Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

There are downsides for me. I guess I'd be considers a long term transitioner at 80 something weeks. I plan to transition for another 10 months or so. I haven't had a ton of breakage or anything like that and after a certain point the more natural hair I had the easier my hair is to handle. I also switched almost exclusively to products meant for natural hair. However my styling options are extremely limited. I quickly learned that straightening my hair didn't last (and I didn't want to damage my natural hair) and curly styles just look plain foolish with the thin relaxed hair hanging on. I ask myself why I keep holding on! Ultimately there are some very cute short natural styles out there that aren't feasible for transitioning hair. Buns and ponytails it is for me!

YOU KNOW WHAT??? i totally agree! i forgot about styling options.

yes....that would be the downside. having two heads of that hangs and flows and is more resistant to humidity and one that puffs and frizzes and doesn't like it when you mess with it too much. I wear buns and ponytails exclusively i totally forgot about that issue.

well said, sis!:yep:
@shunta are you re doing your twist outs and braids outs nightly? I'm currently almost 5 months post, if I make it to 6 months I'll be proud of myself. LOL @ seeing my natural curl pattern come to life. I hear you. Your new growth is so much stronger than your relaxed hair. Do you have any blogs/youtube vids that you watch for styling tips? Like how to style old twist outs, etc?

Brittster Congrats on making it to 5 months!! I read your other post about your hair being all these different textures (wiry, etc) and that's exactly how mine is, too. The sides of my hair are very course/kinky and I have other areas that just curl up and spiral like nobody's business. This transitioning thing definitely has NOT been easy.:nono: And I'm just like you--I cannot even think of combing my hair when it's dry. No, ma'am. Can't happen.

Unfortunately, I'm too lazy to re-twist my hair every night.:ohwell: I'd rather not even deal with it until wash day which is every weekend. I have 2 youtubers that I really like with similar hair texture as mine: iknowlee and simplyounique. Girl, we have got to keep motivating each other because this is not easy. Hang in there!! :)
shunta, I love simplyounique as well and I think I've watched iknowlee also. How do you style your old twist out as the days goes by?

Almost 21 wks post flexi rod set
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This was me too. First attempt I made it ten months. Then I relaxed.

This time around I had learned enough to deal with all the new growth after the long stretches so I just decided to change my goal and my mindset.

I decided my goal was long healthy hair. And for ME relaxing was hindering my retention. I tried for four years to hit BSL and couldn't get there. I stretched, deep conditioned, stayed away from heat, wore protective styles ALL THE TIME....still no BSL. I decided I was going to transition and try grow my hair longer as a result OR I was going to relax and be APL forever.

I kept telling myself that I wanted longer hair more than I wanted a relaxer and also that if I wanted to relax, I could at any time.

Somehow taking the pressure off myself and having a goal bigger than just "being natural" helped me.

I am one of the ladies that doesnt care about relaxed or natural. I care about long healthy hair. By any means necessary. ;)

I'm actually so happy to have this forum of woman who are in the same boat and who have forged the way... I couldn't do this without it. I've never cared about relaxed or natural (except that the past two years no matter what I do I end up with awful burns and scabs) but I did find it amazing that I am a grown woman who doesn't know what her own hair look like and can't yet take care of it properly!
I'm only at the beginning, but it's already a huge commitment... I'm just worried ill go 8,9,10 months and then relax, regret and start it all over again
8 or 9 years ago a stylist told me and my sister we might consider going natural... Honestly I was like... Yeah, just shut up and give me my fix!
Sigh... Imagine 8 years of growth... Lol oh well
I just think I'm at the stage where I'm tired of relaxing and trying to make that relaxed hair look healthy when I know it's not.
One inch of hair growth so far... Lol

If your hair lets you, I say why cut???

I kept trimming my hair because the ends were wearin away. The longest part of my hair literally looked like it was melting and would just make my detangling a mess. The weak ends couldnt compete with my natural roots. Those ends caused more harm than good. BUT with weekly deep conditioning and small trims every month I was still able to go two years.

If my ends were stronger I would still be "transitioning" to this day. ;)

Oh good thanks!
I wrote such a long response and it disappeared.
Anyway, I will honestly speak for myself. Last summer I was gung ho about transitioning and made it to 7 months w/o a relaxer. I had gotten an install for the first time to help me transition to natural. I got 2 installs and it was very easy to deal with and I didn't have to deal with my hair for about 4 months. When I took out my install I was faced with just about 7 months of new growth. I remember washing my hair and being amazed at how thick and healthy my roots felt. I did a wet twist out, which took some time. It came out beautifully the following day. However, I realized that I'd have to redo it often for it to maintain it's 'freshness'. That alone made me disillusioned. I was also faced with a head of very different textures and I was frustrated b/c I didn't know how to handle it or accept it. Certain areas were hard, wiry, just difficult. It was VERY different than the texture I knew to have growing up and into my adult years.

Fast forward, here I am a year later and trying to take a stab at this again. This time around, I'm constantly informing myself about natural hair and I'm watching tons of youtube videos and trying to stay motivated. Last Monday night I was trying to comb my hair and I was sooo frustrated b/c even w/ my spray bottle I couldn't comb my hair and it also hurt.. I could feel the poppin. I realize my hair looks and feels best the day after I wash it. I'm able to smooth it down and keep the roots flat and taut mostly. I simply canNOT comb dry hair.. prob only if it's parted into small sections and it's damp/moisturized. This time around there are a couple things I didn't do last time, I didn't do a lot of research. I need visuals and ideas. I need to be able to see transitioning hair and how people are combing it and styling it. I used to read this thread diligently last summer and it's a great place for support, but I'm encouraged and motivated by watching the different stages of transition and see how people are doing their hair. Even looking at pics of someone that is 6+ months post is encouraging. It helps you to see that other people's hair looks like your too. This go around I'm trying also to take it day by day, week by week. I'm not particuarly creative so I'm really intrested in seeing how old twist outs/braid outs can be styled. I'll also prob start to blow dry my hair once in a while to help reduce some of the bulk as it grows out. When the weather gets cooler I plan to get an install and give my hair a rest and just baby the leave out area.

Transitioning is not for the faint of heart and honestly speaking, if I were more confident and didn't care I'd bc and call it day. If I keep this up, (I'm hoping to, it's my own personal challenge) I don't see myself transitioning much past 1 year. I think i'd rather big chop and get senegalese twists, curly weave or something while my hair grows out.

I totally appreciate your story... It's what I'm worried about... Here I am in love with just one inch of new hair.... I know good and well that I will probably NOT love 3 inches plus relaxed ends, but I don't want short hair....
I feel like ultimately I will end up going natural, the question for me is, do I have what it takes to stick it out....
I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
Hey, Glad you are back! I am transitioning for the first time and just a couple months along... I am curious (if you dont mind to share) what made you texturize? I had a mini panic attack about two weeks ago when i finally got more hair growth than i ever allowed before relaxing again.... luckily my sister calmed me down. I am just wondering what makes folks go back.... I'm trying to learn from all of y'all about whats coming up in transitioning. I'm trying not to let myself think of relaxing as an option (or if i do i just think of the lovely scalp burns for a few minutes to get perspective).
I'm too a first time transitioner and I think it's vital to know why you're transitioning and to ingrain that a relaxer isn't an option. It's good to read about the negative effects of a relaxer to have a different perspective on eliminating it, because sometimes our other more superficial reasons aren't enough.

I personally haven't even straightened my hair because I want to get used to me with curls and coils, I don't want to go natural with straight hair because mentally it will not help my transition. At first I really missed straight hair but I couldn't care less about it now...fake it 'til you make it really does work :lol:
I'm actually so happy to have this forum of woman who are in the same boat and who have forged the way... I couldn't do this without it. I've never cared about relaxed or natural (except that the past two years no matter what I do I end up with awful burns and scabs) but I did find it amazing that I am a grown woman who doesn't know what her own hair look like and can't yet take care of it properly!
I'm only at the beginning, but it's already a huge commitment... I'm just worried ill go 8,9,10 months and then relax, regret and start it all over again
8 or 9 years ago a stylist told me and my sister we might consider going natural... Honestly I was like... Yeah, just shut up and give me my fix!
Sigh... Imagine 8 years of growth... Lol oh well

I just think I'm at the stage where I'm tired of relaxing and trying to make that relaxed hair look healthy when I know it's not.
One inch of hair growth so far... Lol

This is me too! Reniece told me to go natural like 3 years ago AND offered to do my hair at a severely discounted rate so that she could use me as a guinea pig to learn natural hair techniques and i said "NO...":look::ohwell::perplexed:nono::drunk::spinning:

i still regret that dumbness!:nono: i could have 3 years of natural hair growth and probably be close to waist length, but i sacrificed that for a relaxer touch up......:violin: soooooo dumb!
Have any of you ever visited Nappturality? I was reading old threads last week and kept seeing the acronym 'CFC' written with such disgust and venom, when I realized it meant "chemical fire cream" the Jamaican in me came out, my knee jerk reaction was rhatid clot! Yoooo! I died :lachen:. They really do go hard in the paint about relaxers. Lawd!
This is me too! Reniece told me to go natural like 3 years ago AND offered to do my hair at a severely discounted rate so that she could use me as a guinea pig to learn natural hair techniques and i said "NO...":look::ohwell::perplexed:nono::drunk::spinning:

i still regret that dumbness!:nono: i could have 3 years of natural hair growth and probably be close to waist length, but i sacrificed that for a relaxer touch up......:violin: soooooo dumb!

Me three! The first time I went to my current stylist (who I will rarely be seeing now :grin:) she told me to go natural. At our second appointment, which was a touch up, I could tell she kind of didn't want to do it. That was in November of 2010. I could kick myself. :fistshake:
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This was me too. First attempt I made it ten months. Then I relaxed.

This time around I had learned enough to deal with all the new growth after the long stretches so I just decided to change my goal and my mindset.

I decided my goal was long healthy hair. And for ME relaxing was hindering my retention. I tried for four years to hit BSL and couldn't get there. I stretched, deep conditioned, stayed away from heat, wore protective styles ALL THE TIME....still no BSL. I decided I was going to transition and try grow my hair longer as a result OR I was going to relax and be APL forever.

I kept telling myself that I wanted longer hair more than I wanted a relaxer and also that if I wanted to relax, I could at any time.

Somehow taking the pressure off myself and having a goal bigger than just "being natural" helped me.

I am one of the ladies that doesnt care about relaxed or natural. I care about long healthy hair. By any means necessary. ;)

You sound like me. I last relaxed on June 29, 2011. I thought I had trimmed all of the relaxed hair off by now but I still have a few pieces so I'm aout 90% natural. I'm cool with it. I won't trim again until December.
I can relate to everyone's comments about having to change your mindset during this process. When I started transitioning I was set on being a straight haired natural because at the time, I was still unsure if I liked "the natural look" on me. Now I'm completely over straight hair all the time. I'm still going to flat iron whenever I feel like it, but not as often as I planned to before. I can't wait to see myself with a full head of natural hair.
anyone here use BKT or other straightening systems to transition? how was your experience? should i bother?

I only ask cuz i'm feeling discouraged going the DB route.

I'm trying to find out the same things...Recently decided to go natural but I love my hair straight and have been thinking about BKT for the last few weeks.

Keep me posted on what you come up with. Please!:yep::yep::yep:
Have any of you ever visited Nappturality? I was reading old threads last week and kept seeing the acronym 'CFC' written with such disgust and venom, when I realized it meant "chemical fire cream" the Jamaican in me came out, my knee jerk reaction was rhatid clot! Yoooo! I died :lachen:. They really do go hard in the paint about relaxers. Lawd!

I signed up for them awhile back, but I haven't been back there since. They really do go hard over there from relaxers to even straighten the hair with heat. I think that's why I stopped going over there, I plan on being a natural that wears here hair straight most of the time so I don't think they will be too helpful to me.:nono:
So I have been wearing my hair in a ponytail/puff and have been using products to see what gives me the best definition. First I used eco styler gel which was good but a little crunchy. Then I tried aloe Vera gel which I like also. But today I used long aid activator gel and I LOVE IT!! My hair is soft and my curls are popping. My curls are so defined somebody said it looks like I have a Geri curl ponytail lol
@shunta, I love simplyounique as well and I think I've watched iknowlee also. How do you style your old twist out as the days goes by?

Brittster Girl, I'm such a minimalist that I hardly don't even style them really. :look: I just moisturize them and basically just keep it pulled back most of the time with some gel on my edges. I work in a dental office so I can't really wear any cute styles that look worth a darn because my hair needs to be back for the most part. Sigh.

But I'll wear them out on the weekends. Nothing too fancy. Trust me. :lol:
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I signed up for them awhile back, but I haven't been back there since. They really do go hard over there from relaxers to even straighten the hair with heat. I think that's why I stopped going over there, I plan on being a natural that wears here hair straight most of the time so I don't think they will be too helpful to me.:nono:

Yeah. I went over there when I started to transition and I felt really uncomfortable. :(
I signed up for them awhile back, but I haven't been back there since. They really do go hard over there from relaxers to even straighten the hair with heat. I think that's why I stopped going over there, I plan on being a natural that wears here hair straight most of the time so I don't think they will be too helpful to me.:nono:
Yeah, I def wouldn't go over there for support on being a heat trained natural. That was an idea I looked into a year ago b/c I know someone with beautiful heat trained hair. She wears her hair mostly straight and when it's not straight it looks like texlaxed hair.

@Brittster Girl, I'm such a minimalist that I hardly don't even style them really. :look: I just moisturize them and basically just keep it pulled back most of the time with some gel on my edges. I work in a dental office so I can't really wear any cute styles that look worth a darn because my hair needs to be back for the most part. Sigh.

But I'll wear them out on the weekends. Nothing too fancy. Trust me. :lol:
Oh ok. I hear you. That's good. I'm here trying to think of different things I can do to get through this transition. I'm gonna get some senegalese twists soon.
@Brittster See, great minds think alike. :yep::yep:I have been thinking about getting some of those senegalese twists, too, because this transition is kicking my arse.
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@Brittster See, great minds think alike. :yep::yep:I have been thinking about getting some of those senegalese twists, too, because this transition is kicking my arse.
Yepppp, I'm hoping to get some maybe next weekend. But you've made it 10 months with no assistance. That alone deserves a big applause and pat on the back.
I have 2 more weeks with my twists. Can't wait until I get to try my curlformers out. 11 weeks post tomorrow.
I just got some Senegalese twist and I love them. But I daily see small hairs shedding. I'm sure some of it is the braids but some of it is mine I know bc it is curly. Is this normal? Is he braided hair suppose to shed too?
I recently relaxed my virgin hair I'm. BSL! I'm loving my long straight hair but I miss the fullness I had when I was natural. I'm thinking of thermal relaxing. If you have any tips i would be grateful!
So I have been wearing my hair in a ponytail/puff and have been using products to see what gives me the best definition. First I used eco styler gel which was good but a little crunchy. Then I tried aloe Vera gel which I like also. But today I used long aid activator gel and I LOVE IT!! My hair is soft and my curls are popping. My curls are so defined somebody said it looks like I have a Geri curl ponytail lol

Long aid is awesome isn't it
Ok, so though I enjoy my relaxed hair, I do not enjoy my raggedy edges and three textures from bad stylist I'm thinking about transitioning. I know I can't bc because I'm starting a new job and my dh would have a nervous breakdown.