**Transitioners, What Are Your Plans????**

Transitioners, what are your plans????

  • BC at specific date MORE than 6mnths from now

    Votes: 10 12.7%
  • BC at specific date LESS than 6mnths from now

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • Cut gradually

    Votes: 22 27.8%
  • Playing it by ear

    Votes: 16 20.3%
  • Fighting the urge to BC NOW

    Votes: 6 7.6%
  • When reach specific length goal

    Votes: 16 20.3%
  • Other/Combination

    Votes: 8 10.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
How long do you plan to transition??

When will u BC, if at all......are you cutting gradually???

I'm nosy..... :grin:

I plan to grow to BSL then cut to maintain it at that length until I'm 100% natural..... but we'll see what happens......
i go back and forth depending on the day. lolol but like you, i'm thinking of waiting until i'm bsl, and just slowly chopping away the relaxed ends. but, i really want to be completly natural by my bday next year, which would put me at 20 months post. so, i'm not sure yet.
Lol I should have underlined plan..... not too long ago I was fighting the urge to BC..... so well see how long I really make it :lol:
I can say at the least I want to be APL curly, but ideally I want to be BSL curly. Therefore, I'm transitioning until further notice.
I'm growing my hair out first so I'm only trimming as needed, last trim was December. I'm APL now, going for WL. I haven't felt the need to BC at all.
The two textures are sometime difficult to deal with but each length you have to find a way to deal. When I reached APL I had to star washing in braided sections. I also have a different texture in the front where it's only natural hair. (coarse and wavy)

It's doable you just have to learn how to treat your hair. This is my first time growing my hair out as well so that is probably why I don't know as much about long hair.
I plan on transitioning in braids for 4 years; I’m undecided as to when to cut my relaxed ends. I shall probably do gradual cuts with a final cut for evenness and removal of any remaining relaxed hair once I reach my goal of MBL.
I'm just going to cut as I as my natural hair grows in. Maybe if my natural hair reached between SL and APL stretched, I'd BC but we are talking at least a year of growth on that one.

Right now I only have about 1.5-2 inches of natural hair stretched
I'm happily 14 months post...
I kinda like the idea of a long transition.
But I've been cutting gradually...*detagnling is
a night mare*
Anywho, I like the idea of hiding my hair.. I don't want
to put out a date..I'll just know
when I'm ready...:)
Im currently apl and i plan to transition until my natural hair reaches at least apl. i want to be able to wear my hair in a natural bun without much tension. im 4 months post and i have a whole lot of ng. im just taking my hair one day at a time and only touching it twice a week. i have a few staples like vo5 conditioners right now and shea butter is working well for me. braidouts and buns are all im doing right now. my transition should last 1.5-3 years i also stopped cowashing my hair, i cant wear cute buns on wet hair. i dont want to do the bc. i want to cut as i grow so my first trim will be in december. i should be close to bsl then
Well unlike everyone else here .. I plan to bc quite soon. Im not scared of short hair... to me the sooner the better. So i chose Other/ Combination because i'm fighting the urge to cut it now . I'm one month post in two days and i have no noticeable growth lol So im going to wait until Jan 30th to cut , I should have at least an inch by then.

I have no patience for transitioning longer than 5 months
I plan to transition for as long as I can. My goal is to be at BSL or longer by Sept 2010. I haven't had a relaxer since 12/2008. I don't know where I am nowbecause I just started really trying to learn about how to take care of my hair. Pictures will be coming soon!
kinda playing it by ear. Part of me wants to BC in 6 months, part wants to do it a year, and part wants to make it o APL and then cut to maintain that length...
I have no clear plan, one day I'm ready to BC immediately, the next I want to never do a BC and just trim and retain as much length as possible.

I have no idea how long I've been transitioning because one day I just decided I didn't want to relax anymore and I think it was sometime in May. I flat ironed for the first time in a couple months and I'm just about at MBL. I love the length because I'm able to do all my buns. I have about 3" of NG stretched and I think the revised plan is to start wearing my hair in braids starting in Jan. and continue to do them throughout the year and BC Jan 2011. But then again next week you may see me posting my BC pics....:ohwell:
I am in it for the long haul. Probably until it becomes too much of a nuisance to deal with the 2 textures. Im thinking about 1.5-2 yrs.
The earliest I have planned to end my transition is March of next year. I may wait longer but who knows. In the end I have to make sure I am ready and not doing it (chopping)just because.
i plan on trimming gradually but reaching BSL before I do any major chop (if there's hair left after the gradual trimmings).

I also plan to use BKT to help me with the two different textures, so that should help me prolong my transition. No BC for me because as adamant as I am about my decision, one just never know if they may decide to relax again.
I'm transitioning until my natural hair is beyond BSL stretched.

I had planned on transitioning 3-4 years but I am 20 months post and my natural hair is already APL... so we'll see
Who knows...sometime before fall 2012. I did the trim as u go method for a while, but have since decided to enjoy gaining length along the way. Plus, if I decide I want to relax at least I hv my length...just being honest. I know how much work my natural is...
I'm playing it by ear. I've had short hair a few times in the past five years, once by choice, the other most recently, not by choice and I'm not willing to go down that road again.

My hair is finally completely healthy again, at shoulder length and I'm 10 months post. I'm going to keep letting it grow for another 6-8 months and then re-assess.
I have no clear plan, one day I'm ready to BC immediately, the next I want to never do a BC and just trim and retain as much length as possible.

I have no idea how long I've been transitioning because one day I just decided I didn't want to relax anymore and I think it was sometime in May. I flat ironed for the first time in a couple months and I'm just about at MBL. I love the length because I'm able to do all my buns. I have about 3" of NG stretched and I think the revised plan is to start wearing my hair in braids starting in Jan. and continue to do them throughout the year and BC Jan 2011. But then again next week you may see me posting my BC pics....:ohwell:

I could NOT have written this better if I TRIED! I totally agree with this ENTIRE post!!!!!!! (Even down to the BC in Jan 2011!) The only thing different is I'm only BSL - not MBL. But the rest is pretty much dead on. :yep:

I think you might be my "hair soul mate". We have the same exact plan - as flimsy as it may be... :lachen:
i guess its kind of a combination. i am cutting anywhere from april to june of next year. I want to be full APL natural and it WILL happen sometime between those months (i am an inch or so past shoulder now i think). then the ends can go.
Im the playing it by ear girl...but I'm mostly transitioning with braid extensions ( modified C&G). If I like how Ive come along after this round ( I remove them in 2 weeks) Ill chop all the relaxed off (maybe) wig it for a couple of weeks then do another round of braids. but I loveeee the texture Im just afraid bc I dont know what its going to be like when I dont have the braids in......
How long do you plan to transition?? Minimum of 18 months

When will u BC, if at all......are you cutting gradually??? June 2010, nope not cutting gradually. Doing S&D's if I see any splits and will probably trim no more than an inch in December
I don't have a BC date set per se but I am trimming gradually. I'll probably keep my hair at a blunt cut SL which it's currently in. When I decided to transition I trimmed off a few inches taking me from APL to SL, I figured it would be easier to manage the two textures at a shorter length. So I'll most likely keep my hair this lenght so as it grows I will trim......I am completely anal about thin ends and will NOT have them on my head so yes I'll gradually trim. If it changes I'll let you ladies know. HHG
I am currently 8 months post with no real plans to chop my hair. I'll probably wait until I get to BSL and gradually trim until the relaxer is all gone.
I had 6 to 8 inches cut (at one time) in April 2006. After that, I did gradual trims. I'm just about done transitioning now.
How long do you plan to transition??
at first I was going to evaluate at the year mark, but since I have figured things out and it's going smoothly I am leaning towards growing it all the way out.

When will u BC, if at all......are you cutting gradually???
No BC, my last trim I asked for 2 inches off all over, but I am comfortable with it now, so I am returning to only getting what needs to be trimmed about every four months.
