Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

Almost 5 months post. I think I'm 18 weeks post. Been co-washing and bunning, going to get my hair done in corn rows tomorrow, I need to start hiding my hair to reduce the amount of manipulation.
Question, do ya'll think its easier to transition without BC if ur hair is long or short? My hair is a little shorter than my avatar, and it shorter in the back, some pieces are only about 4 inches.

On one hand, with my hair being short, it will probably be quicker for me to be all natural since I don't have much relaxed hair to begin with, thus having to deal with two textures for a shorter amount of time. But on the other hand, I don't have many style options as my hair is not really long enough to pull back or anything. The most I can do is some sort of pin up if its not down.
That is such a good question very short relaxed hair is what inspired to me to transition at this point because I don't have much on my head in the 1st I thought that it would be easier becuase I would just a trim the relaxed ends here and there as needed and just protect my hair under half wigs, braids and weaves to retain new legnth. I think it would be harder with hair longer than my shoulders to transistion w/o BCing. Like you said, the styling options are my downfall and I don't have a whole lot of options for now, but in the meantime I'll be patient and rock the protective styles for a while.
Since this is a support thread...does anyone have any questions or specific areas that they need support or advice in. We have a lot people who have joined this thread so do make good use of it and share, share, share! :)
Is anyone else wearing their hair straight while transitioning?

This is what I plan on doing (via professional flat irons/hydrating steam treatments). I have very rough tight 4b hair, and I think this will be the easiest way for me because I won't have to fight tangles on a daily. I don't really like braids or weaves/wigs. And in the past I've had micro braids pull out my hair esp the edges. In the past with relaxer stretches I have tried to do no heat styles :nono::nono::nono: I had tangles/breakage for days. its been breezy for the most part though with wearing it professionally straightened.
That is such a good question very short relaxed hair is what inspired to me to transition at this point because I don't have much on my head in the 1st I thought that it would be easier becuase I would just a trim the relaxed ends here and there as needed and just protect my hair under half wigs, braids and weaves to retain new legnth. I think it would be harder with hair longer than my shoulders to transistion w/o BCing. Like you said, the styling options are my downfall and I don't have a whole lot of options for now, but in the meantime I'll be patient and rock the protective styles for a while.

what specific styles are u rocking right now? how long do you think it will take u to completely transition. sorry if u already mentioned this upthread
what specific styles are u rocking right now? how long do you think it will take u to completely transition. sorry if u already mentioned this upthread

Currently my hair is cornrowed and I wear half wigs to work. In a few weeks I'll be getting braids for a month or two. These protective style methods have been awesome by allowing me to minimize my hair manipulation and retain legnth. In the meantime, my hair has thickened thanks to MegaTek and I continue my DC and moisturizinng/sealing regularly. Since this is my first time dealing with transiotioning, I don't know how long it will take...I'm being patient and just going with the flow of taking care of my hair. :) Happy hair growth to me. lol
Is anyone else wearing their hair straight while transitioning?

This is what I plan on doing (via professional flat irons/hydrating steam treatments). I have very rough tight 4b hair, and I think this will be the easiest way for me because I won't have to fight tangles on a daily. I don't really like braids or weaves/wigs. And in the past I've had micro braids pull out my hair esp the edges. In the past with relaxer stretches I have tried to do no heat styles :nono::nono::nono: I had tangles/breakage for days. its been breezy for the most part though with wearing it professionally straightened.

I plan too if I keep this up. I think that for my hair type, it might actually be easier this way. Closer to the end of the wash cycle, I will just pin it up more.
Is anyone else wearing their hair straight while transitioning?

This is what I plan on doing (via professional flat irons/hydrating steam treatments). I have very rough tight 4b hair, and I think this will be the easiest way for me because I won't have to fight tangles on a daily. I don't really like braids or weaves/wigs. And in the past I've had micro braids pull out my hair esp the edges. In the past with relaxer stretches I have tried to do no heat styles :nono::nono::nono: I had tangles/breakage for days. its been breezy for the most part though with wearing it professionally straightened.

Me......... I do plan on keeping my hair straight. I do not plan to be a curly natural but moreso a straight natural. This is hard for me b/c I have 4a-ish b-ish type of hair that is really fine.
My hair is short right now so I do not really like how my twistouts come out but I am working on them and I wear them on the weekend. When my hair gets longer or maybe next summer I will not put heat in it as much but as for now ....... straight is my way :rolleyes:
I'm 18 weeks post. I co-wash and DCweekly (stop using shampoo), moisturize with Scurl and NTM silk touch cream daily, I seal with EVOO...this leaves my new growth super soft. I wear braidouts, bantu knots, or twist outs. I have very thick hair so curly styles work best for me because I don't have to make my new growth lay flat. I rarely use heat. I've used in 2-3 times in the past 18 weeks.

I don't wear wigs, weaves, or braids.

Its been easy so far.
Has anyone NOT had good results with S-Curl...something about it didn't go well with my hair or my daughters...and I was so disappointed because of all the raves that I read about it. It did make the hair VERY soft, but it seemed to break my daughters hair and left my hair in a less than manageable state. Just an observation.

Eventually, as I get more legnth, I want to start styling my own hair and not depend solely on protective styles. I'd love to try a braidout or twist out when the time comes. If I succeed, i wanna rock my natural!!!! lol
I tried it a couple of years ago - I didn't like it AT ALL... Care Free Curl Gold worked so much better on my hair (I don't use it anymore, I now use a mix - con, evo, glycerin and water)

Has anyone NOT had good results with S-Curl...something about it didn't go well with my hair or my daughters...and I was so disappointed because of all the raves that I read about it. It did make the hair VERY soft, but it seemed to break my daughters hair and left my hair in a less than manageable state. Just an observation.

Eventually, as I get more legnth, I want to start styling my own hair and not depend solely on protective styles. I'd love to try a braidout or twist out when the time comes. If I succeed, i wanna rock my natural!!!! lol
You have to be careful with can make your hair over moisturized (which can cause it to become mushy and break off) and/or "greasy like" if you use too much. I fingerpart my hair and spray my new growth sparingly then I massage my scalp. I really don't have to do it everyday more like once every 2-3 days. Then I spray it 2 times into my hands, rub my hands together and put it on my hair (relaxed part) and ends.
I really need to work on some more styles and leaving them in longer. I have a long way to go. Right now I have a twistout for the next 2 days.
So... Once again I'm transitioning. No photo shoot, no cocktail party, or any other fancy shindig is gonna make me feel like I need to relax my hair "just one more time..."

I'm new to the forums & this is my first post so I'm glad to be getting on board in the beginning stages with others who aren't opting for the BC but are taking a more gradual route.

I have alot to learn, but it looks like there is a wealth of knowledge around here that'll benefit me on this journey! Nothing better than a good support system :-)

So... Once again I'm transitioning. No photo shoot, no cocktail party, or any other fancy shindig is gonna make me feel like I need to relax my hair "just one more time..."

I'm new to the forums & this is my first post so I'm glad to be getting on board in the beginning stages with others who aren't opting for the BC but are taking a more gradual route.

I have alot to learn, but it looks like there is a wealth of knowledge around here that'll benefit me on this journey! Nothing better than a good support system :-)
Me......... I do plan on keeping my hair straight. I do not plan to be a curly natural but moreso a straight natural. This is hard for me b/c I have 4a-ish b-ish type of hair that is really fine.
My hair is short right now so I do not really like how my twistouts come out but I am working on them and I wear them on the weekend. When my hair gets longer or maybe next summer I will not put heat in it as much but as for now ....... straight is my way :rolleyes:

I have fine 4b strands as well, although the density is kinda thick. I've tried a braid out maybe once and it was just barely okay looking.I think braidouts only look good on really thick hair and on longer hair. And my straight relaxed hair does not look thick enough for a braid out. and even if it did it would probably last about 1 day maximum before it it became flat and matted to my head.

I've heard heard many naturals who wear their hair straight say the reversion in the summer is too much, so maybe by then i will figure out some other way to wear my hair besides it being straight.
Has anyone NOT had good results with S-Curl...something about it didn't go well with my hair or my daughters...and I was so disappointed because of all the raves that I read about it. It did make the hair VERY soft, but it seemed to break my daughters hair and left my hair in a less than manageable state. Just an observation.

Eventually, as I get more legnth, I want to start styling my own hair and not depend solely on protective styles. I'd love to try a braidout or twist out when the time comes. If I succeed, i wanna rock my natural!!!! lol

s curl made my hair mushy and greasy. And it smells loud to me. I used this when i was trying to baggy/bun my hair. I realized baggying just makes my hair weak and mushy so I don't really see myself doing that again.
I'm in if it's not too late. I have no intentions of cutting my relaxed ends for a very long time. I transitioned last year and cut after about 5 months. I think it traumatized me. I was being impatient. I am going to follow Patchouli85's conditioning reggie and hopefully I won't have the dryness issues that led me to relax. I didnt moisturize my hair and just used a lot of products with cones and my sizzle stick (flat iron). The sizzler will still be used but this time I will be armed with a Hana Elite and a Sedu and I will be deep conditioning my ng like crazy. Fingers crossed!
Is anyone else wearing their hair straight while transitioning?

This is what I plan on doing (via professional flat irons/hydrating steam treatments). I have very rough tight 4b hair, and I think this will be the easiest way for me because I won't have to fight tangles on a daily. I don't really like braids or weaves/wigs. And in the past I've had micro braids pull out my hair esp the edges. In the past with relaxer stretches I have tried to do no heat styles :nono::nono::nono: I had tangles/breakage for days. its been breezy for the most part though with wearing it professionally straightened.

This is what I will be doing. I can get my 4b hair extremely straight and when i say I am 4b I mean I am 4qrstub! I stay in South Georgia so it is very humid. I have transitioned before and bc'd because I was impatient. This time no bc for me. I will be transitioning for at least 12 months...maybe even 18.
Ok, hair is in cornrows, I do plan to keep these for at least 2 weeks, so I have to be diligent with protecting my hair at night.

I may venture down the weave route again, who knows, but I really need to protect my ends and the demarcation line, so the only way I can do that is hiding my hair.


These is a long *** journey.
Imani- I totally agree with you on that

ToyaGurl- No it's not too late; welcome aboard; and I do agree on that. Deep conditioning my new growth has been a critical aid in helping me deal with this transistion.
i'm surprised y'all are having trouble with s-curl. my new growth LOVES it, i get really awesome wavies airdrying with the scarf method & s-curl. & my relaxed ends LOVE it as well! my hair stays soft, moisturized, and i love how poofy my s-curled ponytail gets when it comes in contact with the moisture in the air.

i'll agree, i'm not too keen on the smell, though. it's pleasant, but weird.
Well although I like my simple regimen, I am always on the lookout for a better leave-in and moisturizer...those are the two areas that I usually have no luck in. So S-Curl gets a thumbs down from me. I've been sticking to HErbal Essence LTR or Hairveda Whipped Cream. And another thing I recently did was dig in my cubbard and found some leftover Hawiaan 14-1 and I mixed it with water, coconut oil and some EOs and I've been using it as a mositurizer and my hair really likes it.:) So, we'll see how that goes.

As far as a leave-in, I was thinking about giving either Infusium or Giovanni direct a try....I've read some pretty good reviews on them.
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I'll be 15 weeks post on Saturday (10/31). Rollersetting is the only thing working for me now. The last time I tried transtioning, my braidouts and twistouts were so dry and just not cute. But when I'm fully/freshly relaxed, they look great. What products are you using to perfect your braidouts/twistouts on transitioning hair?