Super Long-Term Transitioners (2 yrs+): Help!

*Pros of your transition

I got an opportunity to learn about my hair and about myself...Long term transitioning required me to step out of my comfort zone and find styles that looked decent on both straight and non-straight hair...

*Cons of your transition

I did not retain nearly as much hair as I could have because I began using dominican blowouts as a transitioning method, but I was not necessarily concerned about growing hair- I just wanted to maintain the hair that I had...
*Styles you wore most often

Braid outs, no doubt!!

*Techniques you used to maintain the health of both textures

Once I started wearing my hair straight (about 8 months into my transition), I would go to the dominicans every three weeks and that helped me tremendously...On the other hand, because I wasn't doing my own hair, it kind of handicapped me...

*How often you cut/trim during your transition

I would "mini chop" (cutting about an inch and a half) every 6 months...

*Some things you wish you had known during your transition

I really didn't start learning about my true "natural" texture until about 10 months ago and I have been natural for 5 years...I wish that I wouldn't have given in and worn exclusively straight styles for the majority of my transition...It wouldn't have been such a shock if I would have worked with my natural hair throughout the entire process!
*Any pics from your "BC"

Nope! I'm sorry!

*How many inches of natural hair you had at the BC/what length you were after the BC

Never did "BC", but I started my fully natural journey at full SL
I BC'ed last night, so I am unsubbing from this thread, but PLEASE keep the information coming! It was very helpful, and if I wasn't so impulsive, I would have definitely used it to continue on my transition.