I would join but after I started transitioning back in April last year I did wind up texturizing 4 months ago. I still feel like I've been transitioning for more than a year although I restarted over 4 months ago.

Quick question: Why are you hanging on to 1 inch of relaxed ends? :lachen:I am betting there is more relaxed hair on the top than in the bottom, I just thought it was funny... Carry on

It's kinda funny that you mentioned that, but that's how my hair looks. :wallbash: It's all my fault because I thought that I would keep relaxing the top of my hair since I wanted it to blend in with my sew-ins.
I'm in a little predicament right now with about 90% natural hair in the back, and 75% natural hair on the top and sides. :nono: In all, I stopped relaxing the top and sides about a year ago, and I stopped relaxing the back about 2 years ago. It was such a bad decision to keep relaxing the top and sides. The thing is that I never knew that I was 'transitioning' until I found the hair boards. I just knew that I made a decision way back then to never relax again.
Hmm...I think I'd have a mullet if I BCed. :look::perplexed I have about 4-5" of natural hair on the top, and side, and about 14" of natural hair in the back.:nono::sad::lachen: That is not a good look.:spinning:
Aw, that sucks, I got excited when I saw the title, but then I opened the thread and saw the "requirement"...:ohwell: I am planning on a long transition because I am currently a blunt BSL and there's NO WAY I'm doing a BC lol... Guess I'll just go it alone since I'm only 14 weeks in lol. I've transitioned as long as 9 months, so good luck to all of you. I'll keep an eye on this thread even though I can't be a member :rolleyes:

You sound like me... I got all excited when I saw the thread title... I don't come close to fitting the requirements with only 28 weeks under my belt.:sad:
But, I am still excited this thread exists :)

Good luck with all the transitioning lovely ladies. :)
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It's kinda funny that you mentioned that, but that's how my hair looks. :wallbash: It's all my fault because I thought that I would keep relaxing the top of my hair since I wanted it to blend in with my sew-ins.
I'm in a little predicament right now with about 90% natural hair in the back, and 75% natural hair on the top and sides. :nono: In all, I stopped relaxing the top and sides about a year ago, and I stopped relaxing the back about 2 years ago. It was such a bad decision to keep relaxing the top and sides. The thing is that I never knew that I was 'transitioning' until I found the hair boards. I just knew that I made a decision way back then to never relax again.
Hmm...I think I'd have a mullet if I BCed. :look::perplexed I have about 4-5" of natural hair on the top, and side, and about 14" of natural hair in the back.:nono::sad::lachen: That is not a good look.:spinning:

This is me- not feeling the mullet:nono: which is why I am determined to wait at least 10 more months before I chop.
It's kinda funny that you mentioned that, but that's how my hair looks. :wallbash: It's all my fault because I thought that I would keep relaxing the top of my hair since I wanted it to blend in with my sew-ins.
I'm in a little predicament right now with about 90% natural hair in the back, and 75% natural hair on the top and sides. :nono: In all, I stopped relaxing the top and sides about a year ago, and I stopped relaxing the back about 2 years ago. It was such a bad decision to keep relaxing the top and sides. The thing is that I never knew that I was 'transitioning' until I found the hair boards. I just knew that I made a decision way back then to never relax again.
Hmm...I think I'd have a mullet if I BCed. :look::perplexed I have about 4-5" of natural hair on the top, and side, and about 14" of natural hair in the back.:nono::sad::lachen: That is not a good look.:spinning:

Im so sorry for you...:lachen: I just pictured it and realized it was no laughing matter:nono: I am in the same boat because I texturized my edges at least twice before I even texturized all of my NG a while back.

I think it is bound to happen either way, even if you dont relax during the transition. The hair on the top of your head is further from your neck than the hair on your nape so it is going to appear shorter, or layered... :nono: So here I am now with a blunt cut, but if I BCd.. I would wind up with SL in the back and a TWA in the front. I think when you transition you are always going to have less relaxed ends in the back because its further down (no matter how much you trim). I want to BC so bad... but it just isn't gonna happen because of it:wallbash:
OT: hey, 'nita- you got me!!:grin: I'm not planning on doing the BC either and still early in...3months- holla!

You know you're my girl! Yay, I have at least 1 transitioning buddy :drunk:

I didnt think it was that crucial

Maybe not, but you never know... Last thing I'd want to to do is hijack somebody's thread if not even invited. OP did say "exclusive" and bolded the presently part :orders::lachen:

You sound like me... I got all excited when I saw the thread title... I don't come close to fitting the requirements with only 28 weeks under my belt.:sad:
But, I am still excited this thread exists :)

Good luck with all the transitioning lovely ladies. :)

Lol, me too. All these ppl BC'ing :rolleyes: :grin:

I'm only 15 weeks post, but can I at least get put on the waiting list?:look: :grin:Subscribing for future reference...:yep:

I would join but after I started transitioning back in April last year I did wind up texturizing 4 months ago. I still feel like I've been transitioning for more than a year although I restarted over 4 months ago.

Quick question: Why are you hanging on to 1 inch of relaxed ends? :lachen:I am betting there is more relaxed hair on the top than in the bottom, I just thought it was funny... Carry on

Beacause I CAN... :yep: but... who had 1" of relaxed ends??? I don't... got about 5 or 6"... can't see from my siggy... but I do... trust me... or don't... idc
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I'm in! Subscribing.

Sometimes I feel so lonely in this long term transition. You know, singing this tune! :violin:...the nobody knows... the trouble I've seen...nobody knows my sorrow.

I know Denver Girl & LouLou will be in here soon too.

I am currently 62 weeks into my transition
That is...

just over 14 months

Thanks to Denver Girl I am going to adjust my thinking and view the next 6 months as a 6 month stretch. I will re-evaluate my progress & length in December and at that point I may possibly decide to chop.

Southern Tease...your hair makes me week in the knees!

Stop !!! ((BLUSHING ))
It's kinda funny that you mentioned that, but that's how my hair looks. :wallbash: It's all my fault because I thought that I would keep relaxing the top of my hair since I wanted it to blend in with my sew-ins.
I'm in a little predicament right now with about 90% natural hair in the back, and 75% natural hair on the top and sides. :nono: In all, I stopped relaxing the top and sides about a year ago, and I stopped relaxing the back about 2 years ago. It was such a bad decision to keep relaxing the top and sides. The thing is that I never knew that I was 'transitioning' until I found the hair boards. I just knew that I made a decision way back then to never relax again.
Hmm...I think I'd have a mullet if I BCed. :look::perplexed I have about 4-5" of natural hair on the top, and side, and about 14" of natural hair in the back.:nono::sad::lachen: That is not a good look.:spinning:

Just multiquoting since Ediese is the only one who got the point. ST, I know you have more than 1'. It was meant just because It looked that way in the siggy and nothing else... Kind of as in a lot of us have that problem in the back, ya know?:perplexed I hope you didn't take it as some sort of insult...

Beacause I CAN... :yep: but... who had 1" of relaxed ends??? I don't... got about 6"... can't see from my siggy... but I do...
SouthernTease, your hair is Gawwwgeous!!!:yep: Did you know that your natural texture was like this while you were relaxing?
SouthernTease, your hair is Gawwwgeous!!!:yep: Did you know that your natural texture was like this while you were relaxing?

You're sweet... like cake... :grin:
was that creepy... i'm just really hungry...
anyway... Yes, I did know !!!... but hair stylists always told me I would have
to cut off all my hair if I wanted to go natural... so
I kept relaxing like I'm sure most women do...
and one of the reasons I am doing a long term transition...
is because I'm trying to prove a point...
you don't have to cut off all your hair to go natural...
for those of you reading... wanting to go natural...
don't believe the hype... it's not easy...
LAWD KNOWS IT AIN'T EASY... ((in preacher voice ))
but it can be done
im in. i've been transitioning for 9 months and dont have any plans to relax AT ALL. i will never relax again. first of all my curls are not unruly and my strands are fine and hair is thin so a relaxer to me does not seem like it can make my hair any better.
Just multiquoting since Ediese is the only one who got the point. ST, I know you have more than 1'. It was meant just because It looked that way in the siggy and nothing else... Kind of as in a lot of us have that problem in the back, ya know?:perplexed I hope you didn't take it as some sort of insult...

Oh hell yeah... I'm very defensive about my hair...
I will cut a b*****...
nah... just playin'...
I did want to shake you a little though ;o)
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You're sweet... like cake... :grin:
was that creepy... i'm just really hungry...
anyway... Yes, I did know !!!... but hair stylists always told me I would have
to cut off all my hair if I wanted to go natural... so
I kept relaxing like I'm sure most women do...
and one of the reasons I am doing a long term transition...
is because I'm trying to prove a point...
you don't have to cut off all your hair to go natural...
for those of you reading... wanting to go natural...
don't believe the hype... it's not easy...
LAWD KNOWS IT AIN'T EASY... ((in preacher voice ))
but it can be done

YES! :yep: I transitioned years ago without BCing and I would always tell others that...but no one believed me. Stylists also told me I would have to cut everything at once.
How much relaxer does everyone have left??

I have 5-6 inches :sad:. I'm going to LC an inch at a time in 2009. :look:
i dont know how much relaxed hair i have left. i'd say like 60-70%. but im not worried at all. right now i just co wash and pin up and go. when i want straight styles i flat iron and it comes out very nice.
Great thread! Great job everyone!

I'll be able to join the club in less than 3 months! I haven't cut or trimmed anything yet except for the occasional dusting. When my hair is at least MBL then I'll start cutting the relaxed hair little by little.
Great thread! Great job everyone!

I'll be able to join the club in less than 3 months! I haven't cut or trimmed anything yet except for the occasional dusting. When my hair is at least MBL then I'll start cutting the relaxed hair little by little.

Cool... that's my plan too.
SO... there are only 10 of us left???

Is it just me or has everybody been BCing...

you think it's because of summer and people just want to WNG...

I'm predicting to see a lot of transitioners BC for New Year's too.
Yeah. I think a lot of people want no-fuss hair for the summer and the WNG is really tempting. But I'm not having it. I'd rather go back in braids before I BC.
SO... there are only 10 of us left???

Is it just me or has everybody been BCing...

you think it's because of summer and people just want to WNG...

I'm predicting to see a lot of transitioners BC for New Year's too.

I would have been 18 months on Sunday:sad:. I got tired of dealing with the two different textures and was also having some breakage issues. More importantly, I wanted to focus on learning my natural texture and getting it in tip top shape rather than hanging on to the past.

Good luck ladies! I know all of you will have beautiful natural hair.:grin:
How much relaxer does everyone have left??

I have 5-6 inches :sad:. I'm going to LC an inch at a time in 2009. :look:

I have done two LCs and multiple trims since June 07, so I really don't have much left in the way of relaxed ends. Went from APL to a chin length bob, and now I've been hovering around SL, holding steady.

My nape is natural, crown area probably 2 inches, front 5 inches or so. I am now back in the mode of trying to grow my hair out, in combination with long term transitioning. My first goal was to get rid of most of the relaxed ends, which I have done. :drunk:
Who is using heat?
I am looking into buying a new blow dryer, I just cracked the seam of the comb attachment on my gold-n-hot.

Blow Dryer or Flat iron or whatever?
I still Stink at air drying? My hair feels much nicer if I lightly blow dry it.

I am thinking about Flat ironing my hair for the 4th of July.

What is everyone's favorite deep conditioner?
Mine is currently ORS Replenishing Pack in the bottle.

My hair laughs at those cheapo suaves & vo5s.

I really don't know how many inches of relaxed hair I have right now.

But I have had some major line of demarcation breakage on my left side and on the sides of my edges.

I think baking soda is my friend.
Anybody else kind of tired of people asking them
"why you aren't BCing"???

I am...
my siggy is a bit extreme...
but who wears their hair soaking wet anyway...
it's not like I walk around like that in public...
usually I wear flexi rod sets or buns or half wigs
people never even know I'm transitioning
unless I tell them
and my hair looks good...
so why would I cut it if I want length...
I don't care about wearing wash 'n gos anyway...
I'd probably just wear my hair pinned up all
the time since I'm super over protective about my ends...
I started LHCF just wanting long hair...
going natural came later...
so those are my goals in that order...
get BSL-MBL hair... begin trimming off relaxed ends
Actually I'd probably rock the BSL-MBL for a couple of months
and then chop... I really don't forsee carrying on with my transition
past 2008.
Aw snap!! Why am I just now seeing this thread. I'm definitely in this club.
  • Transition Length: I'll be 16 months post as of July 1st (next week).
  • Big Chop Date: I plan to chop after an 18-month transition (which will make it September 2008 for me).
It's getting rough, but I'm hanging in there.
Awww man... I am about to be 10 months next week... I just did my last chop 2 weeks ago. I wont cut again til May of 2009. my hair is even and thick... i love my natural hair... just not these edges cause its rollerset most of the time an they dont last past 2 hours... thats the only thing making me dream of the creamy crack:nono:
Hey there ladies!!!!

I am definitely in. I am currently a little over 16 months post and I find that I am learning to love my hair more and more with each month that passes.

I have anywhere from 3 inches to 7 or 8 inches of relaxed hair depending on the spot in my hair. I think that I am opting for a LT transition because I am in the military and I wouldn't know WHAT to do with all this thick hair if I couldn't put it in a bun.:nono:

Besides, I actually like the length and the fact that I don't have to work so hard to get my ends straight when I flat iron.

BTW Mook, I think Baking Soda is my new best friend too....:look:
Who is using heat?
I am looking into buying a new blow dryer, I just cracked the seam of the comb attachment on my gold-n-hot.

I AM!!! I find that I use it a lot less now though. My ionic blow dryer actually helps my hair to feel moisturized. I am loving it. To me, blow drying also cuts down on the stress when I want to flat iron.

Blow Dryer or Flat iron or whatever?
I still Stink at air drying? My hair feels much nicer if I lightly blow dry it.

Mine does too. I don't think that heat is all around as bad as everyone is making it out to be. It can be beneficial when used properly.

I am thinking about Flat ironing my hair for the 4th of July.

What is everyone's favorite deep conditioner?
Mine is currently ORS Replenishing Pack in the bottle.

Right now, JASON Sea Kelp Conditioner has my heart! I love how healthy and moist my hair feels after I DC with it. I think it has the right moisture protein balance for me. I think it will definitely be my staple.

My hair laughs at those cheapo suaves & vo5s.

I really don't know how many inches of relaxed hair I have right now.

But I have had some major line of demarcation breakage on my left side and on the sides of my edges.

I think baking soda is my friend.

The baking soda has helped to minimize the tangles and breakage DRASTICALLY!!! I kick myself for sleeping on it for all this time and allowing myself to lose so much hair in the process!:wallbash:

Thank you for the link to this thread Mook!:grin: