Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

Big chopped last night. I am happy!

Yay!!! Congrats!!! What made you do it?

Didn't we have our last relaxer around the same time?

That's seems like a lot of hair. I've been snipping here and there so I wonder how much will be left to BC.
Yay!!! Congrats!!! What made you do it?

Didn't we have our last relaxer around the same time?

That's seems like a lot of hair. I've been snipping here and there so I wonder how much will be left to BC.

Thank you!!
I saw my relaxed ends hanging there and just knew it was time. I always told myself that when my relaxed ends start looking's time to cut.

We sure did. I think you are a week or so ahead of me though.

Attached is a pic of my shrunken puff.


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Thank you!!
I saw my relaxed ends hanging there and just knew it was time. I always told myself that when my relaxed ends start looking's time to cut.

We sure did. I think you are a week or so ahead of me though.

Attached is a pic of my shrunken puff.

That style is so you! Beautiful! Enjoy your hair girl! HHG
Thank you!!
I saw my relaxed ends hanging there and just knew it was time. I always told myself that when my relaxed ends start looking's time to cut.

We sure did. I think you are a week or so ahead of me though.

Attached is a pic of my shrunken puff.

you look good! congrats!:grin:
Napp I didn't realize that was your blog, it's saved in my book marks!!! Go Girl!!! Thank you for the tips and advice! I appreciate it, the only thing I could probably get away with not doing is prepoos since honey is what makes my hair so manageable and I add that to my deep conditioner, but I prefer sleek straight hair, very boring I know, but I think it looks best on me so curls, twist outs, braid outs, Bantu knot outs, Krimps don't last more then a few hours before I want to straighten or pull up into a bun or pony. I don't do fake hair so weaves and wigs are out which is why I think I'm having such a hard time with wash days, I don't leave an option for any other styles and rollersetting is the healthiest option for my hair
So i read somewhere that you dont retain as much when you manipulate your hair as much...esp with braid outs, bantu's etc......

but does the texture of your hair have something to do with it? I am pretty sure I have mostly coarse strands and I flat ironed once a week from Feb-December and retained 4 1/2 inches of that I saw the thing about knot outs making you loose retention i duno what to do? I have noticed a little growth in the last half a month/month(about a 1/4-1/2). Should I be worried about it? I have always manipulated my hair a lot as it never stays in curls past day two/wraping it nightly.
So i read somewhere that you dont retain as much when you manipulate your hair as much...esp with braid outs, bantu's etc......

but does the texture of your hair have something to do with it? I am pretty sure I have mostly coarse strands and I flat ironed once a week from Feb-December and retained 4 1/2 inches of that I saw the thing about knot outs making you loose retention i duno what to do? I have noticed a little growth in the last half a month/month(about a 1/4-1/2). Should I be worried about it? I have always manipulated my hair a lot as it never stays in curls past day two/wraping it nightly.

One thing I have learned in this journey is to STICK WITH what works for YOUR hair.

Too many ladies, myself included, have abandoned a regimen that works for them because someone else had success with it.

My first hair stylist when I was 10 years old told me "if it ain't broke don't change it". She was right.

Some ladies use mineral oil, don't deep condition, use heat every week, sleep with no scarf on cotton, wear their hair down every day.... And their hair retains lots of length. If u are the exception to the "rules" I say enjoy it.

Those of us bunning and prepooin and never using heat ever are secretly envying you. ;)
Pocahontas conditioner braids.

Today I am deep conditioning with Hairveda red tea conditioner and hot six oil (for the ceramides)

I am a little disappointed today. I shed ALOT and I have been megadosing garlic for the winter. Trying to avoid the flu. I was hoping for a residual effect of less shedding. I didn't get the flu, but my shedding is EXACTLY the same volume. :(

Positive hair - rootage and ends are all playing nice. :)


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One thing I have learned in this journey is to STICK WITH what works for YOUR hair.

Too many ladies, myself included, have abandoned a regimen that works for them because someone else had success with it.

My first hair stylist when I was 10 years old told me "if it ain't broke don't change it". She was right.

Some ladies use mineral oil, don't deep condition, use heat every week, sleep with no scarf on cotton, wear their hair down every day.... And their hair retains lots of length. If u are the exception to the "rules" I say enjoy it.

Those of us bunning and prepooin and never using heat ever are secretly envying you. ;)

I wish I read your post before I washed my hair yesterday. I'm not usually quick to jump on bandwagons; but, after reading so many posts about people deep conditioning in the shower, I decided to try it. Big Mistake! I always deep condition either overnight before I wash or after my wash under a heat cap for 20-30 mins, and it comes out soft, moisturized and easy to detangle.

My result from just throwing it on in the shower and waiting 5 minutes was a hot mess. My hair was tangled and hard; and I used up all the hot water before I finished. Ultimately, I was frustrated, cold and wanted to BC. I didn't BC, but I won't be hopping on any new bandwagons for awhile.

Stick to what works, and only fix the broken things.
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Got my wig, all cornrows and protected my hair. Braid out in the front.


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MsDee14 WOOHOO Congrats!!! Looks great! I wont be far behind you...pretty sure it will be my birthday 5/5 if I even make it that long...I would be 15 months on my birthday.

Jobwright you are workin that wig!
10 months in... Chillin in a sew.... I didn't do a protein treatment, didn't get my ends trimmed but my hair was in a pretty ok predicament so in two wmonths when I take this out I'm going treat it... It had grown so much. I. Going to flat iron it in May... I can't wait
:wave: hi ladies... I want to come back :drunk: I don't want a relaxer :ohwell: I think I was just so frustrated with the amount of time it took me to do my hair I was ready to throw in the towel, now that I've had a few days to cool off I'm about to return the relaxer I just bought :look:
I think my bf saw how upset I was and we had the longest conversation about hair last night that we've ever had, he told me he was talking to someone he works with that has full natural long hair and she was explaining to him why we should never relax our daughters hair (like i ever would anyway :nono:) and he started thinking about his niece who had butt length hair, no lie by age 6 then got a perm and it all broke off by age 7:sad:... Long story short he's going to try to help out on wash days so I can get through it faster
Soo Hello, my name is MJ, I'm APL, 7months post textlax and transitioning to natural :grin:
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:wave: hi ladies... I want to come back :drunk: I don't want a relaxer :ohwell: I think I was just so frustrated with the amount of time it took me to do my hair I was ready to throw in the towel, now that I've had a few days to cool off I'm about to return the relaxer I just bought :look:
I think my bf saw how upset I was and we had the longest conversation about hair last night that we've ever had, he told me he was talking to someone he works with that has full natural long hair and she was explaining to him why we should never relax our daughters hair (like i ever would anyway :nono:) and he started thinking about his niece who had butt length hair, no lie by age 6 then got a perm and it all broke off by age 7:sad:... Long story short he's going to try to help out on wash days so I can get through it faster
Soo Hello, my name is MJ, I'm APL, 7months post textlax and transitioning to natural :grin:
Yay :clap: Mjon912! Welcome back to the Light Side! I love that your bf plans to help. That is so sweet! We all have those days where we just say FORGET THIS. On a personal note, my DH has been ordered to NEVER touch DD's hair, and his mama is off limits too. :look: So he ain't touching mine either. :lol:

I can see why you'd have trouble transitioning. Your hair is so pretty already. It'll be pretty natural too. :yep:
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Mjon912 I just went back and read your original farewell post. If none of this means anything to you, just ignore it. But there is a member here (I can't remember her name) that transitioned during her pregnancy. When I read this I wish, wish, WISHED I had done that. I wish my DD has only known me with natural hair. Your younger one is only two, and you have the one on the way, you have a great opportunity here.

On the other hand, don't look at this as your only chance in life, yada, yada, yada :lol: and don't feel pressured. I just wish I had this idea eleven years ago.
I think if I go natural I will either have to eliminate heat completely or be a straight hair natural.

Its not heat damage that is the problem but flat ironing my hair had caused a majority of it to loose its curl pattern...Or it could be heatdamage i dont know. Esp at the crown. But I dont know...there might not be? I think my hair just prefers to stay in one state. I have done two 10 minute coconut cowashes and the curls are still extremely loose. The protein treatment might be too mild though but I am scared to go to high and get a protein overload.

So I have to decide if I am going to want to keep my hair curly or keep it straight. Pretty sure I am going to continue to transition though. Almost 3 months in and my ng is super manageable with nearly 3 inches of hair which is great.

I guess Ijust need to make a decision.
Dayjoy THANK YOU I'm happy to be back:grin:, I just keep looking at my roots like 'I Love How This Looks' :lick:I'm going to work on trying different styles such as braids, hopefully I will one day be comfortable enough to wash, air dry/blow dry and braid until wash day again... And my dd was the main reason I decided to transition, i wanted a relaxer because everyone around me had one and had straight hair and I always had braids so i finally got one in high school :ohwell:, If she's old enough to make the decision and wants one then she can go ahead but I want her to grow up knowing that you can have beautiful hair without chemicals.
oh and my bfs mom isn't allowed near my daughters hair with a 10foot pole:nono:, she's who relaxed his nieces hair and she gets a touch up every 4-6 weeks on her Hally Berry length hair, colors her hair bright red and uses the curling iron like everyday:spinning:, no sir, I will chop her cute little manicured fingers off if she comes at my babies head with a relaxer lol :grin:, seriously tho:ohwell:
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:wave: hi ladies... I want to come back :drunk: I don't want a relaxer :ohwell: I think I was just so frustrated with the amount of time it took me to do my hair I was ready to throw in the towel, now that I've had a few days to cool off I'm about to return the relaxer I just bought :look:
I think my bf saw how upset I was and we had the longest conversation about hair last night that we've ever had, he told me he was talking to someone he works with that has full natural long hair and she was explaining to him why we should never relax our daughters hair (like i ever would anyway :nono:) and he started thinking about his niece who had butt length hair, no lie by age 6 then got a perm and it all broke off by age 7:sad:... Long story short he's going to try to help out on wash days so I can get through it faster
Soo Hello, my name is MJ, I'm APL, 7months post textlax and transitioning to natural :grin:

Mjon912 YAYYYY:grin: Glad you decided to stay. My wash days have gotten much more simple as time has passed. I usually either detangle/DC on dry hair (misted with water, then apply DC) in sections at night, dc overnight and proceed to wash in the AM and do a rinse out conditioner. That is if I plan to stay around the house the next day for it to dry. If not, I still DC on dry hair for 30 minutes, wash,rinse out conditioner in the mid to late afternoon and band my hair in 6-8 sections. It dries faster than braiding. Then before I go to bed Ill take it down (it will be stretched and just slightly damp) and do whatever style Im going to do for the next day...usually a braid n curl.

You could do it straight after your wash but I like to stretch my hair and have found that doing on dry/slightly damp hair gives more elongation and doing on wet hair gives more definition but also more shrinkage. That lasts a few days and the last day Ill just wear it in a puff...then Ill either restyle/braid and do it again or just bun for the rest of the week. I make my puffs by cutting a skinny headband into a string and tying it up to whatever position and thickness I want it. Until you get closer to a year post you may need a couple bobby pins to hold the band in place. Painless! Good luck and hang in there!
I swear I can switch from my staples and it doesnt make a diff.


I have been using kimmaytube leave in recipe. Which is great. This week I didn't feel like mixing it up so I grabbed my Hairveda busy Izzie moisturizer and used it. OMG! My braids are so moisturized under my wig.
Normally I wash and then reapply moisture on day 2 or 3. I went to undo my plaits tonight and realized my hair was very "juicy". So glad I went back and tried my "stash".

I'm just amazed and thankful I have my staples.

I am Working on month 20! Woooohoooo!!!!

Reflection....I Remember for 3 years Reniece tried to convince me to transition. She even offered me a discount if I transitioned. And I said no! (Still regret that) but There was no way i was not going to relax my hair.

I say all that to say, I'm not cutting my hair. I am hanging in here for every sis that thought she couldn't stop relaxing. I am so proud of me.....I NEVER THOUGHT I'd transition.



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How often should you comb through your head for shed hair if you are primarily finger detangling? I was finger combing my hair last night and noticed a lot of shed hairs, does shed hair cause major problems in transitioning hair?
How often should you comb through your head for shed hair if you are primarily finger detangling? I was finger combing my hair last night and noticed a lot of shed hairs, does shed hair cause major problems in transitioning hair?

hnntrr not removing shed hairs causes bad tangles for me. I now use a comb every wash day (twice a week) and finger detangle in between.
How often should you comb through your head for shed hair if you are primarily finger detangling? I was finger combing my hair last night and noticed a lot of shed hairs, does shed hair cause major problems in transitioning hair?

I finger comb and use a wide tooth comb to remove shed hair once a week. I try to go No more than two weeks with running a comb through. Or else I get knots.
PSA: 3/13/13 would a cool BC date....ANY TAKERS???? :)

I thought about it especially since MsDee's BC but 3.31.13 works for me as well. At least that's how I feel today. Besides today's my friend's bday.

There aren't anymore good dates (I don't think) so it could just be any day. I've also considered BCing on the 12th and I've also tried to do it by how many months post-relaxer I'd be. I'm just very into dates and numbers so we'll see.