Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

I'm sorry about your damage. Your hair looks great and you have a decent amount of new growth. Yep, the blow dryer is a life saver. I'm on the hunt for a new one. My current dryer is soooo old.

Thanks but its cool...the journey continues. I need a new blow dryer too, my current one is cheap and I use it to dry my fur baby, lol!

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at least your will have someone help you through the process, but will you be able to keep that up at home or be in the shop every two weeks?

She would be a tremendous help to me, once I make the leap.
Right now, I'm focusing on dd's hair. She will be going to her every 2 weeks. I can do my hair at home for now.
So I just measured my roots and after almost 11 months of growth, it looks like I'm below the average growth rate.

I think I'm going to try a hair vitamin. Any recs? I can't take Hairfinity because it breaks me out and Viviscal gave me stomach problems.

Also, this means I will transition longer. I originally planned to cut at 24 months, but now I'm thinking 30. 10 down, 20 more to go :cry:
Anyone transitioning that doesn't use combs or brushes? Or rarely uses them?
I'll be 16 months post next week. My hair would have long-ago leapt to its death if I called myself combing it regular. :lol:

I'm mad cuz I had just bought a set of fancy seamless combs right before I decided to transition. :wallbash: :lol:
Honey Boo I have definitely been combing regularly and I think that's why I've been losing so much hair. I tried not combing this morning and I didn't run into any problems styling so I'm going to stop combing throughout the week.
I use my comb only to trim or to pick out my roots when wearing a curly fro. Braid and curls are my life! I'm 11 and half months post with only 4 inches of new growth :( Transitioning for at least 24 months. I want enough hair to but in a bun on lazy days. I was going to wait till 12 months to do my first mini-chop but I cant wait any longer my ends are so fine I find it hard to twist them. SO I'm taking two inches off next wash day. Which will leave me APL :'( But I have accepted that remaining BSL would be impossible while transitioning especially with my terrible ends. I can't wait for someone to start the SL/APL 2015 challenge. So I can join for my new growth
KiWiStyle I have no idea how long I will transition. I just know that I will wait until I am at least 1 year post. So I have about 19 weeks left until then to make a decision about how long.
Like you, I also think I am in the 4A-C range. I am excited to BC so I can see for myself. I was looking at youtube videos on how to define your curls, and I can't wait to try it out.
Anyone transitioning that doesn't use combs or brushes? Or rarely uses them?

PlainJane - this is me!!! Perhaps once a week I use shower comb to detangle thoroughly after washing and deep conditioning. Other than that, it's finger combing for everything - styling, moisturizing, cowashing - everything else. I'm at the point where I hardly lose any hair during my regular grooming sessions in the week. And on the weekends, shedding is normal, but minimal. also, I try to keep my styles in for at least two days before tampering with my hair again. I stick to french braids, and goddess braids, and cornrows. They last at least two days for me.
My hair is both color treated (i had it reddish briefly last year then dyed it permanent black then dyed it in temp dark colors) and relaxed now. I want it to be neither. I think this will be the official start of my transition. I'm approx 2 mths post

I will NEVER dye my hair lighter again by myself again. I want Zoe Saldana's brown or a little lighter but my hair came out auburnish.
I wont feel bad about getting a color if Im natural.
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Okay it's official. You all have convinced me. Wide tooth comb on wash days and finger comb throughout the week. I'm going to try this then report back.
Was playing around with APB hair cream and got some pretty nice definition! Put my hair in a few twists overnight and I took them out this morning. Nothing replaces my beloved PBN MuruMuru, but this stuff is really nice!


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I just want to see my curls again. I'm not saying that I will never relax again but I want to explore my natural texture again. Winter should be a breeze. Frizz won't be a problem. The pressure will be on next spring :lol:. But Im doing this.
11 months post today! Aiming for 17 more. :spinning:

I'm still looking for the perfect leave in. I'll keep using regular conditioner until I find one.

I need to buy a bonnet dryer. Any recs?
im 11 months post since yesterday. yayyyyyy
i only braided once. im gonna need to ps like crazy if i want to hold on...
id like to hold on until my hair is long enough to have more styling options.
im gonna dust this week. i see some splits,...
Honey Boo I have definitely been combing regularly and I think that's why I've been losing so much hair. I tried not combing this morning and I didn't run into any problems styling so I'm going to stop combing throughout the week.

ive been retaining well. i have fine hair . i dont use the comb. i only finger detangle and when really needed a use a brush on wash days.

il have managéd to retain this way
Attempting a wash n go today reinforced why I'm transitioning from texlaxed to natural. Along every strand I have areas that are super curly and areas that are almost straight. Every texlax comes out different. I'll never have uniform texture if I keep this up.
PlainJane- Thank You. I'm lucky that I have curly ends, for the most part. I'm curly at the top, straight in the middle and curly at the ends. Probably because when I relaxed my hair, my ends didn't take to the processing as well as some other sections of my hair. I'm sure that is becasue I self-relaxed. Had I gone to a salon, my relaxed hair would be a lot more noticeable. I don't loose as much hair as I used to. I'm anemic and every since I got that under control with iron supplements, I have experienced very little hair shed. I bring this up because I have heard other women say the same thing, particular SistaWithRealHair on youtube. I also think its due to everything I've learned on this site about detangling etc.....
I'm going to try to transition AGAIN. I'm not sure how to report my last relaxer :lol:

I touched up all of my hair in May but my edges were looking really rough so I touched up my edges in July but it was only the edges. So I guess my hair is almost 6 months post but my edges are almost 4 months post relaxer :lol:

I tried the transitioning mousse on Friday night and the jury is still out on how I like it. I haven't used direct heat on my hair in YEARS!!! And my relaxed hair hasn't been this straight in YEARS either!

Oh yeah, I bought some edge control gel back in late August because I didn't want to go back to the creamy crack!

Good luck to all of us!!!
This was almost a "transition OVER! I chopped" post :lol: I had been noticing that when I pulled my hair in the back, it stretched past my armpit. :grin: Well, at 14 months post I figured that I would try to lightly straighten my hair just to see how long it was:

Once I got my hair straight(er) than it normally is, I noticed some breakage in the center of my hair...a prominent "W" had formed. I pulled it back in a low ponytail and then it didn't look so bad :look:. I glanced over at a little container that holds my combs and brushes and such and that's when I saw my hair shears. Without thinking too much about it, I cut a nice chunk of the ponytail.

This was the first piece to hit the floor:

Then I cut a little more and then a little more. Before I knew it, I had cut off nearly 4" of hair. My hair is just below my shoulders now. I hopped in the shower to condition my hair and also because straight hair is so foreign to me and BAM! My hair shrank into almost a twa :blush: I couldn't stop smiling! I have less than 4" of texlaxed hair left from the crown to the back so maybe I'll cut that off next summer. My texlaxed hair in the very front is pretty long so I will keep transitioning that out.

When people say that they BC'd on a whim, I totally get it now. It's so easy to do once you've reached a certain point in your journey. I'm pretty close.
I wish I had gone natural 3 years ago instead of texlaxing. By the time I'm fully natural I will have been transitioning for 6 years. 3 years to texlax and then 3 years to natural. What a waste of time. Sigh...
pearlific1 I just mini-chopped too! Only took off 2 inches though but now I'm APL (need to change a lot on my siggy) my twists shrink up to my shoulders and I haven't yet seen all of my hair out since the cut.

I had to cut because my ends were so thin it was horrible and they'd be so dry too. Hopefully now I get less tangles and easier styling.

Also its my one year Nappiversary. Happy Birthday to my hair. I'm going to celebrate by buying some of Hairveda's products. Anyone have experience with their red tea line on transitioning hair?