Transitioners, why wait 18 months...

I'm nearly 21 months post-relaxer and I won't BC any time soon. My natural hair will need to be at least BSL before I chop. My total length is hovering at BSL right now, and my goal is WL before I cut the relaxed ends off in January '12.

I like long hair and see no reason to go shorter just because I'm transitioning.
@sipp100 that is my goal too. I first started growning my hair out then decided to transition to natural. My goal has always been to get to WL. BC would set me back a few inches. My goal is to get to WL then trim slowly over time what ever is left.
I just want enough hair to make an afro puff. The season matters too, I'd never make 18 months! I'd cut now if I didn't have to wear a winter hat! Wait till it gets warm, it's going to be on!....or should I say, these relaxed ends are going to be off!!
I would think some people could want their post BC hair to be at least the same length of their pre-BC hair. Well at least, that was my reasoning :)

^^this. I am coming up on 2 yrs post on 2/19. By November my longest layers will have grown the relaxer completely out, with a couple inches of straight ends in the front. I would like to start out 100% relaxer free at that length MBL stretched, which was the length I have maintained throughout my transition. Then I will concern myself with more length.
I would think some people could want their post BC hair to be at least the same length of their pre-BC hair. Well at least, that was my reasoning :)

I'm coming up on 36 months post relaxer in March and still have 3 inches or so of relaxed hair on the end. I'm transitioning without the BC and trim a quarter to half inch every 3-4 months.

How did you last this long? Everytime I wash my hair every two weeks, I get the urge to cut. I would like a decent lenght to work with but im just curious...
I just want enough hair to make an afro puff. The season matters too, I'd never make 18 months! I'd cut now if I didn't have to wear a winter hat! Wait till it gets warm, it's going to be on!....or should I say, these relaxed ends are going to be off!!

Im feeling that exact same way. I might not have an afro puff if I decide to cut but at least I can rock some WG's. September would be my 18 months and that might be a little to late for that!
I'm currently 19 months post and aiming for 24 months. This is my second time going natural (1st time was in '04 and I did the BC at 8 weeks post).

I feel like I tried it the hard way (for me) with growing out my hair from like 1" long and dealing with the in-between stages. I've been at least APL for the past several years and I have no desire for my hair to be any shorter than that. I am aiming for 24 months but honestly if my natural hair isn't a length I'm okay with by then then I won't be chopping then either.
17 months for me and I transition because I look horrible with short hair. It just doesn't suit me. Plus, I've gained a few pounds so my face looks a bit full. Until I lose this weight, a TWA just isn't flattering (*for me*).
for the first time in my entire life, i have long hair. something I have always wanted and I love it. I aint giving that up so easily, lol. i'm 11 months post right now and planning on going 18 months because it will be right before my daughter begins school and how awesome will it be that mommy's hair really does look like daughter's hair?

either way yes i'm holding on to length. I don't want short hair and limited styling options. I refuse.
I am on week 76 of a 104 week transition. I've been gradually triming of SSKs and splits but no major trimming during this time. I agree with others that transitioning for 18+ months is just for the length (and discipline?).

I guess it is also a test of my skillz - if I am able to care for the two textures of my hair and retain length during my transition, then I have more confidence that I will be able to care for my hair in its natural state.