Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

I am not official in this challenge, but I have been lurking. I'm 32 weeks into my transition. I want to wait at least until I am 1 year post to even think about BC. But It's a struggle. I feel like i look a HAM every day. It's hard to do a good style with my hair so drastically different.

This is my hair before minuted before a wash. Can't wait until i can BC

It's a good plan! Crazy how the front section is so much more willing to go the distance. I generally start with a tight braid out from wash day (which... doesn't occur as often as it should) that turns into this by 1.5 weeks post wash since I end up having to start taking shed hair out + the perm rod curls of the braid out are mashed by that point. I lightly detangle at night and throw some perm rods on the ends like the second pic.
It's so thick! I can't even tell you have relaxed ends. I keep telling myself I'm going to do a braid out. I bought some perm rods so maybe I'll try soon.
bestblackgirl it gets better I just BC'd in August after a 14 month transition. I hated my hair through most of my transition and did not feel good about if most days. I'm glad I waited because when I did cut I had a good about of natural hair. I felt like I had something to work with. Good luck with your transition.
I am not official in this challenge, but I have been lurking. I'm 32 weeks into my transition. I want to wait at least until I am 1 year post to even think about BC. But It's a struggle. I feel like i look a HAM every day. It's hard to do a good style with my hair so drastically different.

This is my hair before minuted before a wash. Can't wait until i can

Finally someone with hair that looks exactly like mine! #bestblackgirl if you bother with the hair typing thing, what would you consider your hair type to be?? I'm going to see if I can take texture shot of my hair and post it.

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#Bestblackgirl My apologies, I couldn't add a pic to my edited post above. Here is my texture shots...wouldn't you say we're about the same type?




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I look at my hair sometimes and I'm like, why oh why am I keeping these scraggly ends?? But then I remember how I like buns. :ohwell:

I'ma straighten and trim. :yep:
I look at my hair sometimes and I'm like, why oh why am I keeping these scraggly ends?? But then I remember how I like buns. :ohwell:

I'ma straighten and trim. :yep:

Same thing here. . My natural hair swallows up my straight ends. ..I have to pull at my hair to see them
@stephanie75miller, thanks for the encouragement. I am trying to hang in there as much as I possibly can. I am looking at the end goal, so those daily struggles to look presentable are bearable.

@KiWiStyle, I think we have the same hair texture. Glad to find my hair twin. how far along your transition are you? I'm trying to learn as much about my hair before I BC. I always thought I was 4b/4C, but I did that Komaza hair Analysis last year, and the lady on the phone told me that I was 3C/4a, which I don't believe. I guess I won't know for sure until I get rid of those relaxed ends.
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@stephanie75miller, thanks for the encouragement. I am trying to hang in there as much as I possibly can. I am looking at the end goal, so those daily struggles to look presentable are bearable.

@KiWiStyle, I think we have the same hair texture. Glad to find my hair twin. how far along your transition are you? I'm trying to learn as much about my hair before I BC. I always thought I was 4b/4C, but I did that Komaza hair Analysis last year, and the lady on the phone told me that I was 3C/4a, which I don't believe. I guess I won't know for sure until I get rid of those relaxed ends.

LOL, bestblackgirl I was hoping you could help me. I'm only 16.5 weeks post so I'm still eagerly trying to figure out what's going on on this head of mine. Well I can't see your entire head of hair so I don't know if Komaza is a accurate or not but I do know I'm not C anything and your hair looks like mine...I might be between 4a-c, it's wat too early to tell but I'm guessing more 4b than anything. I'm planning to transition for as long as I can but probably not more than a tangly fine relaxed strands are nothing to play with. How long will you transition?
Pretty hair! You look 4A ish .

Thanks xu93texas! It looks so much better in pictures, lol. The middle is ham with a much tighter coil and my nape seems to be similar to the front maybe loser-cottony. It's probably why my front and nape always did so poorly with relaxers. Hopefully the "scab" hair grows out soon or has already. How are you?
It will also tell me how good the MHM has been for my hair. :yep:

Are they still back-logged? I haven't checked in a while and I really didn't think it was crucial until I decided to go natural.

The last I checked was probably a month or so ago and they were accepting orders. I just wasn't ready, waiting until I'm at least 6-8 months post so I can get some details on my natural hair vs. relaxed.
I think I'm 4a. I posted a pic earlier in this thread... but now that I think about it, I should probably post it again cuz this thread is, like, a zillion pages long. :lol:

I don't think it would make that much of a difference knowing my hair type, tbh. It doesn't matter. I've seen 4a's who don't look like they're in the same 'hair family'. I think the LOIS system might be better. I hate when people say that, but it's true. The number-letter system might be useful in general terms, but the LOIS system is more useful to me, the person dealing with the hair.

This was ages ago. I'm loosely doing the MHM now, back then, I was loosely doing CG. :look:


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I think I'm 4a. I posted a pic earlier in this thread... but now that I think about it, I should probably post it again cuz this thread is, like, a zillion pages long. :lol:

I don't think it would make that much of a difference knowing my hair type, tbh. It doesn't matter. I've seen 4a's who don't look like they're in the same 'hair family'. I think the LOIS system might be better. I hate when people say that, but it's true. The number-letter system might be useful in general terms, but the LOIS system is more useful to me, the person dealing with the hair.


I agree, it may not make much difference because in reality, not everyone with 4a or whatever hair type will behave the same and respond to products the same. I think I'm mostly curious to say the last least. I see all kinds of shapes on my head so the LOIS isn't ideal for me right now either. I'm guessing I'll know the who truth once I'm fully natural.

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Thanks xu93texas! It looks so much better in pictures, lol. The middle is ham with a much tighter coil and my nape seems to be similar to the front maybe loser-cottony. It's probably why my front and nape always did so poorly with relaxers. Hopefully the "scab" hair grows out soon or has already. How are you?

All is well here. I'm right there with you at 16.5 weeks post. My last stretch was 6 months. My hair is doing well, so not relaxing anytime soon. I'll probably do these long stretches until my hair gets long enough to wear "out" . I'm making do with wigs for now. I'll probably get crochet braids done before Thanksgiving.
I have a new "natural" stylist for my daughter and she has been talking to me about doing a long term transition and being a straight hair natural. She said it'll take about 16-18 months to be full SL natural. I'm just listening now- not biting the bullet.
All is well here. I'm right there with you at 16.5 weeks post. My last stretch was 6 months. My hair is doing well, so not relaxing anytime soon. I'll probably do these long stretches until my hair gets long enough to wear "out" . I'm making do with wigs for now. I'll probably get crochet braids done before Thanksgiving. I have a new "natural" stylist for my daughter and she has been talking to me about doing a long term transition and being a straight hair natural. She said it'll take about 16-18 months to be full SL natural. I'm just listening now- not biting the bullet.
at least your will have someone help you through the process, but will you be able to keep that up at home or be in the shop every two weeks?
All is well here. I'm right there with you at 16.5 weeks post. My last stretch was 6 months. My hair is doing well, so not relaxing anytime soon. I'll probably do these long stretches until my hair gets long enough to wear "out" . I'm making do with wigs for now. I'll probably get crochet braids done before Thanksgiving.
I have a new "natural" stylist for my daughter and she has been talking to me about doing a long term transition and being a straight hair natural. She said it'll take about 16-18 months to be full SL natural. I'm just listening now- not biting the bullet.

Somehow we always end up on the same weeks post relaxer, lol. I'm glad your hair is doing great still, what's been your magic potion? You should do what makes you comfortable and what works. My hair was doing great and then I turned around and was the worst mistake I ever made hair wise. I'm with shortdub78, will you be salon dependent?

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Somehow we always end up on the same weeks post relaxer, lol. I'm glad your hair is doing great still, what's been your magic potion? You should do what makes you comfortable and what works. My hair was doing great and then I turned around and was the worst mistake I ever made hair wise. I'm with shortdub78, will you be salon dependent? Sent from my SM-N900V using LHCF

No magic potion, but I went back to using salon/ commercial products for shampoo/DC and leave ins. Yes, silicones and all that other stuff. My hair also loves protein and I wear wigs 99% of the time. I blow dry weekly. I stopped air drying b/c my hair would become tangled at the roots. I put my hair in two celie braids or I get this lady to cornrow my hair into a beehive.

I put in my own relaxer, once back in 2010. Let's just say I will NEVER put chemicals in my own hair:) I had so much breakage. That incident brought me to LHCF:)
No magic potion, but I went back to using salon/ commercial products for shampoo/DC and leave ins. Yes, silicones and all that other stuff. My hair also loves protein and I wear wigs 99% of the time. I blow dry weekly. I stopped air drying b/c my hair would become tangled at the roots. I put my hair in two celie braids or I get this lady to cornrow my hair into a beehive.

I put in my own relaxer, once back in 2010.silly co Let's just say I will NEVER put chemicals in my own hair:) I had so much breakage. That incident brought me to LHCF:)

I know what you mean about not applying chemicals yourself. I decided to go natural because I was paying someone to damage my hair and there is no way I would self-relax so I gave up on them. I too am LOVING silicones! I just be sure to clarify/chelate monthly and I'm good and I'm planning to implement tension stretching blow drying with cold air as my NG Comes in more.

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I know what you mean about not applying chemicals yourself. I decided to go natural because I was paying someone to damage my hair and there is no way I would self-relax so I gave up on them. I too am LOVING silicones! I just be sure to clarify/chelate monthly and I'm good and I'm planning to implement tension stretching blow drying with cold air as my NG Comes in more. Sent from my SM-N900V using LHCF

I'm sorry about your damage. Your hair looks great and you have a decent amount of new growth. Yep, the blow dryer is a life saver. I'm on the hunt for a new one. My current dryer is soooo old.
Anyone transitioning that doesn't use combs or brushes? Or rarely uses them?

I don't do combs. EXCEPT on wash day. I use a huge seamless comb in the shower. Otherwise, no combs or brushes. That is my secret weapon, how i blend my two textures. I am 12 months post and everything is going great. I treat my hair like I did when I was all natural, so I don't have detangling issues. I really can't complain. My only issue is is the natural issue of my relaxed hair now being in the middle of my hair instead of at my root because of the new growth. But it seems only the trained eye notices!Photo on 2014-06-03 at 19.42 #5.jpg

Photo on 2014-06-03 at 19.42 #4.jpg

Photo on 2014-09-22 at 21.22.jpg