Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

I know, I hope we can really stick it out as long as possible. Also, thanks to all that gave leave-in suggestions...i think I''ll give that Mane & Tail a try once I come out of these cornrows. My dream leave-in is one that I can run my fingers through my new growth after washing and it STAYS soft even afterwards. Ultimate slip=Hair Bliss for me. I've tried air-drying to see if that was a factor, but strange as it sounds, I actually like the way my hair feels when I blow dry rather than air dry.

Lustrasilk Shea Butter Plus Cholesterol does this for me. It's not a leave-in, but I use it as one because I feel it is not heavy enough to use as a DC. You can find it a Sally's and it's super cheap. It's like $3 for a 20oz tub.
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Wonderful idea! I really want to transition and am thinking about a BKT while growing out my hair. I don't know yet since I am only about 4 weeks post. Please add me!

I am subscribing and will come back to catch up on all the posts later.

I don't want to BC im 10 months post relaxer. I keep going back n forth between going all natural or getting a texlax havent fully made up my mind yet. Wish all you ladies luck and much success.

Accidental texlaxing led me to deciding to go natural. Well in addition to long stretches not being diffcult & airdrying. I started seeing all these beautiful waves and I was like I wonder what my natural hair looks like? Honestly I don't even want to straighten my hair anymore. I have this brand new $175 flat iron from Paul Mitchell that I have yet to use. I also purchased a decent hair dryer with a comb attachment that I have no desire to use either. I can't wait--well yes I can :lachen:at least a year--to be natural.
I am ten months post and i have recently been doing rollersets. I love the results. I think the trick is to roll up, instead of down, the helps to straighten out the NG. I also press straighten my hair as well, but I am trying to decrease the amount of times I do. I do twists outs and buns alot. Also, Shea Moisture Shea butter leave in is good for making my NG stay under control. I use it as a moisturizer.

Ok I am in! No more chemicals! I was told by my dr to stop 10 years ago for the sake of my scalp. Now I feel like I can actually be successful I hope I can use roller sets and braid/twist outs but I don't know how the roller set will work later. I am only 4 weeks post so I have time to build a plan. I do not do weaves and braids. What other options do I have? Is anyone planning to straighten new growth as it grows? How are you all keeping the new growth soft and preventing breakage?
Amazing you reminded me of how many weeks I must be. I am about 20 weeks yay! Also your transition plan was the same as I was doing until I realized I will always be lazy with my hair so BKT may be a while yet. These box braids under my half wig have made life too easy.

I understand what you mean by the braids under wig making life too easy. It's like wow, you don't have to worry 'bout your hair looking frizzy (like when you rock just braids alone), nor do you need to worry about needle and thread and the "taking out" process of a weave. you literally grab and go. also, I wash and DC my hair while in braids. it is really making life easy. plus, i'm always busy and on the go.
Welcome newcomers....I didn't realizing transitioning WITHOUT big chopping was so popular. :) Remember family, check in often because this is a SUPPORT thread so we want to hear updates, recommendations, setbacks and so forth. Keep up the good work and happy hair growth to all!!!
washed my hair today.. i have approx. 2inches new growth...
my hair was a bit tangled but i didn't experience too much breakage. i haven't combed my hair all week so the shedding was normal but it's getting difficult.

i'm the only one in my immediate fam with a relaxer and they're the ones telling me to get a relaxer cuz "they like my hair relaxed and it fits me better".. blahhhh
wow two inches in three months?! something's in the water lol

meanwhile, i feel like chopping. that is all.

how do you ladies get the newgrowth smooth for rollersets? the fuzzywuzzy is so pronounced now :(
Ok I think I am starting to get greedy and want my natural hair now. I was silly and measured my new growth. I am at 2 7/8 inch of hair lol. Now all I want is 4 inches by Dec 31 11:59 pm 2009:grin:. I have no idea why this is my hair goal but it is.

I also realized I have 4 inches to APL so if could get there by April (I know fat chance) it would be cool to get there for my birthday and would probably be the first time I do any type of straightening since I started my transition in June. Also I never have my hair loose to take photos but I will start taking some of where the ends of my braids are as my photo evidence to look back on. Lastly this week I hope to finalize the color kit I will use to color a half inch patch of hair in the middle of my head. I will then use that to track growth easily.

The one thing am not doing is reaching for scissors!
Count me in on this. I have no plans of BC'ing. I'm currently 12 weeks post. I've realized i'm not a good DIYer, so I've been going to a salon that specializes in natural hair. I plan on getting steam treatments and flat irons every week to every other week. so far its pretty breezy. No breakage at the demarcation line. The hairs I've been seeing is the little short hairs where my relaxed hair is snapping off on the ends which it was doing before I started transitioning.

I've stretched 12 weeks before, so this isn't a big deal right now, when I get to 16 weeks and beyond we will see what happens.

I'm so happy at the thought of not having my scalp burn anymore and having that flat stuck to the scalp look and feel. I always hated relaxer day.
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my mom is completely natural now and it makes me want to chop so bad. i'll be 13 weeks post this friday and really this is nothing, i've always stretched 3-4 months. my last stretch was 6 months and towards the end i got the hang of it, just can't wait to see what everything is looking like at month 12.

right now i'm in buns, but they're not technically buns, i just pin my hair up in the back. i wash once or twice a week and that's about all. so far so good.
Congrats to you ladies! Transitioning w/o BC'ing requires a lot of dedication and PATIENCE, but it can be done! Hang in there! My last relaxer was 11/13/07 and I never had any intentions of doing a bc. I wish there was a thread like this when I first started!
12 weeks post. This past weekend I DCW, dc w/ heat, and flat iron. Salon wanted to charge me $70 for a flat iron and trimming my ends. I did my own flat iron with my maxiglide. Now I'm waiting on someone, maybe my cousin Kim, to trim my ends. :yep: I just might get someone here from work to trim my ends. :look: No way I'm going to pay JC Pennys salon $70 for a flat iron and trim. :nono: DH said he wouldn't mind paying but nawl.
Last night, I did my first set of pin curls since I was a little girl. My roots came out pretty good, so did the ends in the front...but I need to really practice on the back. So, today, I just ended up doing a messy bun. But my hair was really shiny and my roots were tame. I think tonight I'll pin curl again and work on tucking those ends in the back.
ooh I'm in. I've been thinking about transitioning since the summer. My last relaxer was in August.

BTW, is anyone familiar with the "Curls" product. They have a Transitioning Diva Kit.

This is their Website
Going well. I'm wearing a braidout today. I will be doing a hot oil treatment, dc, tea rinse, and cowash tonight. Not sure how I want to wear my hair for Tuesday & Wednesday. Maybe I will do a flexirod set. I want to do a caurso set followed by pincurls so I gotta work that in my schedule someway. I hear it is best to rollerset then pincurl. Is that what most people do?
I'm in too. I've been transitioning for 10 months. Last relaxer was December 7, 2008. I've been wearing braidouts mostly.
12 weeks post. This past weekend I DCW, dc w/ heat, and flat iron. Salon wanted to charge me $70 for a flat iron and trimming my ends. I did my own flat iron with my maxiglide. Now I'm waiting on someone, maybe my cousin Kim, to trim my ends. :yep: I just might get someone here from work to trim my ends. :look: No way I'm going to pay JC Pennys salon $70 for a flat iron and trim. :nono: DH said he wouldn't mind paying but nawl.

Sallys has a tool that helps you trim your own ends. There are pics in my fotki.
I'm in-prob will be to remind myself to check-in. I am 17 weeks post. I really was not planning on transitioning-I wanted to stretch 6 mos then relax, but in all honesty-I really don't want to relax at all. Just really trying to combat the breakage-its not excessive, just straight annoying! Just received my sample sizes from Qhemet, so hopefully that will help with the transition. My crown gets so tangled after washing/co-washing- detangling takes forever. Thats when I want to give up and relax. Gonna stay strong.
Hey ladies! I haven't had my last perm since December 08' and have made the decision to transition in April.Oh Boy is it rough especially now that it is getting cooler... I mostly do some time of curls ( braidouts, twistouts, bantu-knots, straw sets) or wet buns. Glad to have others who are going through the same thing!
Ill join! I'm currently 14 months
post. I'm in kinky twists till the end of this year...
I plan to BC maybe 2011..
Check-in! I stated roller setting again a few weeks ago using ponytails. I think this will be better for the winter months. I plan to do braid outs if I have to wash durring the week and rollerset on Sunday nights. So far so good.
I'm joining. I was natural for 4 years and I did not really transition the last time, I just did the BC. Well I texlaxed for the last time this June (which puts me at 16 weeks post tomorrow) and I decided I'm going to try an manage the two textures and slowly trim as I grow rather than drastically cut it all off again. This thread is right on time because I'm going to need all the support I can get since I've never gone this route before.