Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

Ive been soooo lazy with my hair but its growing just time I'm am 8 1\2 months into my 18 month transition I can't believe it I've been wearing a wig for the past 2 weeks after I took out my braids Ive had in for a month each week I take the wig off wash deep condition and rebraid and throw under a wig....wigs are so easy!!

This is basically what I do, though I sometimes let me hair breathe on the weekend. The weekend is also when I play with my hair when I get the urge.

Wigs have been helping me through my transition!
I took my weave out, and my natural hair feels great. Lush and moisturized. But my relaxed ends feel so brittle. I should do a protein treatment tomorrow or sometime soon. Hopefully that will help, but I know it will tangle my hair.
I am starting to think I may BC earlier than a year. It's not out of frustration, but it may be impatience. It's just that I didn't want to BC from the start because: (1) I wanted to make sure it was right for me; (2) I didn't want to look like a boy, (3) I wanted to at least have the beginnings of a regimen down before I did it, and (4) my husband threatened to grow out his beard if I got a bald Then, I kept going because I knew didn't want to BC in the winter and have a cold head.

I think I have the beginnings of a regimen down now, though I can't complete it until I'm fully natural and, from what I've heard, I'll need to change it 6 months in from that. As of right now, though, I have issues when I diverge from what I know works; so I think I'm good. Also, my hair is growing at about 1/2 an inch a month right on. When I measured at 6 months, I had exactly 3 inches; so I know I won't look like a boy whenever I do BC. I'm not afraid of short hair, I just didn't want to look like my son.

Additionally, transitioning styles don't seem to be working for my relaxed ends, which is why I wear wigs. For example, when I try to do a twistout, the natural part twists and the relaxed part laughs at me.

The reason this is coming up now is because I won't hit a year until mid-August when summer is almost over and I kind of want to rock my natural hair in the summer time. I think I may miss summer if I wait; so now I'm thinking I'll BC in May or June, which puts me at about 9-10 months. I don't know.

Sorry, guys. I'm just talking it out because I really haven't made up my mind. Next week, I'll probably say I'm going to not only wait a year but 18

I guess I'll know when to BC when I just do it. For now, I'm still hanging in there; but I may need to stop watching the natural hair ladies on Youtube.
How old were you all when you got a relaxer? Do you remember your natural hair before transitioning?

I talked to my mom and aunt about this over the past few days, because although I was 12 when I got my relaxer, I really don't remember my natural hair. I remember the poof! lol. I just remember not being allowed to touch my hair, or anything. That was left to the adults. The reason I wanted a relaxer so bad was to be able to do my own hair!

No I was relaxed at age three the few baby pics I have was in brushed out or stretched styles all I know is my mom says my hair was thick too thick to handle so that's why she permed it
How old were you all when you got a relaxer? Do you remember your natural hair before transitioning?

I talked to my mom and aunt about this over the past few days, because although I was 12 when I got my relaxer, I really don't remember my natural hair. I remember the poof! lol. I just remember not being allowed to touch my hair, or anything. That was left to the adults. The reason I wanted a relaxer so bad was to be able to do my own hair!

I was bonelaxed with a "kiddie perm" at 12. I remember my natural hair. It was thick and had No curls. But that was because the curls were always brushed out. My mom took good care of my hair. But since Her hair is a very silky, thick 3b/c and she got her hair done at a salon every week, she thought my hair was too much work.

One- because my texture was so different from hers. I'm a true 3c and my hair is not silky like hers. She didn't know how to handle a coarser texture. Two- she never really washed and handled hair. we always went to the salon. So she had no idea how to "do" hair. But she did a good job despite that.

Fast forward to today, She is actually stunned and proud of how my hair is now. Because she always brushed out my curls trying to beat them into submission she never saw my hair long as a child. My hair never really got long until I cared for it myself HS and college......And even then it was only shoulder length.

Remember when SL was long? LOL :). Meanwhile i was jelly of her because my mom had hair down her back and all my friends thought she wore a wig. LOL.

I found an old pre-relaxer pic. Omg! Y'all don't laugh!!! :)


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Additionally, transitioning styles don't seem to be working for my relaxed ends, which is why I wear wigs. For example, when I try to do a twistout, the natural part twists and the relaxed part laughs at me.
Twistouts aren't that great while transitioning, mine do the same thing. I get pretty consistent results from braidouts though, that's pretty much all I do. It looks even nicer when I manage to flat braid it, only in the front as I can't get the back.

Yesterday I had the worst bout with protein ever. I don't use it (very coarse hair) but I wanted to shampoo and the only one I have has a few hydrolyzed protein as the very last ingredients. I thought it wouldn't be so bad if I pumped a few times into an applicator bottle and mixed it with 8oz of water...boy was I was wrong.

I was detangling ALL day yesterday. Started at 1PM after my wash, had to take many breaks to keep my patience and to rest, finished at 12AM. I did have to cut pieces twice but I've cut a ton already so no biggie. Most of the tangles and knots where shed hair that wrapped itself around everyone else.

All this to say that if ANYONE wants a Blended Beauty shampoo, please PM me or something and I will ship it right out! FFS I don't keep cookies I don't want to eat at home so why the hell do I keep this beast lying around??
Ladies who get sew-ins... How long do you keep it in your hair, how much do they cost? I'm trying to explore all my options so I can keep going with my transition but am clueless about weave

I have been stalking this thread for quite some time but I figured I would come out of lurk mode for this question because I was in the same spot as you. The only thing that was working for me were henna treatments and although my hair feels great after my every other week treatments, it is quite time consuming.

I am about to get a sew-in to assist with this transition. I plan to wear my natural hair again once it grows some more. I had a sew-in 8 years ago but didn't keep the contact information of the person that did my hair the last time. I only wear them when transitioning. I made a mistake and relaxed after being natural for years and I regretted for a long time.

Anyway, to find the lady that is putting in my sew-in I did what my bf suggested. I saw someone with some nice hair and although it looked really, really good, I suspected it was a weave and it was a curly weave with the exact style I wanted. At the risk at seeming like a stalker, I got some courage and asked her about her stylist. To make a long story short, she is doing my sew-in herself this Friday. She is charging me $80 to install it. I am in Chicago and I am purchasing the weave. I think her install price is average. I have seen higher and lower prices but since I saw that she did a good job on her hair I am will to pay her.

It is difficult to say how much the actual hair will cost. I am going with a tight, curly hairstyle so from what I have been told this past week, real hair is not as critical with tight, curly styles as they are with straight hair. Since you appear to prefer straight styles, it might be more important for you to get real hair. The other thing is I didn't want to pay a huge amount of money on the hair this first time, just in case I hated it. Here is a link to the hair I am using.

By the way, a quick hairstyle is the phony ponies. I started having transitioning problems about 2 months ago. I think I wore too many twist-outs. I will be 6 months post-relaxer on March 29th. My curly phony pony was a life saver. You might want to also consider those or half-wigs. I think that Haviland has pictures of her half-wigs. She has some really cute styles. I am going for a full sew-in because I want a more consistent look for the bf.

Sorry, for the long post but I guess since I haven't said much, I had a lot to get out.

Good Luck with whatever you decide.


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I'm about ready to cut this ish. It seems like i cannot salvage my relaxed hair no matter what I do. I like it straight but I would more freedom to wash my hair since i am working in a new field and I get all kinds of weird smells in my hair. I also am looking towards moving ahead in my carreer so I want a sleek professional look to fall on and I know i cant count on my short natural hair. I think I might just bun until my ends break off.
How old were you all when you got a relaxer? Do you remember your natural hair before transitioning?

I talked to my mom and aunt about this over the past few days, because although I was 12 when I got my relaxer, I really don't remember my natural hair. I remember the poof! lol. I just remember not being allowed to touch my hair, or anything. That was left to the adults. The reason I wanted a relaxer so bad was to be able to do my own hair!

I was 16 and did it myself! After all those years of working with my natural hair before i relaxed i didnt know it was curly at all. It was just a nappy poof ball:lol:
I've been transitioning for 1 year 7 months without BCing. My hair is so healthy. Even with the relaxed ends. I have split ends, but they dont look terrible. Im really happy!
I'm about ready to cut this ish. It seems like i cannot salvage my relaxed hair no matter what I do. I like it straight but I would more freedom to wash my hair since i am working in a new field and I get all kinds of weird smells in my hair. I also am looking towards moving ahead in my carreer so I want a sleek professional look to fall on and I know i cant count on my short natural hair. I think I might just bun until my ends break off.

I'm sorry you are so frustrated. :( Hiding my hair seems to be working for me. Bun it up so you don't have to think about it. I just put my hair away so I don't have to look at my ends.
I'm about ready to cut this ish. It seems like i cannot salvage my relaxed hair no matter what I do. I like it straight but I would more freedom to wash my hair since i am working in a new field and I get all kinds of weird smells in my hair. I also am looking towards moving ahead in my carreer so I want a sleek professional look to fall on and I know i cant count on my short natural hair. I think I might just bun until my ends break off.

I'm sorry. I can't remember if you have stated your position on wigs, but have you tried one? That's how I get straight hair while washing regularly, and it is low manipulation, which is good for the relaxed ends. Just do not forget to moisturize. I spritz with oil and water in the morning and at night.
Wearing my roller set wig this week. I am really enjoying the ease of wigs. Now I need to go stock up on a couple more so I don't get bored. I was thinking about trying a lace front. All I have ever worn were half wigs but I am concerned about my "leave out". So at some point this week, I will ask the lady at the wig shop to cut a lace front up for me. It only cost $5 to have them do it. Completely worth it to have my hair line look natural. How long do wigs normally last you? A couple of weeks before they get knotty? Or longer?
trclemons I use about 3/4 spray bottle of water then fill the rest with Tresemme naturals and oil. Let me know how you like the mix when u try it.
Thanks again for this recipe. I tried it yesterday and it was wonderful. I liked the way it felt on my hair, so I got a little trigger happy. This definitely a keeper for me. I have no idea why I never added glycerin to my oil and water mix; but it's awesome! I keep touching my roots to feel the soft
I'm sorry. I can't remember if you have stated your position on wigs, but have you tried one? That's how I get straight hair while washing regularly, and it is low manipulation, which is good for the relaxed ends. Just do not forget to moisturize. I spritz with oil and water in the morning and at night.

I do not like wearing fake hair. it feels very weird to me and looks obvious on me and i dont want to spend $$$ to get one that doesnt look fake.

I'm sorry you are so frustrated. :( Hiding my hair seems to be working for me. Bun it up so you don't have to think about it. I just put my hair away so I don't have to look at my ends.

I still worry about my hair when I bun it up. my hair always gets matted in the bun. I dread the takedown:sad:
I do not like wearing fake hair. it feels very weird to me and looks obvious on me and i dont want to spend $$$ to get one that doesnt look fake.

I still worry about my hair when I bun it up. my hair always gets matted in the bun. I dread the takedown:sad:

I'm not trying to change your mind because you have to do what is comfortable for you.

I will say that I used to feel the same way. Then, I bought one and only wore it around the house at first. Finally, I got up the courage to wear it outside and no one noticed it was a wig. I got compliments on my "haircut" because I bought one that was a little shorter than my hair back then. Now, I'm always in one and I even tell some people it's a wig, which usually comes as a shock.

As to price, I personally don't like human hair wigs, which i think are too high in price for me. I've found some synthetic brands that look more realistic. For example, i usually buy Freetress, though my current daily is by Nina; and I can usually get them at a discount. I almost always buy them close to my natural hair color and at around shoulder length or above because I'm still not able to go too wild.

I have one really long one that I got for $10 and I'm too chicken to wear it. Lol. I may go get it cut.
I was bonelaxed with a "kiddie perm" at 12. I remember my natural hair. It was thick and had No curls. But that was because the curls were always brushed out. My mom took good care of my hair. But since Her hair is a very silky, thick 3b/c and she got her hair done at a salon every week, she thought my hair was too much work.

One- because my texture was so different from hers. I'm a true 3c and my hair is not silky like hers. She didn't know how to handle a coarser texture. Two- she never really washed and handled hair. we always went to the salon. So she had no idea how to "do" hair. But she did a good job despite that.

Fast forward to today, She is actually stunned and proud of how my hair is now. Because she always brushed out my curls trying to beat them into submission she never saw my hair long as a child. My hair never really got long until I cared for it myself HS and college......And even then it was only shoulder length.

Remember when SL was long? LOL :). Meanwhile i was jelly of her because my mom had hair down her back and all my friends thought she wore a wig. LOL.

I found an old pre-relaxer pic. Omg! Y'all don't laugh!!! :)

Awww! I experienced the same. My hair was always brushed out. They told me it was thick and curly/wavy. I can't wait to see it in the next year! Lol! I'll attach one as well. I think this may have been kindergarten.

I also remember the shrinkage, and trying to explain to people that my hair was long, it just "drew up" lol.


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Napp I feel you. I used to hate wigs too. Like uofmpanther said. Then I watched some good you tube vids and wore a half wig around the house for a few weekend. I got lots of compliments at stores. And I asked a co worker to tell me the truth. She didn't know what I was talking about. SHe thought I got my hair "done".

BUT you have to do what you feel comfortable with. Just try to be open to alternatives. For example. Maybe you need to blow out your hair before you bun it so it doesn't mat. Maybe wear the bun for two weeks at a time? For me I had to change moisturizers and apply to roots daily when bunning to avoid matting.

JaszG i am glad I'm not alone! Lmao at "drew up". I had to come back and add that, That picture is PRECIOUS!!!
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I'm not trying to change your mind because you have to do what is comfortable for you.

I will say that I used to feel the same way. Then, I bought one and only wore it around the house at first. Finally, I got up the courage to wear it outside and no one noticed it was a wig. I got compliments on my "haircut" because I bought one that was a little shorter than my hair back then. Now, I'm always in one and I even tell some people it's a wig, which usually comes as a shock.

As to price, I personally don't like human hair wigs, which i think are too high in price for me. I've found some synthetic brands that look more realistic. For example, i usually buy Freetress, though my current daily is by Nina; and I can usually get them at a discount. I almost always buy them close to my natural hair color and at around shoulder length or above because I'm still not able to go too wild.

I have one really long one that I got for $10 and I'm too chicken to wear it. Lol. I may go get it cut.

I have so many weaves and wigs in my closet that i never wear. I dont like half wigs because my hair doesn't blend and i don't like the hassle of trying to blend anything.I love my Shakra wig but i can only wear it with a hat. Wearing them with a headband looks so fake!:ohwell: The only one i liked wearing was my ozone lacefront wig but i cut the bangs too short and cant wear it anymore. I might get another one. I really liked the Anita style.

@Napp I feel you. I used to hate wigs too. Like @uofmpanther said. Then I watched some good you tube vids and wore a half wig around the house for a few weekend. I got lots of compliments at stores. And I asked a co worker to tell me the truth. She didn't know what I was talking about. SHe thought I got my hair "done".

BUT you have to do what you feel comfortable with. Just try to be open to alternatives. For example. Maybe you need to blow out your hair before you bun it so it doesn't mat. Maybe wear the bun for two weeks at a time? For me I had to change moisturizers and apply to roots daily when bunning to avoid matting.
Yea i think i need to get some variety in styling with my no heat weeks
My wig will arrive tomorrow! I hope I like it because it will be so nice to have an alternative style throughout the week :yep: If I dont like it I'll be researching weave hair and finding a capable stylist to install it...
My plans were to gradually trim away my damaged ends, but everytime I wash & style my hair, the damaged ends are coming off. If the amount of damage was consistent, I would just trim them all away at once. But on some parts of my hair, it's half the shaft and on other parts, it's a few inches. I just don't know what to do.

Currently, I cowash twice a week (Aussie Moist & pre-poo with EVCO) and I wash once a week (CON Sulfate-Free & pre-poo with ORS Olive Oil DC & EVOO), Aphoghee 2 Minute Reconstructor and I use Scurl, Hot 6 Oil and Cantu Shea Leave In.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
trclemons Low manipulation is really working for me. Do you need the type of moisture that requires you to wash/cowash that often? I find that my hair tangles, leading to breakage, so much more after washing or cowashing. Because of that, I do so much less often now. And before I wet my hair, I make sure I do a thorough detangling session, usually using oil with a little spray.
How old were you all when you got a relaxer? Do you remember your natural hair before transitioning?

I talked to my mom and aunt about this over the past few days, because although I was 12 when I got my relaxer, I really don't remember my natural hair. I remember the poof! lol. I just remember not being allowed to touch my hair, or anything. That was left to the adults. The reason I wanted a relaxer so bad was to be able to do my own hair!
I got my first relaxer when I was almost 12. I had begged and finally my mother relented. I don't even remember my hair from before. :sad:
I am starting to think I may BC earlier than a year. It's not out of frustration, but it may be impatience. It's just that I didn't want to BC from the start because: (1) I wanted to make sure it was right for me; (2) I didn't want to look like a boy, (3) I wanted to at least have the beginnings of a regimen down before I did it, and (4) my husband threatened to grow out his beard if I got a bald Then, I kept going because I knew didn't want to BC in the winter and have a cold head.

I think I have the beginnings of a regimen down now, though I can't complete it until I'm fully natural and, from what I've heard, I'll need to change it 6 months in from that. As of right now, though, I have issues when I diverge from what I know works; so I think I'm good. Also, my hair is growing at about 1/2 an inch a month right on. When I measured at 6 months, I had exactly 3 inches; so I know I won't look like a boy whenever I do BC. I'm not afraid of short hair, I just didn't want to look like my son.

Additionally, transitioning styles don't seem to be working for my relaxed ends, which is why I wear wigs. For example, when I try to do a twistout, the natural part twists and the relaxed part laughs at me.

The reason this is coming up now is because I won't hit a year until mid-August when summer is almost over and I kind of want to rock my natural hair in the summer time. I think I may miss summer if I wait; so now I'm thinking I'll BC in May or June, which puts me at about 9-10 months. I don't know.

Sorry, guys. I'm just talking it out because I really haven't made up my mind. Next week, I'll probably say I'm going to not only wait a year but 18

I guess I'll know when to BC when I just do it. For now, I'm still hanging in there; but I may need to stop watching the natural hair ladies on Youtube.
You sound so much like me, with the back and forth. Impatience is really pushing me and I don't want to miss this whole summer without playing with natural hair. But I don't want short hair again. What to do, what to do...?
I was bonelaxed with a "kiddie perm" at 12. I remember my natural hair. It was thick and had No curls. But that was because the curls were always brushed out. My mom took good care of my hair. But since Her hair is a very silky, thick 3b/c and she got her hair done at a salon every week, she thought my hair was too much work.

One- because my texture was so different from hers. I'm a true 3c and my hair is not silky like hers. She didn't know how to handle a coarser texture. Two- she never really washed and handled hair. we always went to the salon. So she had no idea how to "do" hair. But she did a good job despite that.

Fast forward to today, She is actually stunned and proud of how my hair is now. Because she always brushed out my curls trying to beat them into submission she never saw my hair long as a child. My hair never really got long until I cared for it myself HS and college......And even then it was only shoulder length.

Remember when SL was long? LOL :). Meanwhile i was jelly of her because my mom had hair down her back and all my friends thought she wore a wig. LOL.

I found an old pre-relaxer pic. Omg! Y'all don't laugh!!! :)
This picture is SO CUTE!

Does anyone's hair grow kind of unevenly? how will you guys cut to make sure you're not cutting natural hair?
All of the big chop videos I've watched showed people cutting wet hair. My hair grows very unevenly, but I want to do mine myself, but am open to having my stylist do it. Nah, I'll probably do it myself around two in the morning some day.
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