money to supposedly send the hair off.
Years ago, I mailed a sample of my hair to Dermalax and they prescribed a shampoo, leave in conditioner and deep conditioner. The products are a bit expensive but THEY WORKED. I have very, very very fine hair and it was always breaking and falling. The Dermalax products stopped all breakage and my hair was great. I always wished that I had been able for them to look at my scalp! I still use the deep conditioners they prescribe when I feel that my hair is becoming damaged.
so...... ummm i made an appnt for sat'day
i cant wait to go. anyways... i got a ??? how much do you tip a trichologist.

once i went with my ma'n'law to do a colonic, after the lady was done i gave her a tip of $10 - she promptly gave it back to me and said 'We dont take tips here our joy comes from the fact that you are as healthy as you can be'!!! - i felt weird - but she was very sincere

ohhh the lady on the phone says the fee is $60
Hi Ladies
I saw a trichologist here in the uk for sore scalp, fine thinning hair. The products she gave me were excellent and worked. Only thing is my hair has got used to the products so i'm giving them a rest for a while and then i will go back to them. i had a shampoo, conditioner, scalp clenser, avocado oil, pinik scalp cream and silk moisturiser for the hair. It was a bit pricey but lasted 18 months if you followed her advice to the letter.
Was this trich in London? How much did you pay? Please could you post the details (you can pm me if you want).
i have never heard of hairsavers but I live in NJ now. There is a trichologist in Bloomfield on Grove st right off of Bloomfield Ave. I have never bee there but I have just seen the sign so I cant recommend.
BUT when I was back in NYC and in the BX my hair stylist was at a Dominican salon called Josefinas - now Josefina has a shop in Newark on Broad st. Now her I can vouch for because she is SERIOUS about hair health and her craft. She is a trichologist and my girlfriends sister ( who lives in S. Orange also originally from the Bronx) has been to her for trichology and was very pleased. Josefina even tells you if you have illnesses by reviewing your hair!!
But when you call make sure you ask for Josefina - it may be hard to get her since she owns a few salons and is in between all of them but it is worth the wait. I THINK my girlfriend said she charged her sister $45? But this was about 5 years ago or so. Good luck and keep me posted if you go!!
You are welcome NYC child! You dont tip a trichologist. But I appreciate your class
. Just like the colonicist. BTW do you mind PMing me about the colonic, where did you go? I have a flyer for one in BK ( black guy) but I wanted to hear from someone who has gone. I have been thinking about one for a few weeks now!
Good Luck and keep me posted about your visit!!!
jerseyjill, I pm'ed u but it doesn't look like u got it. Can u give me the address or phone # to Josefina's? Thanks for all the info. I'm gonna try the Bklyn trichologist when I get the $. Thanks.