Transitioners support thread

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Hi! my name is GP and i'm a transitioner.

8 weeks post



i need to upgrade my camera STAT. :look:
I am 6 months into my transition and things are becoming more difficult.
My questions are:

-Is it normal to have a lot of shedding at this stage? I have gone from practically no shedding to moderate shedding now.

-Did you all experience tangles and knots that sometimes had to be trimmed out? This is happening mainly in my crown area when I airdry, so I tried some minor blowdrying after my wash today and I still experienced knots. Even my K-Cutter is working that well anymore!

-Is there something missing from my regimen that would help things along?

my regimen is:
shampoo and condition once a week: kenra ms/mc
leave-in: giovanni direct
moisturizer: bb castor oil moisturizer and pure castor oil for the roots and ends
I have about 3 inches of natural hair and 13 inches of relaxed hair
style: low bun (slicked back with aura pomade and fantasia ic frizz buster gel)

Thanks ladies

Could someone please tell me what a k-cutter is? :perplexed

My new growth is out of control! I use my jilbere but I want some other options.
It's crazy. i'm starting to see the lil broken hairs :wallbash:. I think I started this stretch, which turned into transitioning, by doing too much to my hair and not respecting the demarcation line.If i didn't like something, i'd start all over which meant more manipulation etc. thinking that my hair wouldn't suffer like talking bout it. But I've learned (still learning actually) that less is definitely more. and a gentle touch goes a long way. So I can't do anything about the already short pieces of hair, but I can take care of the rest so no more breaks off. Thanks for letting me have this short vent. It's late..:yawn: I'm off to bed.
i'm beginning to love my hair again. i'm just getting over a rough period. i think another one will come near the end of the year. i am itching to BC but i'm forcing myself to wait.


Okay - so... i started trying to figure out what to do with my hair after my wedding. (in feb of 07) I took the weave out that I had in for the day and found that the hair at the crown of my head (where she left out for the part) had pretty much broken off. The rest of my hair was uneven but shoulder length. I went to the dominicans for a cut (my mistake for the location I chose) and they just chopped off the back of my hair LOL. Frustration set in... and I found a really nice wig style and have been rocking it pretty much ever since. 6 months later... all the permed hair has broken off and I'm working with a head of natural hair that I have NO IDEA what to do with. It's about 5 inches long all around (getting around to snapping pics soon)... and pending on the side of my head has a texture of it's own. It was breaking and falling out like CRAZY until about 2 months ago when a woman at the BSS where I get the wigs from gave me this Cinnamon treatment to put in my hair which almost instantaneously stopped the breakage and hair loss. AMEN!

My brother's suggestion was to go with a low fro, ditch the wig and try to have a cool summer. Which I would probably JUMP at the idea if I was just 60 lbs lighter... I liked my permed hair... but if there is a cute way to wear my natural hair... I'd really like to explore it. Right now - I've not been to a hair stylist in over a year (for cost and trust). I'm NYC. I could use any suggestions anyone has one what to consider next... where to go... what to do...

Any ideas you can provide are greatly appreciated.

Ok...I have finally made my decision to officially transition. I have attempted it in the past twice, relaxing at about 6 months post, and 9 months post, but this time, I have soooo much more knowledge to go about doing it. In the past attempts, I got discouraged because of the tangling and matting, but I feel confident now that the third time's the charm :) (12 weeks post now) I will be making the transition W/O the BC!! I don't like short hair :p (no offense to those who do, its just not for me)

I have been eyeing so many ladies' natural hair of late, pondering what my natural hair will look like (I have pics from when I was in the 4th grade, big, long puffy pony). I originally thought that I would texlax, but I am not so sure I could pull that off successfully, my hair processes very fast, so natural it is!

I was just checking out Goingnatural's fotki, and :thud: That was the extra push I needed.

I think that's close to my texture, so I can dream of my hair looking like that someday :infatuated:

Quick question while I'm at it: Do most of you detangle your new growth with each wash, or leave it be? I have been detangling with a MP Rake, followed by a D3, but it just sheds so much its scary... (I am using OT, which contributes to the shedding, and I am also Postpartum, which also equals more shedding!)

I know that I need to tweak my reggie a great deal and I'm sure I'll find many answers here. I'll be going through the entire thread over the next few days. So excited to be here and TIA!
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Congratulations on your transition.

About your question, well i detangle everytime i wash with is every day to every other day. This works for because i cant deal with the tangles that come with not detangling for a weeks time.
Congratulations on your transition.

About your question, well i detangle everytime i wash with is every day to every other day. This works for because i cant deal with the tangles that come with not detangling for a weeks time.

Thank you for the response :)
My hair is in a bad way. I'm frustrated again. I feel like i was on the right track with keeping it healthy and now my vacation ruined it. (sun, saltwater, chlorine, daily manipulation, brushing etc)
5 Months post and I don't think I can do it anymore ... :cry2:It's too much to handle ... I just wanna wear a wrap which at this point happens to be impossible :jail: .. I feel a perm in the mists !
5 Months post and I don't think I can do it anymore ... :cry2:It's too much to handle ... I just wanna wear a wrap which at this point happens to be impossible :jail: .. I feel a perm in the mists !

You CAN do this.
month 5,6,7 were ROUGH for me. do you have a maxiglide? that straightens my hair to the point where people ask me if i got a touch up.
That way you can wrap your hair!
experiment, TRY new styles/ways of straightening.

You can totally handle this.
Checking in here, I'm just over 3 months post but I've gotten lazy so I haven't rollerset my hair in what feels like AGES. I know I'll eventually have to do it though, I probably will tonight and flat iron the roots so that I can have a straight look without having to rock this air dried ponytail anymore. (It's been my best friend since APRIL).
You CAN do this.
month 5,6,7 were ROUGH for me. do you have a maxiglide? that straightens my hair to the point where people ask me if i got a touch up.
That way you can wrap your hair!
experiment, TRY new styles/ways of straightening.

You can totally handle this.

Thanks for the info:grin:

I've tried a hot comb, regular ceramic iron, pony tail roller set, and blowing it out and my problem is reversion. My new growth will go back to it's normal state once I step outside :wallbash:

But I haven't tried out a maxi glide so I will invest in one and try it out before going straight back to perms. (Fingers crossed)

Thanks for the info:grin:

I've tried a hot comb, regular ceramic iron, pony tail roller set, and blowing it out and my problem is reversion. My new growth will go back to it's normal state once I step outside :wallbash:

But I haven't tried out a maxi glide so I will invest in one and try it out before going straight back to perms. (Fingers crossed)

OH! in that case, you've got to experiment with different products that bloc k humidity
for me, washing, applying coconut oil and straightening works well, then i put a frizz blocking serum on my roots and ends before i go out.

Thanks for the info:grin:

I've tried a hot comb, regular ceramic iron, pony tail roller set, and blowing it out and my problem is reversion. My new growth will go back to it's normal state once I step outside :wallbash:

But I haven't tried out a maxi glide so I will invest in one and try it out before going straight back to perms. (Fingers crossed)

Hey, check out the Sabino Moisture Block thread on here. It works! I used it on while on vacation in DR and back in NYC while its hot as ever and my hair hasn't reverted. They send out samples too.
Quick question while I'm at it: Do most of you detangle your new growth with each wash, or leave it be? I have been detangling with a MP Rake, followed by a D3, but it just sheds so much its scary... (I am using OT, which contributes to the shedding, and I am also Postpartum, which also equals more shedding!)

I know that I need to tweak my reggie a great deal and I'm sure I'll find many answers here. I'll be going through the entire thread over the next few days. So excited to be here and TIA!
I detangle my new growth with every wash. That's once a week. I detangle with my wide-tooth hard rubber comb first, then I detangle with my K-Cutter (mine has a straight handle, No. 523 on this page), then I use my Denman D3.

i crossed over and BC'd.

12 months and all that breakage did it for me.

Congratulations on your BC!