Transitioners support thread

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Thanks ladies for the welcome. It's going to be an INTERESTING journey ahead to say the least!

I'm doing braidouts to help me through and get used to seeing textured hair on my head again... Also it gives me a break from heat. What I find helps my braidouts to hold up is setting it with a mix of diluted Lotta Body, coconut oil, and SAA (optional). I put it in a little spray bottle and spray my hair with with before braiding. Then set them on flexirods and let them dry. My waves hold up all day and the next day as well if I want them to. Even when I sleep on them. In the morning I just wet a little and fluff out. Moisturized if needed and go.

I'm a little nervous about this of course, but I think I can handle this if I just keep doing what I'm doing and keep it simple. I plan to allow myself to flat-iron 1x a month if I wish. :rolleyes:

I'm excited about having natural hair again, I hope my hair is too, lol.

What the heck is SAA?

Coconut oil is the only thing i use in my hair anymore. it's a godsend
Checkin in! Alot of my long term transitioners have BC'd!!!! I'm still holding steady til next April tho.
I'm in... again...

I transitioned in 2005-2006, and posted in this thread. I was natural for about 14 months, and re-relaxed in September of 07.

My last texturizer was March 2008 so no "excitement" yet... but we'll see.
Hi Everyone,
I am a new transitioner and I am currently 22 weeks post. I was natural from 1999-2002 and I really loved my natural hair but it became hard to manage. I think this time around I will be more successful with all the knowledge I have. I just recently did a mini BC and I plan to transition with out the major BC. My transition is going smoothly right now and I am loving my new growth. I have enjoyed my time of being relaxed and my hair wants to be free. I can already see the thickness kicking in and my scalp doesn't miss the relaxer burns. I would like to say congrats to everyone who has made this decision. Good luck with your journey!!!:grin:
Re: I'm in!

After much contemplation and the careful study of my favorite LHCF ladies and the awesome naturals that I see in everyday life, I've decided it's time for me to "come home" as well. I'm currently transitioning. And I'm so excited about it. My last relaxer was April 18th, 08, I was natural from 2003-2007, so now that I've had fun relaxing again, I'm ready to go back and relearn how to truly care for my natural hair and embrace it for what it is... Now that I have the knowledge, all things are possible and I'm looking forward to seeing it thrive for the first time (Lord KNOWS I had no idea of what to do with it when I was natural all those years - so I weaved it up, lol).

I'm currently in week 7 of my stretch, and it's smooth sailing. I normally stretch for about 10 weeks and that where things start going downhill because I'm trying to fight the curl and keep my hair straight. This time around I"m really actually more interested in natural type styles or textured styles so I'm doing mostly braidouts and updo's (I'm really into French twists now and funky buns). I may straighten like once or twice a month just to go for something different but my main idea is to just stay textured and get used to my newly amazing spiral curls that are popping out. I'm sticking to my regimen which works for me - 2x a week wash/DC - light protein DC 2x a month or as needed - a cowash in the middle of the week. I've got all my products down that work for my hair and most are organic products now and my regimen is really simple so it's easy to stick to.

I'm looking foward to once again having a head full of amazing natural spirals. It's SUCH A LIBERATING FEELING TO JUST BE ME!:drunk::yawn::yep::spinning:

Sitting here with a cool braidout and an Orchid in my hair, and loving it!

Congrats Foxie!!! Girl, this is going to be fun. :yep:
I'm (hopefully) in this for the long haul too. The first year went by better than expected. I plan to trim in May 2009.
Hey Ladies! I am back, I want to go natural so bad I done it and lasted 9 months and when I look back at the pics my natural hair was so beautiful and soft, Anyway I am gonna try to transition, I don't feel it will take me long at all, because I only have linke one inch to 2 inches of relaxed hair so my Transition should go very smoothly. All other times I Big Chopped and I just don't want to do that again. You ladies are very encouraging and so inspirational, I guess that is why I go back and forth LOL!!!!

This my situation. I keep perming after being natural for about 6-9 months. Then I really miss my rollersets and stuff because the length is so short from BC'ing. Now I'm going to transition so i can still style my hair as it grows out.I too have about 2 inches of hair. I'm going to try and stick with it and my soon to be hubby wants me natural. Therefore, I have a support system
14 months post checking in as well.

I plan to hold out as long as I can..but after stalking a few fotkis and salivating over their hair post bc (namely tetbelle, fabienmd) me thinking..if my hair looked anywhere near that...:lick:
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Ok thanks cinnamin 316 and Whimsy! I figured it was but I was trying to do low manipulation!:giggle: I guess it can't work for everyone! Hopefully this will make my transition go much smoother!
I'm in... again...

I transitioned in 2005-2006, and posted in this thread. I was natural for about 14 months, and re-relaxed in September of 07.

My last texturizer was March 2008 so no "excitement" yet... but we'll see.

Wow we both got our last texlax/texurizer on the exact same day!:drunk: Good luck with your transition! How long was your natural hair before you used a texurizer?
Lol Whimsy - yes its silk amino acids. Provides amazing slip and pliable strength to the hair. I add it to a lot of my conditioners and leave-ins, and its non drying. is where I got mine.

Cheeeeeeeeeek! Haaaa-aaaay gurl *waves*! So now we're really in this together buddy. I'm going to try to do this w/o big chopping, I'm not ready to go back to ultra short hair just yet.

On my way to Sally's (in some REMOTE part of Brooklyn) to buy a Denman brush. Woohoo!

On the bus and on my Blackberry - can u say addict! And this lady with AMAZING 4a hair just got on and her daughter's hair is to die for. Gosh I can't WAIT!
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I, too, am in this for the long haul. I don't have any plans to BC. :nono:
I am excited too. I want to be 20 weeks post already. :grin:
I, too, am in this for the long haul. I don't have any plans to BC. :nono:
I am excited too. I want to be 20 weeks post already. :grin:

Word up! Same Here. Whenever my hair gets longer than BSL i get antsy and ready to cut but when I make it there this time (probably december/january) i'm going to just let it keep on growing! :yep:
Soooooo I just came from Sally's and in my hand I have a Denman D3 brush (and a Jilbere Shower Comb). I'm not supposed to be spending money lol, saving saving saving! But I figure this is going to be a necessary tool in my transition. My curls are already TAKING OVER my scalp, lol.

I've also decided that I will definitely stick to doing braidouts and rollersets if I plan to wear my hair down. Last night I cowashed but just let it dry straight, I was planning on doing a french roll in any case. And with my roots and my mot so bone straight ends I don't think it's as polished as I like. So it's definitely either BO or RS (lol getting too lazy to type stuff out- still on the Blackberry).
I'm still transitioning. Even though I am pretty much all natural. At first I thought I had a lot of perm left in the front but I'm beginning to think it's heat damage, it's pretty straight and doesn't hold my curls like the rest of my hair and it frizzes up worse than the rest of my hair.
Soooooo I just came from Sally's and in my hand I have a Denman D3 brush (and a Jilbere Shower Comb). I'm not supposed to be spending money lol, saving saving saving! But I figure this is going to be a necessary tool in my transition. My curls are already TAKING OVER my scalp, lol.

I've also decided that I will definitely stick to doing braidouts and rollersets if I plan to wear my hair down. Last night I cowashed but just let it dry straight, I was planning on doing a french roll in any case. And with my roots and my mot so bone straight ends I don't think it's as polished as I like. So it's definitely either BO or RS (lol getting too lazy to type stuff out- still on the Blackberry).
I bought a D3 from Sally's after I decided to transition. It helps to detangle and smooth my hair. I did rollersets until I was about 4 months post, then I bought a D3 and started doing twistouts.
yay, i just read a few pages and found people in the 1 year plus club who haven't BC'd! this gives me hope...until august anyway.

oh, to the people who asked about styles, my hair is flat ironed this week but for the first time ever in life i am sick of it being straight! i refuse to waste this sabino MB though so it will stay like this till friday, when i will attempt two-strand twists. i do want a nice set of box braids or something though to keep me from thinking about the BC.

i also found that besides this thread blogging is very therapeutic...i have a lot of journals in my fotki if anyone has some free time, well a lot of free time, just beware that i am corny.
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I've been transitioning for over a year but I texturized 3 months ago:sad:. I'm hoping this second try will be the last time. When I'm 6 months post I will have 3 in. natural hair, 4 inches texturized, and hopefully an inch or two of bone straight hair I plan to chop off. That way I can have 7 inches of gigantic hair to play with until I'm comfortable doing the actual BC...

I've been trimming every 2-3 months, last one on March 22, next one either tomorrow if I need it or later in June. Then there should be at least 3 more trims this year after that. Either way by the end of 2008 the bone straight hair will be gone. Then next year I'll be getting rid of all the texturized hair.
I've been transitioning for over a year but I texturized 3 months ago:sad:. I'm hoping this second try will be the last time. When I'm 6 months post I will have 3 in. natural hair, 4 inches texturized, and hopefully an inch or two of bone straight hair I plan to chop off. That way I can have 7 inches of gigantic hair to play with until I'm comfortable doing the actual BC...

I've been trimming every 2-3 months, last one on March 22, next one either tomorrow if I need it or later in June. Then there should be at least 3 more trims this year after that. Either way by the end of 2008 the bone straight hair will be gone. Then next year I'll be getting rid of all the texturized hair.

aloof how u be girl!?!?
i didn't know u texxed
ah well, welcome back to transition world!! :)
Hi! my name is GP and i'm a transitioner.

8 weeks post


